Friday, December 29, 2006

Last but not Least...

Not to be overlooked is Princess Fatima... whose cuteness is too much to be measured mA. Sitting on Nanaboo's (Nana Abu) lap eating raisins.

She's totally taken with my younger brother, Ali. Here's the story:

One night my sister and brother-in-law had to go to a wedding. Ali and I stopped by to watch the children. I'm close to Idrees, because as he was growing up we got to see a lot of each other. Fatima is very clingy to my sister (her mother) and I dont get much of a chance to see her often, so she doesnt recognize me. That night, Fatima would not leave Ali's side! She recognized him enough, and even when he prayed, Ali had to hold her to his chest and pray because she cried each time he left her alone. HELLO??? Im related to you by BLOOD kiddo! We share the same mitochondrial DNA!!!

The other day when Hanna reached Ali's house, and Ali walked up to the car window where Fatima was seated she kept squealing and frantically waving to him to come pick her up out of her seat!

Perfect Bumper Sticker


Masha'Allah my nephew is the cutest, bestest, funniest, coolest nephew in this world and the hereafter! He's only 4 yrs old, but his funny streak has been well-developed since before his 1st birthday!

Over the weekend my family got together and everyone was watching the Eagles/Dallas game. My nephew is an Eagles fan, but my brothers (from Maryland) are obvious Ravens fans. They were teasing Idrees for his Eagles shirt and this is how the conversation went:

Janzi: Idrees, only girls like the Eagles. Are you are girl?
Idrees: Nah unh, Sarah Khala likes the Eagles!
Janzi: Um, yeah. Sarah Khala is a girl!

Ok here's the thing: psychologically little children think of their loved ones as being genderless, especially when they begin to realize that members of the opposite gender have cooties. He's always jumping on Sarah Khala, hugging on her, playing around, tackle-tickle, etc. How could his beloved Sarah Khala possibly be a girl?

Harsh realities sink in, but Idrees is no loser and he's not about to let someone get one by him...

Idrees: So. You look like a girl because only girls have PONYS!

(Note: my bro -- God love him -- is letting his hair grow out and he wears it in a low ponytail)

NICE COMEBACK KIDDO!! much love...

A picture of Janzi Mamoo with Idrees

Thursday, December 28, 2006



Thursday, December 28, 2006
Your home is again the center of attention. The rest of the world gives you a lot less comfort these days. Recharge your personal energy by lounging around the house for as long as you are able.

...this is true. I lurrrvee my apartment and its making me such a homebody. People say its very warm and inviting. You'd know, too, if you visited. I mean if I invited you. :P

Friday, December 29, 2006
If you feel more alive today, thank the stars. Getting what you want is suddenly easier by asking rather than by pursuing a detailed strategy that verges on conspiracy. Focus on the simple.

Ok, honestly, I can tell ya one thing: stars aint got shit to do with feeling more alive -- its called TWILIGHT RUNNING aka running when all the world is asleep, my own damn shadow wont even accompany me!

Conspiracy?... me?? Nooo...

*chalaki kuri 24/7*

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Cutie Patootie =o>

Cutie cutie nephew sportin' his Eagles pride! You'd never know his father was a HUGE Cowboys' fan!

It could ONLY happen to me...

Last night I had a friend from home come up to visit me. She is off from work the rest of the week and she decided to spend the night. I still had to go to work in the morning, so I told her to rest and stay as long as she needed. I remember her mentioning the situation with my front door but I dismissed it by saying, "Its ok. Just leave the deadbolt unlocked when you leave". But, when I left in the morning, I locked the bottom lock and threw the deadbolt on as well thinking she would just unlock it from the inside and lock up after she left.

WRONG-O! I have a double safety deadbolt, it only locks (and opens) with a key from both the outside AND inside. It wasnt until 11am that I realized what I had done: I had locked my friend inside my apartment with NO way to get out!

Almost an hour (with traffic) away from home I panicked and began pacing. My friend had a cellphone, but cellphones dont work, much, in my apartment and she wouldnt have answered my landline. I couldnt get up with her. I called my professor's house and hoped that my professor's mother would climb down and unlock the top lock.

Long story short: my professor's mother saved the day. All's well that ends well.... only now Im being mocked by everyone as the friend-monster who has to lock people in her apartment to get people to stay.


The dumb things I do I tell ya --- anything for a laugh.......its ok; its allright!

Tuesday, December 26, 2006


This article so far has been published in AltMuslim [11.21.06], The American Muslim [11.23.06], OpEdNews [11.23.06], The Daily Times [11.24.06], and Middle East Online [11.26.06]. I saw it on Dr. Khan's Globalog blog.

Many Muslim cab drivers in Minneapolis are refusing to allow passengers carrying alcohol in their cabs, saying it is against the Islamic Shariah [law] to do so. More than half the taxi drivers on the airport are Muslims, and as soon as they got a majority, they have resorted to imposing their beliefs on others.

Imagine if you have just flown in from Baghdad after a long flight, you can’t wait to get home, reconnect with your family, and share a glass of some exotic alcoholic drink that you purchased on Dubai airport [a Muslim country] with your wife to celebrate your return home alive from Iraq. It is 2.00 AM but your reunion is delayed because cab after cab, driven by Muslims, refuses to take you home once they spot you carrying alcohol.

Sounds crazy, but sadly it is true. As a Muslim I am both ashamed and shocked at this strange conduct of my coreligionists. In principle Islam does not advocate imposition of Islamic values on others; there are several injunctions in Islamic sources which make this clear. Are we here to give our families a better life or are we here to convert America into an Afghanistan under the Taliban? Do we want to use American freedoms to learn about Islam and practice it in an intimidation free environment, or use it to spread the disease of religious intolerance? Will Muslim presence in America strengthen it or subvert it?

My response:

I say it is up to cab drivers to decide who they allow in their cabs and who they do not. Its more of a safety issue, than a religious one. Would you let someone in your cab who was carrying a loaded weapon? If restaurants can prohibit smoking/drinking, then why cant cab drivers ask for the same courtesy? Why must every issue be a religious issue? Why must people make Islam out to be the big bad wolf when really its common sense? If a Muslim person tries to incorporate traditional, cultural rules in his life, why do other Muslims identify him as a fundamentalist? Do we see him as a threat? Or does his compulsion force us to see our own shortcomings in practicing?

Cabs are privately owned. Their productivity is directly proportional to the number of rides offered. The cab driver is willing to sacrifice income for his cause, doesnt that say something?

Friday, December 22, 2006

A Girl and Her Kite

A little girl lost her kite in the wind.

Who's at fault? The wind, the kite, or the girl?

The wind was fierce, knocking down everything that got caught in it.

The kite was weak, the string snapped in half.

The girl had soul, but should have known better than to fly her kite in stormy weather.

Who am I? The wind that keeps blowing her chances away? The kite thats not built strong enough to stand its own ground? Or am I the little girl with heart and soul whose just silly enough to take chances?

Thursday, December 21, 2006

The Story of Hajj

My close friends, Noreen and Jim, leave today to start their journey to Mecca for Hajj, mA. I hope, insha'Allah, that their Hajj is accepted and their prayers are answered. I shall preface the story of Hajj with a conversation between Noreen and I from yesterday.

NGil: Any special duas for you? I have the obvious
NGil: you know...sleeping in the back room....a working oven....
me: funnier friends
My du'a is for a stronger and more united Muslim Ummah to step up and end the suffering and oppression Muslims everywhere from the West, Shaitan, and most importantly from themselves and of course the safe return of my friends from a successful Hajj, Ameen.

The Story of Hajj
by: Maulana Wahiduddin Khan

Long ago about 5000 years ago, in a faraway place called Ur in Iraq, a child was born whose name was Abraham or Ibrahim. He was so gracious, tender-hearted and of pure in faith that Allah gave him wisdom when he was still a child. Allah was so pleased with him that he made him His best friend.

When Abraham grew up, he became a great prophet, and preached the truth and God’s message in his country. Later he traveled to Syria, Palestine and Egypt.

When a beautiful son was born to his wife Hagar, he was ordered by Allah to travel towards Mecca along with his wife and the little child, whose name was Ishmael or Ismail. They all traveled for a long time till they reached a lonely, barren valley, near two small hills called Safa and Marwa. Abraham asked his wife to stay near one of the hills along with the little Ishmael, and started to go away. But his wife protested "Why are you leaving us alone here? Are you leaving us here to die?" But Abraham replied, "My Lord has commanded me to do this." Then Hagar, breathing a sigh of relief, said: "If Allah has ordered you to do so, then He will not let us die."

After a while, baby Ishmael began to cry for want of water. But there was not a single drop of water to drink. Hagar ran helplessly from one hill to another, but there was no water, nor any human being to give her water. As the baby was crying desperately with thirst and the mother was running from one mountain to another, Allah caused a miracle—a spring gushed forth beneath the feet of Ishmael. When Hagar saw this from a distance, she shouted "Zam-zam (stay, stay!)." Hagar came running and gave some fresh spring water to the thirsty child to drink. And so his life was saved. This spring later on became famous as Zamzam.

Ishmael and his mother begin to live in the valley and because of the Zamzam spring more people gradually came to settle in the valley, slowly building up a small town, which was later called Mecca.From time to time Abraham would visit Mecca to meet his family, especially to see his young Ishmael, growing up in the beautiful surroundings of nature—in a lovely valley surrounded by hills, away from the crowded city—away from people of the city who at that time were mostly idol-worshippers.

One night, Abraham dreamt that he was sacrificing his son, Ishmael. This was an order from his Lord. His son was still a child, but Abraham told him about his dream. Ishmael was a brave boy. He was ready to obey the command of God, who had created him. So, without hesitating, he said to his father, "Do what you are commanded, father. Godwilling, you will find me one of the steadfast."

Abraham took his son away to sacrifice him. As he reached a place, which is now known as Mina—a valley near Mecca—Satan appeared and tried to dissuade him. Abraham picked up a few small stones and threw them at Satan. And little Ishmael and his mother did likewise.

As Abraham took a knife to sacrifice Ishmael, Allah sent the angel Gabriel (Jibril) with a ram. "Sacrifice this ram. Do not sacrifice Ishmael," said Gabriel to Abraham. Allah was so pleased with this act—the readiness of Abraham to sacrifice his beloved son, that He commanded the believers to observe this day as Id al-Adha, or the Feast of Sacrifice. Every year Muslims sacrifice an animal in remembrance of the great act of Abraham.

Ishmael grew up a strong and loving youth. Abraham and Ishmael were ordered by Allah to build the House of God—the Kabah in Mecca. Both took stones from the nearby hills and started building the Kabah. As they laid the foundation, they prayed, "Our Lord, accept this from us! You are the All-hearing, the All-seeing." They also prayed for a prophet to be born in their family who would teach wisdom to the people and purify their faith. Their prayer was answered many years later, when the Prophet Muhammad was born to their descendants.

Abraham was ordered by God to clean the Kabah for those who come there to pray, and to call people to Hajj: "Call all people to make the Pilgrimage, they shall come to you on foot and on the backs of swift camels; they shall come from every deep ravine."

And so Allah made it obligatory for every Muslim male and female to go for Hajj once in a lifetime, provided their means and health permitted. Since then believers from every part of the world go to perform Hajj to fulfill the command of their Lord and to remember the great act of the Prophet Abraham.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Morning Musings -- Random Thoughts

If you're looking for a diamond in the rough, you've most likely missed it.
If you think everything qualifies, get your head examined. Not everything that shines is a diamond.
If you are able to find true beauty where you'd least expect to find it, then you are King/Queen of the World! (for a day, then you have to give me my seat back!)

Staring at my makeup closet (yeah it started out as a bag...) I come up with slogans you'll never see in print: GOD didnt, MAC can! GOD created, MAC perfected! MAC 2 in 1 liner and lipstick - GOD was in a hurry too! GOD's ballpark is a scary place, MACs got bases covered!

Coming south on 95 in the morning just in time to see the sunrise its a wonderous sight. Two different worlds, ghetto Camden - Center City Philly, joined by a bridge. I think to myself, We dont need politicians, just social engineers.

Have you ever randomly waved to drivers? I did this morning. I waved at the gentleman in the next lane turning left. It startled him, he dropped his coffee and missed his arrow. Sometimes even good intentions have bad consequences.

(as a hijab covered sister steps out infront of me)I think...
If I wore hijab, I'd never ever have another bad hair day again...

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

And just like that...

...we're back online, Blogger and I!!!

I shall celebrate my posting the cutest image in the world!

the superific, funtastic kiddies, Idrees "the Reese I love to pieces" and Fatima who just learned how to say No! -- sleepy angels back from pakistan...everyone: AWWWWW!!

(convo with my elder sister last night)
Hanna: Fatima just learned how to say no. She says no to everything.
me: apparently it gives them power and they like seeing a reaction
Hanna: Fatima, you want to go to school?
Fatima: (quickly) NO
Hanna: you want to go outside?
Fatima: NO
me: Fatima you want candy?
Fatima: Candy, yes!

Mama didnt raise no fool! good girl!

She even makes stuff up now in order to get attention.
Fatima: Mama, Idrees (her bro) pusha-meee. (pushed me)
Shahab Bhai (my bro-in-law): No way, Idrees was no where near her.

Papa: she's like you... drama queen.
me: I am not a drama queen. I am a drama MAGNET!
Papa: can you be a job magnet and stick to something?
me: leave a message after the (beep)
Papa: Aww Poootri (yes, the name has stuck. He calls all his daughters pootri and somehow has managed to make one word sound like three different names --- its like a derivative of the word putar, meaning son. Dont ask!) I called you to tell you there are people who love you and want to hear your voice and it'd be nice to hear from you once in awhile
(guilty as charged -- Im such a horrible daughter I cant even counter_
me: Well you know how you only remember God in rough times? Im sure you'll hear from me, eventually, unfortunately it will be when I need something.
Papa: you dont even do that anymore...
me: ...dont open up a can of worms
Papa: are you okay?

Now, PARENTS, why do you do this? We're direct descendents of you..... why in hell would you get an idea that we could possibly be okay??? Why do you even bother? You dont want to know........ you really dont want to know...

me: Allhamdullilah, Papa.

NICE SAVE! Ive learned that arabic words are great for avoiding saying how you truly feel. Its just the perfect amount of vagueness. Enough to mean.. its God's will. Doesnt mean youre happy and it doesnt mean you're screwed. It just means however the hell you are......... its meant to be.....and you'll deal with it. Oh, and adding a "Masha'Allah" for effect is brilliant!

To the Left, To the Left

...everything I fear in a box, to the left.

I realized yesterday why I've moved so much in the past two years: packing everything away and fleeing the scene of the crime has become my MO. I've been using it as a crutch for a lot longer. Everytime I move, I acquire more useless shit and each time Ive moved there has been one box Ive failed to unpack. Its in my closet. I'm afraid to open it. I keep adding to it, but I've never get to the bottom and unloaded it. In high school I had a diary and it amazes me how honest I used to be with myself back then. Its a true account of EVERYTHING I felt, the good, the dark and the heinous. But nothing is hidden.

As we get older, why do we have a more of a tendency to let things slide? Why do we lie to ourselves and pretend its all okay? Why do we not let ourselves start over? I should force myself to go through it and address its contents. I used to think the past was something to move away from, and its true, you shouldnt let your past occlude your future, but when dealing with mistakes -- your past is a key tool in helping you figure and sort stuff out, like house cleaning for your soul.

We all have an unpacked box to the left of somewhere. In due time, in due time...

Whats with the nativity story? Every year during Christmas, like the Ten Commandments during Easter, the Nativity Story gets re-made. Im not hating, for the sake of religious acceptance, it is a nice story. What I want to know is... How come there is no Hajj story? Wait, backup Muslims!, do you even know the story of Hajj?? There are tons of stories we learned as young children -- bedtime stories if you will -- and I was thinking the other day how we need to look into making a movie about Hajj. (Yeah, its brewing with all the other project ideas in my head) If not a full-fledged movie, it would be nice if children from an Islamic School could do a play on the story of Hajj. Of course, I say this with an "american" upbringing, and Im not sure if Islamically we are allowed to portray these stories or not. I know we are not allowed to put a face to the Prophet Muhammad (saw), but I'll have to check to see if we can portray other key characters or not and get their points across. I think around this time its especially crucial for Muslims to give insight to who Jesus, Prophet Isa (pbuh) is to us. Religion for thought on a Tuesday morning with wet hair waiting to be blown dry.

Its 7am...and I have to drive. I must cut this entry short for now. I shall add more tonight.

Friday, December 15, 2006


I am no longer able to access blogger through my job network. So I cant post to my website from work, but I can see my page, which totally stinks cuz my best material comes to me when im at work...........screening is like salat... you remember EVERYTHING under the sun while you're doing it.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Chicago Bears

In lieu of the Bears winning last night and clinching the first round play-off bye, I figured I'd bring back the 1985 Bears' Shuffle...

(btw: I totally dont remember this, Jon was the one who brought it to my attn)

Monday, December 11, 2006

Speaking of painting...

I went to a friend's house Saturday and I never knew she was the decorator type. I mean shes a good girl and all, but I didnt expect to see so many "homey" touches. I almost took out a pen/pad to jot everything down. My newest project now is to paint my apartment. Yes, Im stealing her idea, but she said its ok. =)

So Ive been at my new job for exactly three months now, today. woohoo. September 11th seems so far away. I suppose thats a good thing.

Pa: I suppose this means its time for you to move on.

Am I really that flighty?? Again, its ALL my brothers fault! COMPLETELY. He's jinxed me for life, complaining about how he couldnt understand how I worked at the mall in the same store for 7 yrs during high school and college.

..and now I cant last more than a YEAR in a single place. I intend to stay at this current job, however, even while Im in school... whenever I go back.

OMG. OMG. OMG. Remember back to something from your childhood that scared you, or made you disgusted, or just something that plain as day made your life unbearable to stand... THEN.. imagine walking down the street to work and seeing that person/thing.

YES. I ran into Lucifer himself this morning crossing the street. She looked exactly like PsychoBitch from my previous job -- enough to jar me from my thoughts and coffee moment. My skin began to crawl, breathing stopped, legs froze all in a Philly-second (which measures 2.5 seconds exactly haha).

Then I laughed it off, completely, making a quick phone call to the ladies back in Htown (who still work with her) to tell them.

Apparently, it wasnt personal: shes got a personal vendetta against anyone who seems to be happier than she. Misery loveeeeeeees company. And miserable she is.

I dont get it. People keep commenting today on my hair, even my director noticed. I dont remember doing anything different to it (except brushing it ahaha.. ). I suppose Ive finally mastered the technique of a blowout. That and the fact that my hair is straighter than ... than the most straightest thing in the world (I couldnt think of anything straight...........I can think of crooked things though *evil, evil, girl*)

OK, so Saturday I had the opportunity to be one of the guys on a trip to the Jersey shore. Three dicks and a chick. And hearing them talk about relationships was an eye opener. Apparently, some guys are just out for a good time, some are looking for a down-to-earth girl, and some love to doctor up and dote on girls. Yes, they do talk about things JUST AS MUCH as we do. Oh and by the way... they do have feelings too. Or maybe I just have really cool guy friends.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Blank Canvas Awaiting Strokes of Life

I find myself seeing my life as a blank canvas today. Its blank because I had it whitewashed - fresh to start again. It signifies rebirth, exciting opportunities, and unchartered territory. A full-fledged Crayola Convention swarming my thoughts: radical reds, juicy oranges, fertile greens, lemon yellows, and clear-sky blues.

Its my painting; I'll color outside the lines if I want to.

The hardest part: deciding what color to use first.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Where do they come up with this?

You Are An ISFP

The Artist

You are a gifted artist or musician (though your talents may be dormant right now).
You enjoy spending your free time in nature, and you are good with animals and children.
Simply put, you enjoy bueaty in all its forms and live for the simple pleasures in life.
Gentle, sensitive, and compassionate - you are good at recognizing people's unspoken needs.

You would make a good veterinarian, pediatrician, or composer.

They Don't Blame God

There are two kinds of bad people in this world: the openly, morally corrupt bad and the religious with corrupt undertones bad.

The openly and morally corrupt person has one thing going for them: they dont blame God. They know their faults and mistakes are a direct connection to their wicked lifestyle. You know their mistakes and could have spotted this sinner in utero. They will, eventually, reform themselves, but overcoming temptation and having freed themselves of their former self they will not cheapen their accomplishment by hiding the facts.

There is no refuge from the 'religious with corrupt undertones', unless you are fortunate to catch them chewing (mouth-open) on a hypocritical statement. To them, it's all God's plan. You cant run, and if you run - where will you hide? Checks and balances to them is making the fact that they pray five times a day an excuse to let some things slide. Worst of all, they'll never tell you "the whole truth and nothing but the truth" so help YOU God!

Wallahi, I prefer the openly and morally corrupt over the latter because these people are atleast honest. The religious people take everything as a sign from God -- if God wanted you to know, He would have told ya!.

Its okay to make mistakes if you know you made them. Mistakes are a huge part of learning. If you dont know you made a mistake, you cant learn from it. Its worse than denial -- it's an incredible combination of arrogance and ignorance leading to blindness. Yes, lying to yourself will make you go blind, amongst other things.

Pakistan is the largest exporter of these religious with corrupt undertones! (theres that joke Noreen!!) If you're laughing, you know its true. If you're angry, its 'coz Im talking about you!

What would you rather prefer: Buying a used car that you KNOW pulled to the left at one point or paying full price for a mid-sized, fully-loaded, lemon?

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Ode to Moi

Some think they know me. Some want to know me. Some will never know me. Ma and Pa wish they didnt know me. (<3) My sisters think Im adopted. My closest friends know me too well. Know this: You'll never forget me. ;) You think you know, but you have NO idea. Rejecting the obvious, embracing individuality, defying authority = me. Living my life in a manner that lands my biography on the Top 10 Best Seller List.

Interesting people find me interesting. Boring people find me complicated. Angry people find me PMSing. Neat people find me cluttered. Simple people find me scary. Religious people call me confused. Conservatives call me a Democrat. Look beneath the surface, without any expectations, without your prejudices, and you'll find me as me. Then I'll call you lucky.

Life is music to my ears. Everything has a sound especially emotions. Every sound has a purpose. The things you hear loud and clear dont require ears or audio devices. Listen with your heart, listen with your soul, listen with all your senses, and you will hear life, too, iA.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Pecan Brain

Pecans look just like the brain when whole. Did you know?

Easily Amused

Wah jee wah!!

Monday, December 04, 2006

the Weekend and thus far

I had an awesomeeee weekend. Noreen came up to visit from Maryland. She hadnt been to my apartment since we, initially, had come up to see the place. We shopped, laughed til we cried, stayed up really really late -- til my 'narcoleptic tendencies' got the best of me. She really really liked my apartment, mA, and Im glad a level-headed person agreed with me: my apartment is too home-y to want to leave it and go out!! *yay* Its so true. I have the hardest time trying to get myself to go to work in the morning because I actually like my apartment and want to stay home! We went shopping and I bought curtains, finally, for my two back rooms. AND, of course, we each bought shoes too! -- still looking for a work bag --

My Monday was great -- Eagles won against the most hated PANTHERS (reference: 14-3 from 2004) AND My Sinners made it to the playoffs, a second yr in a row, woohoo. My season record: 7-6.... not bad. Two rounds of semi-finals.... then finals, which I will not make it to .. basically I want to just make it to the finals...thats it. How odd would it be to have a girl beat a team full of veteran fantasy footballers??

HELLA FUNNNY! ahahah.. im evil I know. but why be nice -- its just not as entertaining!

Im finished with my cases from all my needles Im basically wasting time away checkin' out all kinds of nothings on ebay.

FOR THE LOVE OF GOD if someone's listening who has a really chic work leather.. I dont care how much it costs.......get at me plz with details on where you got it. At this rate, I'll be retired before I find a bag of my liking...

Jim: Did you see the cat?
Noreen: No, she ended up not getting it. Her 'committment phobia' got the best of her -
Jim: She cant commit to a haircolor, how can she commit to a cat!

HAHAHAHA.... I heard that! Whats it called when your friends get to know you too well? Oh yeah.. SCARY! i cant commit to a BAG either -- ive bought three since I started working -- its getting better with each one that I get.. so Im hoping, in the essence of saving time ... that this next one is the one!'d think it was a guy. haha..

Friday, December 01, 2006


Me: Its going to be really stormy tonight, rain, thunder, lightning...
Ma: What are you doing?
Me: driving into work
Ma: ..and you're my smart child, right?

Yeah so I dont know why I did, but I decided to drive to work. It must be a Friday thing bc Im noticing a pattern. Anyways, on the highway I notice this license plate infront of me spelled BADSHAH. And I thought it was neat so I tried to snap a pic of it from my cellphone. After two failed attempts it occurred to me that "Badshah" might be able to see me and I didnt want him thinking I was a crazy "stalker", especially if he was hot. My curiosity got the better of me, wanting to know Badshah's identity, I changed lanes and passed him slowly. Picture this: Uncle Jee dude, square mustache, big dark glasses.

Sarah: is he hot?
Me: (described the above)
Sarah: HA! Its still a hot license plate. Maybe its his son's car?
Me: Not likely. Im sure his son would have more sense of style than to put BADSHAH on a Ford Tempo!

Whats in a name?? Ok, Im seriously tired of people, upon hearing my name, thinking I was named after Farrah Fawcett. Yes, my orthodox Muslim parents named their daughter after a blonde bimbo! I was up on a procedure yesterday and people asked. I said no. And then someone casually mentioned that Farrah now has anal carcinoma. Ahem, lifestyles of the rich and SHAMELESS!!!!! But, but, where and when did I EVER say I wanted to know that???? I'd like to know what vibe I sent out so I can have it fixed.

Im really pissed off because I have a CAMP newsletter that I was working on at home that needs to be finished ASAP and I meant to email it to myself from my laptop so I could work on it during downtime at work --- Ive been in downtime since 10am but I forgot to email now I have to blog about it bc I cant finish it here. Total waste, total waste.

(just now..)
Laur: Do you ever shut your brain off?
Farah: Why?? Do I talk too much?
Laur: You think too much.
Farah: hahahaha
Laur: You're getting better though.
me: (ouch)
Laur: You only over-think a few things now.

Wow. Maybe I do live in my head too much. But Im a virgo for cripe's sake. Overanalytical is my middle name. Lauren, however, is referring to me yesterday pondering about the drug of choice of this addict. I agree I was profiling a little when I said the patient looked like a meth user bc her teeth were missing (????)!

Its been awhile since I had a heart to heart with my blog, err heart-to-umm.. whats a good substitution for heart for a blog -- OH MY GOD --- im doing it again!!

Ok so anyway, I'll stick to the facts from now on. Noreen's coming over tonight to spend the weekend with me. It'll be the first time she's been to my place since our initial visit back in September. Our itinerary is already filling up with all kinds of cool things to do in the city --- definitely SHOPPING, HOOKAH-ING, and CRAFT-ING.
I want to finally get curtains up in my place -- shades scream pseudo-nursing home environment to me.

Work is Allhamdullilah going well. My anxiety has all but faded away.

OMG get this: One of our secretaries over lunch came through and mentioned a priest coming to her house soon. She told us about her dream the other night in which the devil was in her house. FUNNIEST THING: I left Surah Baqarah playing in my apartment this morning -- not because of the devil --- but just because its supposed to bring angels to the house and of course that adds to barqat. Isnt that so cute??? I just picture a bunch of angels sitting around, like KG-storytime, listening to the recitation.

Anyway back to Suze.. she's having her house blessed. She said shes been spooked ever since and she has a rosary that shes been praying on -- isnt that neat how all religions have their own ways of quelling evil???? In her dream, she never sees the devil, but feels his presence AND being the supermom that she is she ATTACKS it head on but then wakes up before anything happens. Good for her!! The devil was HIDING from her in a closet... maybe he's gay? OK STOP! Gosh.. Im so bad. Its not a matter of turning it on or off --- I think extra brain activity is a GOOD thing --- it keeps synapses firing mA. :)

Where was I? Haan, Jinns. My mom and sis and I were having this discussion on possesion. Ma said that people in Pakistan, in order to keep their children from going out and odd hours, would warn them of Jinn. Of course possession is reality -- but someone said it occurs very infrequently in this country. Like they have statistical analysis on this?? IT WASNT ME! :P

Anyway, my sisters friend's momz was saying how Jinn can become attracted to a girl/woman's beauty and that this one village girl got possessed.

Ok, but honestly, Jinn do exist. They are unseen to us -- unless they choose not to be -- and we should respect their space on this earth.

We do have ways to "arm" ourselves, of course our biggest weapon being Allah (swt). My cousin in Canada had a friend who got possessed and ended up in a pysch ward. She went to the hospital to see her friend. Her friend, who is Guyanese, told her Jinn were bothering her all the time, making her think bad thoughts and that they were in the room at that moment. My cousin said "A'uzu billahi minashaitanir rajim" quietly to herself, and all of a sudden the girl sat up in her bed and asked, "What did you say??? They're gone but I can still hear them. Theyre angry." They left, angrily, and never came back until my cousin left.

Strong stuff. I dont think my place is possessed, I just left the recitation playing to allow for more barqat since I am the only one living there and Im hardly home enough.

It will be neat to see the feeling I get when I enter later on tonight, iA.

What is it with us not being able to leave well enough alone? There's something wrong with people that dont have time in this world to just do NOTHING because theyre too busy doing EVERYTHING else! I got an email from a friend about wanting to change the color of kitchen cabinets (mA they just recently moved into their new home). Halfway through painting they realize they dont like the color and would rather just stain the cabinets. Two busted stain cans (shes married to Mr. Bean and I mean that with love bc my family calls me Bean all the time for being narcoleptic and a like recognizes like.. haha) and hours of stripping later there's still a lot more work left. Sobz and Gul bhai -- if it isnt broke, don't fix it! =) Can I come sniff your paint??

Ok -- to all my knocked up friends who made me sit through their baby showers -- I've got TONS of Muslim Baby Names websites (we had to go through them when we were naming my neph) but just to name a few of my faves:

For boys: Benjamin-Yousaf (yeah thats TAKEN so you cant use it!), Shareef, Imran, Zakariyya, Yaqub, Isa, Yunus, Kareem, Aryan

For girlies: Amira, Reham, Sadiqa, Mariam, Hooriya

Remember to give your children names that are easy to pronounce here so substitie teachers dont pause when its their turn in role call.

I LOWE it!

...and a totally insufficient dowry! HAHAHHHA... cute.

Monday, November 27, 2006

It could ONLY happen to me!

I must backtrack the past week and a half going back to the weekend before last. I was supposed to get a kitten and I was really excited (me? a cat?) and I thought I had all the bases covered. All except one: my empty apartment. Because the kitten is so young, and he would demand a lot of attention, I had to give him up (??) before I even adopted him. It was for the better really, for his own good. But it didnt stop me from thinking: I am SUCH a committment phobe I cant even get a CAT! I kept thinking, "Oh my God, Im ALWAYS going to have this cat, I'll never be alone" etc.

Pathetic, I know. Just for fun, here are some of the comments I got from friends and fam when I told them about the kitten.

Pa: You know you're going to have to pet it.

Noreen: Farah's getting a cat!
Jim: This is Farah right?
(HA .. HAA... HAAAA.. :P)

Mimi (my sis): Im NEVER coming to your apt ever if you get a cat!
---hey, if I knew it was that easy...

(I swear -- its on my voicemail.. I should post it! ahahaa)

Anyway, I really got attached to him. He was soooo adorable. But it would hurt more to have to give him up because I couldnt give him enough of my time. He'd already been returned once and the ladies who were keeping him cried when he left. Apparently, I wasnt the only one who was attached.

Last week was really cool. Short weeks before holidays are always fun. My family came over to my place for Thanksgiving Dinner. Yes, I cooked. Funny thing happened with me and my stove --- apparently my landlady hadnt checked it before giving the apartment to me and I automatically assumed it worked... well it didnt... doesnt. So here I am... hours before dinner with a raw bird on my table and no oven. My landlady was away on vacation, too. But she was really sweet and called her bro to come unlock her apartment upstairs so I could use her oven to cook my turkey. I wasnt too comfortable, but really had no choice. Everything ended up being fine and the turkey was UH-AMAZING!

I had a great time with my family all weekend, shopping, watching movies, 10 card Rummy. My mom sis and I watched Dhoom 2 on Friday night. It was a COMPLETE remake of Mission Impossible 2, but it was a good movie.

I miss my baby boos. Hanna went to Pakistan. She'll be there for about another week and a half. I hope the children stay healthy iA.

Have you seen Prison Break?? HAWT guys!!!! The season finale is tonight. Im going to go watch it. I think ive been boring enough....

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Extremely tired girl

I havent even had the chance to make a post. Busy with work (commuting is starting to suck -- actually its because of the short daylight hours), busy with family, I dont have time for friends... I dont have time to wash dishes, I have spoiled milk in my refrigerator from Oct 10th thats now probably really good cheese -- so busy I havent had the time to dump it out as yet, Im late for fajr, just wasting time...and Im making Thanksgiving Dinner this year --- yay! :)

...and the 411 on my turkey: if you dont know.. then you just dont know! Masha'Allah.

~back for a real post sometime after the holidays~

Monday, November 20, 2006


Healing from within.

The human body is an amazing creation. All the means of recovery can be found within. When we injure ourselves, whether it be a cut, burn, bruise, or break, our bodies respond in recovery. At the site of the wound, the first response is to wall off or conceal the exposed area from the outside with massive amounts of inflammatory cells rushing to the site. The area swells up, becomes inflammed, a scab is formed, cells eventually begin to regenerate, slowly the wound heals from the inside out. We heal but we're never really cured. Bones are never as strong again leaving you vulnerable in that spot and excess scar tissue can, in and of itself, cause complications.

We have the same response when we are hurt emotionally. Our initial response is to wall ourselves off, completely shutdown, and our friends rush to our aide and try and contain the damage. Then slowly with time, you generate a thicker skin, or a scab, and hope you're never hurt again in the same way.

But we never really heal. We're, in fact, even more susceptible to injury than we ever were before, and every pain we endure we think we'll never be hurt that way again, yet every subsequent pain is enough to make us forget the one before it. It doesnt create new wounds, it opens up old ones.

The worst wounds are self-inflicted. We put ourselves in certain situations we know we're better off avoiding altogther. If our bodies never heal properly, do we ever really learn from our mistakes? If it doesnt kill us, does it really make us stronger? Could we have learned to ride a bike without falling? Can we find love without finding hurt first? Should we make people aware of our wounds so that they are more careful? Or would that only give people more ammunition against us?

I think the identity of the person we're destined to be with is the one who knows our wounds but does not let them become our weakness.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Oh... THAT traffic jam!

OK, so I usually take public transportation to work every morning, but I have to be somewhere EXTREMELY important tonight iA,(well let's hope it works out for tonight) If it all goes down then be assured you will hear about it right here on this blog!, so I drove into work today. BIG MISTAKE. I wasnt late or anything at all, I just got stuck in traffic -- thanks for keeping me company guys for those who texted me in my time of neeed -- but heres the silly part. Im watching the morning news and they always do the weather and traffic report every, what, 8 minutes or something... I WATCH IT RELIGIOUSLY, but Im blinded by the traffic girl's ring (ok YES thats the only reason I watch the traffic report--- oh! and her outfits because she always looks so polished) so Im totally not paying attn but I vaguely rememeber her saying something about a traffic block... and OH, HA, yeah.. I got stuck in it. So, I couldnt help but laugh -- if you were on 95 south this morning, yes that was my car stereo you heard blaring -- Its a Pioneer guys -- EVEN Surah Baqra sounds TIGHT with all the bass.

Ok, Im getting to my point.........

ok that was my point -- stuck in traffic, didnt have to be.. but oh well.

So im in traffic having this complete DEJA VU.. havent I done this before? (I drive in to work like once a month???)... YES, YES, I HAVE seen this before...Ive been stuck behind the same black Chrysler Sebring with the tinted windows and the bumper sticker that reads: GUNS DONT KILL PEOPLE. DRIVERS WITH CELLPHONES DO (as Im texting -- perfect. haha --- it was a mile an hour.. we werent goin' anywhere fast.)

...okay I was finishing up some cases and now I dont remember where I was going with this..


.... ok, screw it. it'll come to me later..Friday, again... already. I'll be home all weekend long... preparing a report (that I actually cant wait to start!!!!) and preparing for a meeting.... and adding more "homey" touches to the apartment.

...ok its going to bother me now FOREVER.......see this is a case of too much to say.. not enough time... not enough short term memory storage..


Thursday, November 16, 2006

Wait, What? Who? Did I miss something?


Thursday, November 16, 2006

Partnership energy might be making a companion of yours more boastful and cocky than before. Your attention to this person could be a sign of a growing fondness. If this is the one, you must embrace it with everything you've got.


How GAY is that? -- Its PAYDAY Thursday!

Sheesha (mirror) - useful

Smokin' sheesha (hookah) with friends once in a blue moon - FABULOUS!

Having a nicotine addiction - how GAY is that!!!

Mere Mehboob Tujhe - Mohammad Rafi, Mere Mehboob (1963)

Mere mehboob tujhe meri mohabbt ki kasam
Phir mujhe nargisi ankhon ka sahara dede
Mera khoya hua rangeen nazara dede
Mere mehboob tujhe

Ae mere khwab ki tasbir meri jaan-e-ghazal
Zindagi meri tujhe yaad kiye jaati hai
Raat din mujhko satata hai tasavur tera
Dil ki dhadkan tujhe awaaz diye jaati hai
Aa mujhe apni sadaon ka sahara dede
Mera khoya hua rangeen nazzara dede
Mere mehboob tujhe

Bhool sakti nahin ankhen woh suhana manzar
Jab tera husn mere ishq se takraya tha
Aur phir raha mein bikhre the hazaron naghme
Meri woh naghme teri awaaz ko de aaya tha
Shazedil ko unhi geeton ka sahara dede
Mera khoya hua rangeen nazara dede
Mere mehboob tujhe

Yaad hai mujhko meri umr ki pehli woh gadi
Teri ankhon se koi jaam piya tha maine
Mere rug rug mein koi barqse lehrai thi
Jab tere marmari haathon ko chua tha maine
Aa mujhe phir unhi haathon ka sahara dede
Mera khoya hua rangeen nazara dede
Mere mehboob tujhe

Maine ik baar teri ek jhalak dekhi hai
Meri hasrat hai ke mein phir tera deedar karoon
Tere saaye ko samajh kar mein haseen Taj Mahal
Chandni raat me nazaronse tujhe pyar karoon
Apni mehki hui zulfon ka sahara dede
Mera khoya hua rangeen nazara dede
Mere mehboob tujhe

Dhoond tha hoon tujhe har raah mei har mehfil mein
Thak gaye hai meri majboor tamanna ki kadam
Aaj ka din meri umeed ki hai aakhri din
Kal na jaane mei kahan aur kahan tu hai sanam
Do ghadi apni nigahon ka sahara dede
Mera khoya hua rangeen nazara dede
Mere mehboob tujhe

Saamne aa ke zara parda utha de rukh se
Ik yahi mera ilaaj-e-ghum-e-tanhai hai
Teri furqat ne pareshaan kiya hai mujhko
Ab to milja ke meri jaan pe ban aayi hai
Dil ko bhooli hui yaadon ka sahara dede
Mera khoya hua rangeen nazara dede
Mere mehboob tujhe

When I was younger, my parents had a VHS tape filled with just songs and dialogue from old movies. This movie was one whose songs I fell in love with. I never had the opportunity to watch the movie, but I just joined Blockbuster Online (think Netflix) and they have tons of Bollywood movies, and so I watched this the other night. I highly recommend it. It was EXACTLY what I expected it to be. The songs are all amazing, the acting is believable, and the story is very cute.

Basically, it is a case of mistaken identity, which was common during the practice of burqa Im sure. The purity of love between the two main characters will give you goose bumps.

Yeah, Im on an Oldie-But-Goldie movie kick right now. Next on my list: Sargam.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Whats your Seduction Style?

Your Seduction Style: The Dandy

You're a non-traditionalist, not limited by gender roles or expectations.

Your sexuality is more fluid than that - and you defy labels or categories.

It's hard to pin you down, and that's what's fascinating about you.

You have the psychology of both a male and a female, and you can relate to anyone.

Ruffiez wasnt an option for seduction style so I improvised. LOL. Oh and my candy heart would say "Whatever" haha.

CAN YOU TELL IM AN INSOMNIAC? The PakiestDude can.. He's bored too... but look at where he works:

Do you drive like a woman or a man?

Your Driving Is is: 58% Male, 42% Female

According to studies, you drive both like a guy and a girl.
This means you're a pretty average driver, with typical quirks.
Occasionally you're frustrated and or a little reckless, but that's the exception - not the norm.

Honestly, I thought I'd turnout to be more of a guy driver than just 58% but oh well. Ive been in a few accidents back in the day, just not enough space to blog about even the top 10.

To My First Love...

"Maybe it's intuition
but some things you just don't question
Like in your eyes, I see my future in an instant
And there it goes,
I think I found my best friend
I know that it might sound
more than a little crazy
but I believe...
I knew I loved you before I met you" - Savage Garden

Happy 4th Birthday to the sweetest nephew ever -- soo cute, mA, when he's chanting the Eagles' chant. Born during sehri on a Jummah in Ramadan, I saw him when he was only 4 hours old, the cutest thing in his incubator he stared at me with inquisitive eyes as if to say, "What next??" Our world waited long enough and its never been the same. Its even hard to think back to a time before his time. May Allah (swt) bless him with a very pious and prosperous life -- Ameen.

My boy sports a McNabb jersey and is mA learning spoken Arabic. He'll beat you in the number of Surahs he knows by heart mA (my unborn children have competition already!) and if you're a Cowboys fan BEWARE. He'll make you laugh til your sides hurt and tears completely soak the front of your shirt.

My favorite Idrees story:
My sister tells him what a husband is by example: his Baba, his Phoppa Jee, his Thayya Abbu. He quizzically asks, "Who's Farah Khala's husband?" LOL!

We have hugging wars and kissing competitions: he wins everytime. It started with Elmo and big trucks, progressed to Power Rangers. For now girls have cooties (his Khalas dont count), and I like it that way.. He's going to be a girl magnet, though, you can see it in his eyes. But he'll forever and always be a Khala magnet.
~Reese & Farah lyfe!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Window Shopping vs Bargain Hunting

Laadli88 (8:36:12 PM): im reading ur damn blog lol
Farah979 (8:36:02 PM): hahahhaa
Laadli88 (8:36:42 PM): gay is that
Laadli88 (8:36:43 PM): hahaha
Laadli88 (8:36:43 PM): sike

Who needs enemies when you have sisters that hold nothing back?? I said make me laugh jerkness, not make me laugh at MYSELF!! And making fun of my BLOG is where I draw the line! :P

I have two rules of engagement:

Rule #1: If your goodies do not come in their original packaging with a lifetime guarantee then they're not going home with me! They can sit on the refurbished items shelf for a shopper used to shopping on a budget just a while longer: past their expiration date already what difference would another day make?

Do people develop a habit of bargain shopping and figure they cant afford to upgrade? Do some people simply prefer artificial sweetners to the real deal? But if antiques are worth more with time, houses appreciate in value, and a used VOLVO totally trumps a new FORD, then is it worth the second look?

Rule #2: Anything that takes so much effort isnt worth the effort after all.

This needs no explanation. Its always easier to shop locally than to make the wasted effort of looking elsewhere and possibly coming back empty-handed. But, are there some risks in life worth taking? If you missed a great deal, but you didnt know about it, was it still a great deal? Why do we only notice something better after we've already committed to an item? Should we save all reciepts and go back for the difference? Or should we just relish in our expensive find and call it a lesson learned?

Monday, November 13, 2006


Rainy, grey, dark and dreary: i love days like this.

My weekend was great (all weekends ending in an Eagles win is a great weekend!): lots of more pics to put up, so I will post them in a separate post.

Have you ever had soo much to say you feel overwhelmed and cant find the right way to start things off? Yeah, thats my dilemma right now: too much going on, not enough time. Maybe tonight I'll find the best words...and then I'll change this post, again.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Dumped and Bumped - The Friend Ship Has Left the Dock

"Im friends with the exes from relationships that werent serious." - LB

Its funny this conversation about remaining friends with exes comes up at work as I had just watched the Sex and the City episode where Carrie ponders friendship with an ex. (Season 2, episode 6 -- the one where Carrie goes out to a "friendly" lunch with Big, the love of her life, and he tells her he's engaged and she FLIPS out, calling out the emotionally constipated man who suddenly isnt so stuck in a rut anymore)

There is no protocol, nothing carved in stone as to what happens next. There are, however, serveral million guide books and self-help books (and several PhD thesises that have been written on this very subject, Im sure) and each one will say the same thing.

For me, its simple: Friends have a very special place in my heart. If a relationship happens to not work out for whatever reason, it was not meant to be, and keeping the pace with that person is unbalanced, unnecessary, and a waste of time. (Like there arent enough OTHER people in this world to talk to!)Friendships are relationships the biggest kind being the obvious between a wife and her husband, second only to the one between a mother and her child.

Am I saying it cant be done? Of course not: my co-worker gets dumped and bumped to first class for her next trip ("pilot guy"). People sometimes say, "I couldnt stand him during our relationship, but as friends, we have a great time. I wonder what went wrong." Don't belittle yourself and question why something that seems pleasant now, didnt work out before. The reason is simple: once you strip away emotion and meaning -- you can get along with EVERYONE!

Your emotions are as unique to you as are your fingerprints -- and your entitlement to your emotions is as much as your soul is to God. Own your emotions, be proud of who you are and dont compromise your emotions to be in a friendship that means nothing. Don't confuse civilty with friendship. If so, you might as well make friends with your rag doll, it'd be the same thing. In the end, its plain and simple: the friend ship has left the dock, and you chose not to be on it. Any and all relations have left with it.

Thursday, November 09, 2006


1. You accidentally enter your password on the microwave.

2. You haven't played solitaire with real cards in years.

3. You have a list of 15 phone numbers to reach your family of 3.

4. You e-mail the person who works at the desk next to you. (OK, we're ALL guilty of this at my work place -- constantly IMing each other from the NEXT cubicle because we're trying to be invisible!!)

5. Your reason for not staying in touch with friends and family is that they don't have e-mail addresses.

6. You pull up in your own driveway and use your cell phone to see if anyone is home to help you carry in the groceries

7. Every commercial on television has a web site at the bottom of the screen. (

8. Leaving the house without your cell phone, which you didn't have the first 20 or 30 (or 60) years of your life, is now a cause for panic and you turn around to go and get it.

10. You get up in the morning and go on line before getting your coffee.

11. You start tilting your head sideways to smile.
: )

12. You're reading this and nodding and laughing.

13. Even worse, you know exactly to whom you are going to forward this message.

14. You are too busy to notice there was no #9 on this list.

15. You actually scrolled back up to check that there wasn't a #9 on this list


How GAY is that?????

Ok, new tradition: to make my Thursday posts even more interesting for everyone to read I shall start a new tradition of making every Thursday "How GAY is that????" post day!

I will start with two entries just for today being the initiation of this day.

1.) You people reading this and commenting to me about it all day long and never commenting on my blog: How GAY is that?!?!

2.) Falsely accusing someone of giving cold shoulders: How GAY is that??! ;P

Stupid stupid waste of time!

"A man curses because he doesn't have the words to say what is on his mind."
-Malcolm X

It is now a scientific fact, proved beyond reasonable doubt, that Malcolm X was not punjabi. Believe me, at times, no other words will do.

Kind of like yesterday. Im so angry I cant even blog about it! What a wasted trip!

Anyway, after I got back into the city from my trip I HAD to go shopping to calm down and I went to a different mall near my apartment looking for a bag to take to work (Yes, I needed another bag because almost all of mine didnt zip at the top and I hate being in the city with an open bag where people can either pull stuff out, or put something in) and I FOUND ONE!!!! *yay* Its a pretty black tote, large enough to carry everything I need to take with me, and sleek enough to not look like a duffle bag.

Mission accomplished.

Ok, I cannot get over how quickly weeks go by here. Is it just me or is everyone feeling this? Is it just me or was it not just Thursday like two days ago?? Last Thursday was payday and usually the lag week (this week) drags but thats not the case.

I hate to move forward always looking back, but I cant help but think back to my first job (previous job) and I remember the days/weeks going by really quickly there, too, in the beginning. Time at work just FLIES by. I get there at usually 7:45am, I screen my non-gynecological slides, if its my needle day - I go on a couple of procedures and look up and its 2pm!

Im going home to Bury this weekend: my friend from school is having a baby and Saturday is her baby shower!! Im super happy for the couple. They truly deserve it.

Maybe I should get a cat? Which makes no sense at all seeing as how I loathe cats and I have allergies (not to mention half my family does too). I would get a dog, but they're too needy. Cats are not needy. Cats are mean. Did I mention I loathe cats?

Tuesday, November 07, 2006



One of my friends from school was getting married in December and everything was set, everything was paid for and two days ago her fiance ended it all.


The kicker: she put him through GRAD school.

Monday, November 06, 2006

My World

Lauren: You're too in your own head to let yourself enjoy anything!

Pshh. Whatever. You dont know me! :P

Mimi: hey Farry-tale. thats your new name cuz you live in a make-believe world in which you secretly hold out hope for happily ever after.

Pa: Beta, of all my daughters I worry about you the most. You dont spend enough time on this planet.



Bronch, Sweet

(I wish I could preface this entry with suspense music...)
I went to the Bronch suite all by myself today. *yay* Go me, mA!!
When I first started work, this area of FNAs was the most intimidating for me. Mainly because you really have to know your stuff and you have to be assertive, confident, quick, etc., and also because this one brilliant doctor rolls with an entourage and groupie residents/fellows who jump on you the minute you get the sample to see if its positive or not.

Now, my job is to assess adequacy and to make sure the doctor got what he was intending to needle. (ie: if he's absolutely bet-his-first-born-son sure theres carcinoma in the lung and all I see are normal bronchial cells then obviously I have to tell him he didnt get the mass)

Im comfortable with going to two of our four main sites (ultrasound, and endoscopy) so when it came time to go to the Bronch suite, it was either me... or... me. And honestly, I hadnt been up there in awhile but I was getting restless and I wanted to try it on my own, so I went, scared and all.

I got there with enough time to set up, and then I prepared the first sample and looked at it under the microscope: JACKPOT!!! DING DING DING DING DING!! Im ecstatic, because its like WHOAH positive, but my job,in the most diplomatic way possible, is to let the doc know he's in the right area without tipping him off that its positive so that he prematurely pulls out and closes up shop. My job is to have the doc go back for a decent sample.

Then the brilliant doctor asks me, "Are we in the right spot?" Crap. I dont even know what my name is anymore .... ... .... so I tell him, "Wherever it is that you are.. just keep going back there for more!" Slowly his entourage creep over and I scream out, "I'd like [Brilliant Doc] to see this." He says, "Oh yeah. Thats very abnormal".

"But, can I pleaseee have some more, plz?" -- so I get two more samples and then he calls it quits. I take it down to my people (director of cytology) and she calls it adequate and positive!!!! yayy!!!

Thus ended my first Bronch needle by myself... sweet!

Is it Friday yet?

I dont know how I woke up this morning. I dont know when I fell asleep last night. Is it possible to wake up when you never really went to sleep at all? Stranger still, how do I still manage to have the weirdest dreams while in limbo between this sleep/awake state?

The dream was bizarre and I didnt remember it until I was on the train and it made me gasp, "That's right, I do remember that happening!" causing the old guy sitting next to me to be brutally ripped from his sleep (which from his harsh reaction I take it was obviously a good dream not having anything to do with his wife -- yikes!)

The dream needs no analysis because it was a pretty clear sign. I just remember being really shocked, and really confused. It came out of nowhere: I guess you never really know people, do you? How could we when we really dont know ourselves either, if that makes any sense.

So anyway, the dream was a confession and Im left to wonder am I better in having found out now, or am I meant to accept it and be okay with it. I suppose I wasnt too far off my mark... its just still funny to me.

Ok, I know this post wont make sense, and Im the last person you want to ask because it doesnt make sense to me either.

Anyway, it was a pretty cool weekend, not too much going on. Im such a complete fob: I went to see Umrao Jaan in the theatre yesterday. It was a good movie, really sad, loved the outfits, Aishwarya is gorgeous. My only confusion about the movie is how ultimately she is a courtesan but she prays fajr in one scene and they say "Salaam", "Khuda Hafiz", and this Molvi Saab is like her "father" yet doesnt keep her from selling herself.

I dont know maybe I missed something, but it was a different movie, long, but different. I remember thinking Im glad I didnt see it with my parents, although sitting next to Uncle and Auntie Jee was still pretty embarrassing.

Coffee, didnt I get coffee this morning? I thought Id stand in line forever at McDonalds (cant beat 0.69 for any size). I guess they were short staffed, but at first I thought it was because the shirt Im wearing makes me look like I work at Wendys. (its not logo-ed or anything, its just a button down light blue with a cardigan vest thats navy blue)

Here we go, another week. Have a good Monday!

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Changing Trains

As I waited for my train out of the city Friday night to come back home I couldnt help but notice all the trains coming through the busy station. I was late getting out and I thought I had missed my last train, when in fact, I hadnt. I began thinking and before I knew it I was comparing trains to relationships. Trains during rush hour are a dime a dozen. Rush hour being the peak travel time during the day. Bottom line: There is always another train. People getting on and off, transferring, changing trains. Sometimes getting from point A to point B is not possible with one train.

Does this mean all relationships have a purpose, too? Are we ever meant to take the first train if the second one ends up taking us somewhere we never thought we'd ever be? How long can I delay getting to the "station" before rush hour is over?

Some trains run late, some trains are the express, some are full, some break down, but whatever train it is that you're riding, know theres a reason. It might be the one you ride forever, or it might just be til the next stop. You pay for what you get, and there is no guarantee.

...just remember to keep the aisle free.

Saturday, November 04, 2006


Ok, so maybe Im a little slow. Ok, fine: retarded. I will admit it just this once. When I first moved in two months ago, my television was in my living room. My professor told me that there was an antenna at the top of the house and a cable coming in to the master bedroom at the back of the house. Naturally, I assumed this was the only place in the house where I could get reception. So, I moved my television into my bedroom. This was great. All my favorite channels and no need for paying for cable. Then I stopped sleeping at night on account of the television being on all night, also always being in my room got old real quick.

Then I tried to have cable installed. Since no previous owner ever had cable at this residence, I had to have surveyers come out to do God knows what. Three weeks later I get this phone call and this lady says the survey was a success and I should call and schedule installation. I did, but when it came time for installation day, no one showed up as there was no order placed at all. (Yes, this scares me because a lady called my home a week before and I cant remember what information I gave her, but either way I guess I got scammed)

I still had my tv in the living room (since thats where I wanted to have cable installed), and was about to take it back to my room when my professor's mother said her sister had her television in the living room, too. Huh? Really? And she got channels to come in? She proceeds to tell me that there is a cable jack located behind my sofa. (Yeah, but I didnt think that was connected to the antenna)

Long story short, I finally got my cable wire out (surprised I actually found the box with the wire) and plugged it into the jack and my tv. WALA! Reception and all my favorite channels.


...and just like that everything's better again. No need for cable. Im not Scrooge, really, its just great to have one less bill to pay every month.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Complicated Complications

"The real me is a Southern girl
With her Levi's on and an open heart
Wish I could save the world
Like I was Supergirl
The real me used to laugh all night
Lying in the grass, just talking 'bout love
But lately I've been jaded
Life got so complicated" - Jessica Simpson

Its going to be a blahhh day. :/

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


3 things that creep me out:
House Centipedes
Driving in the rain
3 people who make me laugh:
My nephew
My sister, Mimi
Chris Rock
3 things I love:
My freedom
Living in a big city
The beach
3 things I hate:
People who cant drive
3 things I don't understand:
What I really, really, want
Why I worry so much
3 things on my desk:
Starbucks coffee
My microscope
In Style Magazine
3 things I'm doing right now:
3 things I want to do before I die:
Perform Hajj (iA)
Get married and have a family
Write a book
3 things I can do:
Drive a 5 speed
Laugh at myself
3 ways to describe my personality:
Off the wall
3 favorite foods:
Ma's biryani
Baba Khala's haleem
Guddy Khala's lasagna
3 beverages I drink regularly:
Diet Soda
3 shows I watched as a kid:
Fresh Prince of Bel Air
Full House
Saved by the Bell
3 People I call everyday:
Christiana, my best friend

Just Say NO to Married Couples

Is it a wonder Im still single when all my friends are married? As I chatted with a married friend today he posed a very strange question to me, "Why are single girls more flirtatious around married men?" and it caused me to wonder why. I have an answer: They no longer pose a threat to us.

Im guilty. Its not really flirting, its more like being free to be yourself, less self-conscious. But as I took the train ride home I kept thinking more and more. Are we commitment phobes purposely sabotaging ourselves by surrounding ourselves with the ball&chains crowd? Do we think it gives everyone else a sense of us 'actively looking' while secretly trying to avoid the situation?

Ok so Im sure some women, ahem husband-stealers, are out there to take the pick of the litter, so to speak, like 'adopting' a pet thats already house-trained. But for the rest of us who are too afraid to admit we have issues with settling down, its easier to live in a discombobulated facade of ecstasy.

I was always under the impression that somehow married people knew a lot of people and had the best of social circles, and the best place to meet someone was at a wedding, etc. Then I realized married people have the most purest of intentions to seek out their single friends and cause them to succumb to a life of grief as well. Did you ever notice that? Nobody but married people ever peddle marriage: they dont want to be miserable alone listening to another one of your SINGLES GON' WILD stories while changing diapers or folding laundry.

My sister, God love her, is notorious for this. Im sure she's happy, believe me, and iA may she always stay that way, but without fail, every chance she gets shes calling me and her sentences start with, "But Farah dont you want to be married already?" Oh, so ITS up to me? They reject EVERY SINGLE GUY that ever made the mistake of asking for rishta and suddenly Im single because of something I didnt do? Everything in the world is predestined, but why I am single has even God confused?

Please, dont insult my intelligence or my ability to think RATIONALLY! You can challenge it, but dont insult it.

Getting back to my original topic, I, henceforth, will cut married people out of my social diet cold turkey. :P Theyre an expensive habit. Not only do they go and get married (costing me a set of monogrammed bath towels), they gotta go get knocked up too (costing me a high-chair or bottler warmer they'll never use).

Too Much Caffeine, Not Enough Oxygen

My wick is just a little too lit this morning. Im messaging everyone on my AIM and G-Talk, screaming. So if you want to block me, I'd understand. :P

Shoot me now, I cant believe Im actually considering going tanning. As if I havent seen enough melanoma cases come across my microscope stage. And my rationale: The light has far more filters than the atmosphere and it'll only be for a few minutes, not like eternity.

There is something seriously wrong when whiteys are darker than myself.

So last night was 'Hollyween' and I was all set to give out candy until I was forwarded an email about how Halloween was an evil holiday full of sin, etc and thus I decided not to "celebrate". I usually dont fall for emails like that, but I think more so than anything, for some reason the thought of opening my door to strangers did not appeal to me. It really did have NO written all over it.

My door was shut, porch light off, but inside it was bright as day. I suppose thats why people thought I was a participant. Some were so determined they stayed outside for a good ten minutes. I was going to open the door for them, but then I thought it wasnt fair to those who tried and fail before them.

Believe me, it was a sad, sad, soul who made a holiday of innocent fun haram. I could hear children outside shrieking and laughing, dressed up as their favorite cartoon character, movie idol, or candy (The Blue M&M baby was adorable!!).

I thought about getting up and turning off the lights (nothing compares to reading by candlelight hahaha), but I didnt. They stopped minutes short of 9pm anyway.

Speaking of lights, the electric company will be sad to know that I have finally switched to this new type of lightbulb (you've seen them, theyre not the normal bulb shape) that apparently emits a huge amount of wattage but with less watt. Like the ones in my living room emit 100 watts of light, but only use 26 watts.
Great for my wallet, horrible to sleep with them on though because the room really is too bright. I should get one of those night masks for my eyes.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Pyar - Sangeeta feat. Karamel (mixed by Dj Sanj)

Allah meri kar manzoor du'a
Kareen na tu methon mera pyaar juda, mera yaar juda

Hath chuk chuk manga aho dua'wan
lagan na onoo, shallan, kadiyan hawa'wan
odiyan ang, meinoo, mein mang jawan
Rab, sayeen, sunn meri dil di sadaa,
kareen na tu methon mera pyaar juda, mera yaar juda

Sonaya sayee'yan aina karam kamaday
meri umar mere yaar noo laday
Wasta Khudaye da eh tainoo Malika,
kareen na tu methon mera yaar juda, mera pyaar juda

Allah meri kar manzoor du'a
Kareen na tu methon mera pyaar juda, mera yaar juda

--- if you don't know, you better ask somebody! :P

The Snooze Button on my Biological Clock is Broken

I have ring envy. Its a lot like having baby envy except totally different. Ive noticed lately as I people watch (I can do this finally because Im now in a city where cattle does not outnumber people) I immediately take note of their ring fingers and whether or not they are married. And, no not the men only, but more so the women: their bling is more blinding. Im joking. I totally respect the sanctity of the institution of marriage. Rings are symbolic of commitment.

"One Ring to rule them all, one Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them."

~Lord of the Rings~

Im sure married life to a single person seems exciting and fantastic and wonderful, but allow me to play devil's advocate for my own sanity's sake: Im sure its not all that and a bag of baked Lay's. I know this because there are way too many married people wanting to be single again. Statistically, there are more marriages that end in divorce than relationships that fail.

Mom (on a phone conversation with me): Soooo, you want to be married to have someone else carry in groceries and take out the trash?

The married ones arent happy, and neither are us single ones. Is happiness becoming more and more out of reach? Do we opt to get married because our biological clock wont stop sending five minute reminders? Is there such a thing as premature marriages with very shaky survival chances past 1 yr? Is there a gestational period for waiting before you're ready to get married? And if so, what is it? Can a womb ever become too comfortable to leave forcing a team of parents and close relatives to perform emergency C-section intervention (perfect for Commitment phobes)?

If what people say is true and single people are just 'too busy' for marriage, then what is my preoccupation? And when will everything else take a backseat to my life's number one priority?

Monday, October 30, 2006

The Most Dangerous Cities in the US

In 'least to most' order (I read it wrong at first and I knew there was a problem when Nashville, TN was before Philadelphia)

1. Brick, N.J.
2. Amherst, N.Y.
3. Mission Viejo, Calif.
4. Newton, Mass.
5. Troy, Mich.
6. Colonie, N.Y.
7. Irvine, Calif.
8. Cary, N.C.
9. Greece, N.Y.
10. Coral Springs, Fla.
11. Thousand Oaks, Calif.
12. Orem, Utah
13. Round Rock, Texas
14. Dover, N.J.
15. Lake Forest, Calif.
16. Sterling Heights, Mich.
17. Simi Valley, Calif.
18. Roswell, Ga.
19. Lee's Summit, Mo.
20. Broken Arrow, Okla.
21. Chino Hills, Calif.
22. Gilbert, Ariz.
23. Edison, N.J.
24. Cranston, R.I.
25. Port St. Lucie, Fla.
26. Sandy, Utah
27. Nashua, N.H.
28. Danbury, Conn.
29. Huntington Beach, Calif.
30. Orange, Calif.
31. Hamilton, N.J.
32. Parma, Ohio
33. Overland Park, Kan.
34. Santa Clarita, Calif.
35. Stamford, Conn.
36. Cheektowaga, N.Y.
37. Livonia, Mich.
38. Sunnyvale, Calif.
39. Murrieta, Calif.
40. Canton, Mich.
41. Plano, Texas
42. Warwick, R.I.
43. Torrance, Calif.
44. Clifton, N.J.
44. Newport Beach, Calif.
46. Woodbridge, N.J.
47. Fargo, N.D.
48. Norman, Okla.
49. Olathe, Kan.
50. Boca Raton, Fla.
51. Livermore, Calif.
52. Centennial, Colo.
53. Fremont, Calif.
54. Clinton, Mich.
55. Vacaville, Calif.
56. Tracy, Calif.
57. Bellevue, Wash.
58. Carlsbad, Calif.
59. Pembroke Pines, Fla.
60. Farmington Hills, Mich.
61. Richardson, Texas
62. Rancho Cucamon., Calif.
63. Boulder, Colo.
64. McKinney, Texas
65. Rochester, Minn.
66. Beaverton, Ore.
67. Santa Clara, Calif.
68. Daly City, Calif.
69. Lewisville, Texas
70. Napa, Calif.
71. Burbank, Calif.
72. Arvada, Colo.
73. Alexandria, Va.
74. Virginia Beach, Va.
75. Ann Arbor, Mich.
76. Quincy, Mass.
77. Glendale, Calif.
78. Ventura, Calif.
79. Provo, Utah
80. Fullerton, Calif.
81. Lawrence, Kan.
82. Scottsdale, Ariz.
83. Carrollton, Texas
84. Hillsboro, Ore.
85. Somerville, Mass.
86. Kenosha, Wis.
87. Davie, Fla.
88. Chino, Calif.
89. Sunrise, Fla.
90. Cape Coral, Fla.
91. Henderson, Nev.
92. Billings, Mont.
93. Cedar Rapids, Iowa
94. Plantation, Fla.
95. Costa Mesa, Calif.
96. San Mateo, Calif.
97. Garland, Texas
98. Madison, Wis.
99. Corona, Calif.
100. Clovis, Calif.
300. North Las Vegas, Nev.
301. Beaumont, Texas
302. Las Vegas, Nev.
303. Denver
304. Yakima, Wash.
305. Syracuse, N.Y.
306. Longview, Texas
307. Pittsburgh
308. Tucson, Ariz.
309. Bridgeport, Conn.
310. Inglewood, Calif.
311. Pompano Beach, Fla.
312. Albany, N.Y.
313. Phoenix
314. Boston
315. Chattanooga, Tenn.
316. Tampa, Fla.
317. Jersey City, N.J.
318. Milwaukee
319. Miami Beach, Fla.
320. Indianapolis, Ind.
321. Shreveport, La.
322. Sacramento, Calif.
323. St. Petersburg, Fla.
324. Tacoma, Wash.
325. Houston
326. Columbus, Ohio
327. Miami
328. Baton Rouge, La.
329. Charlotte, N.C.
330. Jackson, Miss.
331. Toledo, Ohio
332. Macon, Ga.
333. Nashville, Tenn.
334. Rochester, N.Y.
335. Tulsa, Okla.
336. Stockton, Calif.
337. Hartford, Conn.
338. Dallas
339. Miami Gardens, Fla.
340. Buffalo, N.Y.
341. Springfield, Mass.
342. Kansas City, Kan.
343. Philadelphia
344. West Palm Beach, Fla.
345. Minneapolis
346. Dayton, Ohio
347. Orlando, Fla.
348. San Bernardino, Calif.
349. Little Rock, Ark.
350. Newark, N.J.
351. Reading, Pa.
352. North Charleston, S.C.
353. Washington
354. Cincinnati
355. Atlanta
356. Kansas City, Mo.
357. Richmond, Va.
358. Trenton, N.J.
359. Memphis, Tenn.
360. Baltimore
361. Richmond, Calif.
362. Gary, Ind.
363. Youngstown, Ohio
364. Oakland, Calif.
365. Cleveland
366. Birmingham, Ala.
367. Camden, N.J.
368. Compton, Calif.
369. Flint, Mich.
370. Detroit
371. St. Louis

PS. These polls must be taken with a grain of salt, because #53 ranked Fremont, CA was where Aliya Ansari was gunned down last week.

Daylight come and me wan' go home

Daylight Savings:
Dark outside when you leave + dark outside when you get home multiplied by depression = fallback to bed after 5am alarm sounds!

So if your best friend ever runs towards you in a department store make-up section and says, "Here try this on!" ... don't do it. She hands me this kip treatment for plumper lips, so I tried it. (not that I needed it but just because) After applying my lips are on FIRE!!!!! What the crap is this stuff?! Ingredients: Bee sting serum, may cause anafalactic shock for those with allergy. My lips were larger than my head.

My lips this morning, as I noticed while brushing my teeth, are still plumped up minus the burning sensation.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Let's Talk About Marriage -- Whats love got to do with it?

"His hello was the end of her endings
Her laugh was their first step down the aisle
His hand would be hers to hold forever
His forever was as simple as her smile
He said she was what was missing
She said instantly she knew
She was a question to be answered
And his answer was "I do"
-Carrie's poem

I feel like Im back in high school again on Sunday afternoons dreading the work week. Its just Monday-anxiety because its not as if the week drags, I blink and its Thursday suddenly. Maybe its because I didnt get enough "me-time" during the weekend? This was busy weekend pt. 3. Basically, post-Ramadan, my weekends are still crazy. Don't get me wrong, I think its a great thing. I really like being busy, but I just have to remember not to put everything off 'til the weekend.

My first party Friday night was awesome, a TJU reunion. Good friends, good conversation, and they loved my apartment!! :) You know its a good party when people forget the time and stay pretty late.

Saturday I had to be at the radio station @ 11:30am. It was in Manayunk which is Philly's quaint, trendy, hot spot. I guess I was too busy during the week when I accepted the invite, to stress about what I would say, how I would sound, what if I messed up? etc. No, actually I did my homework on the topic and felt confident that I could do this. The 20 minute ride was when the worrying set in. Why do I do that to myself? Why cant I let myself pretend I have it all under control? When will being in denial actually work for me?

Anyway, the show was an amazing experience. I was on with two other Muslim sisters, one my age and one elder. It was an African-American Muslim radio show and they discussed a different topic the last Saturday of every month. I had originally been told the topic of discussion was to be Tony Blair's comments toward hijab, but instead they decided that would not be sufficient for an entire 2 hr program. The topic of discussion was the importance of marriage in Islam. (As if its not thrown in my face enough already, now I have to discuss it on air? Yikes!)Okay, thats okay, Im going on-air with no research on this topic. No time to panic. I was really nervous at first, but then I realized that all I had to do was forget that I was on-air and have a girl chat with the woman about a topic that I should be able to talk about. The best indication of a good experience is how much you learn. It was a good learning experience. I realized there are plenty of reasons to get married, but one of them should not be because my mom fears I'm getting too old. Islamically, the biggest reason for marriage is to procreate, to benefit the Ummah.

Then I was asked, on-air mind you, the only question I have avoided throughout this whole partner-seeking ordeal: What are you looking for in a husband? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Because I realized, sitting amongst Muslim women, addressing an Islamic audience, I could not just get by with saying, "Im looking for a decent God-fearing brother who respects women." and no I didnt have a plan-B answer, so I did the only thing worse than lying: I told the truth. Yes, I was honest for the first time ever about what I wanted. My answer: I have absolutely no clue. Of course I didnt quite say it like that exactly, but that was the gist of it. Apparently I have to take a step back and make a list of characteristics/qualities that define me and in turn those qualities will iA manifest themselves into a person. The strange thing is for once I have a perfectly clear idea on what I want. I think I have a good idea on what is exactly what I am looking for. *yay* me.

Ok, so Saturday afternoon Christiana showed up. The rest of the weekened was all about "Sex and the City", shopping at King of Prussia, and Cheesecake Factory. And being the bestttest best friend that she is, she fixed my clogged sink! Ever since I moved in my sink has been clogged. I never tried it myself because I just automatically assumed declogging it was a futile attempt and that it was a clogging sink by design since I had only been there not even a day and it was clogged through no fault of my own. Well, its unclogged now, yay! She told me about this stuff called Foaming Pipe Cleaning Snake. (no comment :P ) Also, I got one of these shelf stands for my bathroom that fits over my toilet. Its perfect for me since I dont have much counter space. Now my bathroom is complete.

Now, Im lounging in my living room, watching more episodes while screening my phone calls. Perfect way to end a busy weekend. :)



My lovely shower curtain

Ta da! :D

Friday, October 27, 2006

Snake Charmer with Narcoleptic Tendencies ;)

Its "Slippery Rails" Season. Let's all rejoice? The trains were ridiculously late last night and people pounced on ANY available train like hungry vulchers on a carcass. (think: the night before Thanksgiving at O'Hare). As if waiting wasnt bad enough, the ticket collector had issues with my leg finding its way to the aisle. (I have this thing where when I sit I always cross my legs. So naturally, my right leg was waving in the aisle.) The guy mentioned it about three times. OKKKKKKKK, I get it! Move on!

I came home and my apartment was warm and toasty. How so? No clue, but it was cold outside so I wasnt complaining -- except when the leg bug returned. Ick. I had lots of shopping to do for my party tonight, and it was sooo cold I really wasnt feelin' being out.

I went to bed real early - not because I was dead tired or anything - I thought it was just going to be a power nap, but I woke up at 4:30am. Go figure. Got up, brushed up on my Parseltongue skills - snake charmer -- what can I say??, got ready and headed out the door, chilled to the bone.

This weekend will be really busy. College friends coming over tonight, Christiana coming up (finally!) for the weekend. Saturday morning I've been asked to be on this Sisters' Islamic Radioshow, the topic: Tony Blair and his comments on hijab. If you don't know already (did you crawl out from under Plymouth rock, known to one as a 'pebble'?) "Prime Minister Tony Blair has backed calls by his party's parliamentary leader, Jack Straw, that Muslim women in Britain should refrain from covering their full faces, particularly when dealing with the wider society." from an October 18th article,8816,1547572,00.html

I have asked a couple of hijab-wearing sisters' opinions and iA I hope to share them on air with whoever is listening.

In a society that feels variety is the spice of life -- Im surprised people still feel the need to blend in and assimilate. Its beautiful being different, thats what makes us unique. Same is boring. I think those living in areas rich with cultures are blessed because you get a sense of another country -- no passport required. Acceptence, not ignorance, should be taught.

But anyhow, I'm sure,iA,it will be a good discussion.

So, I was accused of having narcoleptic tendencies, and of course I have to go back and evaluate so who better to call than my sister to prove this wrong? This is how that convo went this morning:

Me: hey, remember when sameen came to visit and we were watching that movie late at night...

(interrupting) Mimi: oh yeah, and you kept falling asleep and we were laughing cuz you were like, No Im awake...


Me: Dont call back again!

I'm not asleep... its me closing my eyes and focusing on your words and voice. and a neighbors dog barking three blocks away...... YOU THINK IT MIGHT BE YOU?! multiplied by my Adult ADD? lol...

...I've got more issues than the magazine vendor down the street who still, without fail, greets me every morning and night....sweet, na?