Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Allahs will vs His opinion

Ultimately Allah (swt) knows our destiny, but we are in control of the choices we make. Is it possible that Allah (swt) intended for us to marry a certain person, but due to our bad choices/ignorance/arrogance, the relationship ended?

It is His will that is the way, but is His personal opinion reflected in His will? When will we as a whole stop blaming Allah (swt) and saying, "It didnt happen, because it was not meant to be."? What if it was meant to be, but we messed things up? Should we accept responsibility and vow to change our ways? If so, does it ever truly erase the mistake?

Ive written short stories where I really wanted the ending to be different, but it was beneficial for the character(s) to have the ending end in a different manner. No matter how much I want to have my two main characters fall in love and live happily ever after, I still dont finish the story that way.

In that case, do you think we ever really miss out on an opportunity?

ARRESTED Developments

ALMOST. Ive been a brunette all my life, but there are moments in my life when I wonder, "Am I a natural blonde?"

For example my incident yesterday morning that almost got me arrested. (Mimi: excuse me what?) I got a bad case of karma recently when it comes to getting to the station on time (the train station, not police station). Im running late and so I decide to park in a lot closer to the platform with the dreaded angled parking lot. I see a gentleman in a maroon vehicle trying to park infront of me with his back-end so that he can make for a clean escape at night. I knew what he was trying to do, but it just didnt click. So I try parking in the slot next to him. He screwed up his parking and had to back out which positioned him UNCOMFORTABLY close to my car. I realized what happened and immediately stopped so that he could maneuver himself. I motioned to him through the windows with my hands in the air: I apologize! He gets himself parked -- walks to the trunk of his car and proceeds to look busy -- yes I tried to sit in my car and avoid him. I get out, eventually, and I only see his head from the back of his car. I walk up and quickly apologize, laughingly, "I knew what you were trying to do, it just didnt click. I apologize. (insert laugh and HEAD TOSS!) He starts in on me about BLAH BLAH BLAH, YOU MOVED YOUR CAR, YOU SAW ME, BLAH BLAH BLAH --- "I APOLOGIZE. IT JUST DIDNT REGISTER WHAT YOU--" He slams the trunk lid and I see him in full COP gear -- handcuffs and ALL -- no joke it STILL didnt register. My neurons were totally not connecting at all --

Ok number 1: I apologized. 2. You're still yelling at me? 3.) EARLY IN THE AM? 4.) ITS NOT MY DAMN FAULT YOUR CANDY ASS CANT ANGLE PARK BACK END FIRST!

um.. yeah.. this is where I lost it. I apologized to you! I didnt realize what you were trying to do. I cant help you park like a girl.. stop acting like one!

Oh dear LORD in Heaven and all around us... the guy next to him just stopped and looked over at me puzzled look as if to say: ARE YOU F*CKING KIDDING ME????

The cop... stops..... most obviously puzzled about what the big-eyed/hair all in a pooof/undoubtedly retarded girl just said to him.. muffles a couple more lines and I walked away.

It didnt hit me what I had said until I made me escape onto the platform and could not bring myself to face him when I saw him standing behind me. I apologized... wihtout being asked to... three times! Get over it already! Most ppl are like.. yeah I agree that was a crazy move.. but its ok. I mean i've been wronged like that before but Im sooo forgiving when the person jumps up and says.. "its just not my morning." ya know?

Its what happens when I dont get coffee.
(Co-workers: How many cups did you have?)

Ok I cant help that I have so much energy in the morning and especially when something gets me fired up enough to get ANGRY (and almost arrested hahaha) its a different story.

Developments.... oh.. right. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction in life. What you put in, is what you get out. Is it possible to know the future and still have it surprise you?

Monday, January 29, 2007

Life Isnt Scripted

I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE!!! What is so wrong with turning right at a red light? Philadelphians you are being robbed of your constitutional right -- to turn RIGHT at a red light! Its driving me insane (pun intended). Come to think of it turns on a WHOLE are becoming extinct! You cannot turn left at certain intersections so you have to go right -- at designated areas -- except at a red light -- and then go straight. EUREKA! The city of brotherly love is forcing everyone to go straight! Its a conspiracy I tell ya, a conspiracy! They're forcing everyone to think straight and eliminate crooked ways -- what's next? no smoking in bars? AAUGGH! thats begun too!

ok -- so who doesnt have bad Mondays??? .... (tuesdays, wednesdays... basically all days ending in -day!) Im not wired -- Im lit! Ranting and raving for a bit. I got issues with people having hidden agendas. You want me to do something -- fine.. be upfront about it. Dont be evil and sneaky and get me to conform to your twisted thinking by altering my already altered and twisted mind.

That was my alter ego. The gutsy, say what comes to mind girl who from time to time surfaces to pull me through and take me places Ive never been before and would normally not go on my own. (Multiple personalities is an underestimation -- haha -- give me someeeee credit!!)

Ok.. so I totally enjoyed yesterday's improv class (a little tooo much perhaps). Acting seriously is the best way for you to get over yourself because you get to be someone else. ANYONE ELSE! And I live in my head remember -- it was even fun for me to get to be someone else! Thats what I miss most of acting; its very liberating. Its the easiest way to confront stage fright as well -- suddenly people are not watching you -- its all eyes on your "character" and she/he/it can be as exciting or as boring as you want them to be. Here's a glimpse into our first assignment:

scene: airport -- im being interviewed infront of everyone.(i had made up my mind that i was going to treat this class as an adventure and give it all ive got)

Nathan: hi. how are you?
My "character": ok. you?
Nathan: are you flying today?
MC: maybe. why?
Nathan: Im just asking where you're going.
MC: Are you profiling me? Do I look Arab to you???
(group: Oooooo!!)
Nathan: Im just making conversation.
MC: You think Im going to fly the plane into a building?

Yeah, before I knew it the skit took on a different spin. I think thats the beauty of improv --- it can go wherever you want it go. For once, Im the one calling all the shots. You can be who you wanna be. ANYTHING GOES in class! ANYTHING!

Greg: Does terrorism scare you?
MC: doesnt it scare you? I hate it when ppl automatically assume things about me because Im Muslim! No one likes to be profiled.
Greg: ok. so where are you flying?
MC: Seattle
(totally unscripted -- I didnt even THINK of anything beforehand while I was waiting my turn)
Greg: Who's in Seattle?
MC: family. Im going to a wedding.
Greg: Who's wedding?
MC: mine.
(group: gasps!)
Greg: Wow, you're getting married. Where's your fiance?
MC: Seattle. We've never met. Its an arranged marriage.
(Lauren in the back of class is thinking --- this character isnt too unlike Farah)
Greg: How does that make you feel?
MC: Like wanting to crash the plane into a tall building.
(group: laughter)
---end of scene---

Two things accomplished that I didnt purposely set out to accomplish: 1. profiling sucks. 2. you can resort to violence for reasons other than your religious affiliation (in this case -- being sold to the highest bidder -- haha, all is fair in laughter and glee)

Improv is supposed to be spur-of-the-moment. Its supposed to be comedic. Its supposed to looosen you up for taking the things that come at you in life at top speed and still being able to manage them. One guy in class in middle of a scene had his scene partner introduce his character as a female, but he still went with it and it was a very funny scene.

Life isnt scripted. We dont always get to do a scene over. The best you can do is make the best of what you have. And when all else fails -- pretend you're doing your own best impression -- and make yourself laugh at yourself!

Friday, January 26, 2007

What I Need to Know I Already Knew I've Known All Along... ya know?

Have you ever heard someone bitch and complain so much that you just wanted to scream, "ENOUGH! For f*ck's sake pull the damn trigger already!!"? You dont agree with suicide, but for them you'd make the exception!

On the train going home one night I had the unpleasure of being forced to listen to three very underaged girls talking about their relationships in Sex and the City style. (Yeah, if reading this forced up your lunch, then you know how I felt as well)

Baby #1: I dont know what Im going to do. Mike meant everything to me. He was my first. (puke)

Baby #2: I cant believe he did that to you. Thats so immature.
(and she knows immature very well because she's just two see-saws away from still being at recess herself)

Baby #3: Boys suck.

I didnt have the heart to tell the girls in curls with fake IDs that it doesnt get any better and that its all for nothing 'cuz nothing's changing at all.

Convo between me and Noreen:

Me: next time I wont put my heart on the line for someone whos not worthy
and i know who is and isnt bc i knew he wasnt and in the end..........i was right all along. so where did this charade fair me better??? i did a 360 and realized i knew what ive always known all along
Nor: OK...I still think you learned something
Me: nope not at all. im looking for someone to prove me WRONG.. and so far.. ive been right about everyone out there
Nor: is there anyone who you think can prove you wrong?

(Disclaimer: Im not saying all guys are jerks -- just the majority of the ones Ive met. Most men are jerks. I challenge GOD to prove me wrong!)

Me: Im not giving up if thats what you mean. im sure theres gotta be someone
Nor: How will you know? Are you going to date? or are you going to take your parents' opinion
Me: both. or just let life happen
Nor: OK...but you know what "signs" to look for? If you do, write a book...LOL because all girls want to know
Me: i should
Nor: LOL
Me: stop patronizing me.. cuz im serious. i totally can spot a loser before he's born
Nor: I am serious too. I think you have more courage than I do to start a book
Me: i just need to get a pysch degree to back my shit up else it'll make me look like a closet lesbian hatin' on men.
Nor: LOL, stop

But seriously, what have I learned that I didnt already know? What would I put in my book? Common sense will tell you a lot of things about a guy -- and your instinct will tell you the rest. My advice to the girls in curls: trust your instinct always and never for a second abandon reason. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck -- no surprise -- it IS a damn duck. Leave it be and go on your merry way. You hold within you all the keys to finding success in every aspect of life. Experience doesnt teach you anything --- its just an excuse to stir things up every now and then. Life's biggest test is how much we trust ourselves. Our biggest failure results from when we dont. If a man is worthy of your trust, rest assured he wont ask you for it; he'll earn it.

I am the smart girl in curls. I never left the playground. I'm looking for someone who knows me.


OMG. So I remembered my dream from last night. (was it even a dream?) It was really strange but it had to do with a friend's husband whom I know to belong to the Shiite sect of Islam. In my dream, it was very brief but very scary, he had me recite the Qulma incorrectly. I mean he did it in a very sneaky, tricky way to where in the end -- he deleted the Prophet's (saw) name from Salaam and inserted.... Hussain (as) and Sulaiman instead. Ok I know who Imam Hussain (as) was, but I dont know who Sulaiman was or why it was inserted -- if as a joke maybe? -- but anyway that was my dream. And I believe that is when I woke up at 1am.. I just remember thinking somethings not right.

... well.. back to screening.

Got Sleep?

I think you're desi...
I think you're desi...
I think you're desi...
Just like me.
(to the tune of Gnarls Barkley's Crazy) -- thats how I sing it anyway. :P

So I must have been extreeeemly tired last night because I came home and changed into my comfy pants and got ready to "box dye" my hair -- yeah its old school but the color turns out really nice. And I dont remember anything after that. I woke up at 1am on my sofa with my laptop (which is infected with spyware somehow) as my pillow.

?? can we say uncomfortable? Yes we can!

No box color, no fixed laptop, no returned phone calls. I felt like a little child though because I grabbed my "blankie" and headed back to my room and of course I lay there every sound amplified to high heavens, unable to fall back to sleep. Whatever, it was weird.

Anyway... sister calls me yesterday "We're coming over this weekend."

Now first of all, I loveeeeeeeee my family to pieces but they just dont realize or understand that I may have plans of my own too. (I know sometimes I CANT EVEN believe I have friends to do things with hehe) I had plans to go to DC to visit a friend, but I cancelled because of the weather. I had plans to sit at home and clean out my "junk" once and for all while watching all my movies again. (Friends didnt call til later) So I tell them, its ok I will be home this weekend but Fridays are not good days to drive up to Philly because of traffic (oh and didnt I mention the weather would be bad too?? its why Im not going down south) and also I have plans to meet the ladies for dinner tonight -- a friend's 30th mA!!!! -- so I simply said just come up EARLY EARLY saturday morning. If text messages could kill, I'd have died twice from the one my sis sent me. First of all, it was HER job to tell me plans -- she didnt -- I made others --- now I'm IN THE WRONG??? Apparently Prince Charles isnt the only royalty coming to Philly!

Shes wrong if she thinks Im rollin' out any red carpets..

This morning had to be the coldest morning in the history of cold mornings. Or maybe it was just yours truly sans gloves/scarf at the train station. Usually my coffee mug doubles as a handwarmer but I didnt have time to stop for coffee til I got to work. Believe me its on the list of things to buy -- its not like I dont have any though: theyre all placed strategically in case I ever need them.. I just think I dont need them... therefore I never use them. (ie Superwoman doesnt neeeed gloves)

Ok -- so class was fun last week.... we'll see what happens this week.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

One for the Ladies -- thanks Sobz!

One day my housework-challenged husband decided to wash his Sweat-shirt. Seconds after he stepped into the laundry room, he shouted to me, "What setting do I use on the washing machine?"

"It depends," I replied. "What does it say on your shirt?"

He yelled back, "University of Oklahoma."

And they say blondes are dumb...
A couple is lying in bed. The man says,

"I am going to make you the happiest woman in the world."

The woman replies, "I'll miss you..."
"It's just too hot to wear clothes today," Jack says as he stepped out of the shower, "honey, what do you think the neighbors would think if I mowed the lawn like this?"

"Probably that I married you for your money," she replied.
He said - Shall we try swapping positions tonight?

She said - That's a good idea... you stand by the ironing board while I sit on the sofa and fart.
Q: What do you call an intelligent, good looking, sensitive man?

A: A rumor
A man and his wife, now in their 60's, were celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary. On their special day a good fairy came to them and said that because they had been so good that each one of them could have one wish

The wife wished for a trip around the world with her husband.

Whoosh! Immediately she had airline/cruise tickets in her hands.

The man wished for a female companion 30 years younger...

Whoosh..immediately he turned ninety!!!

Gotta love that fairy!

Dear Lord,

I pray for Wisdom to understand my man; Love to forgive him; And Patience for his moods. Because, Lord, if I pray for Strength, I'll beat him to death.


------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -

Q: Why do little boys whine?

A: They are practicing to be men.
Q: What do you call a handcuffed man?

A: Trustworthy.
Q: What does it mean when a man is in your bed gasping for breath and calling your name?

A: You did not hold the pillow down long enough.
Q: Why do men whistle when they are sitting on the toilet?

A: It helps them remember which end they need to wipe.
Q: How do you keep your husband from reading your e-mail?

A: Rename the mail folder "Instruction Manuals"


You spurn my natural emotions
You make me feel like dirt
And I’m hurt
And if I start a commotion
I run the risk of losing you
And that’s worse

Ever fallen in love with someone
Ever fallen in love
In love with someone
Ever fallen in love
In love with someone
You shouldn’t’ve fallen in love with

I can’t see much of a future
Unless we find out who’s to blame
What a shame
And we won’t be together much longer
Unless we realize that we are the same

Ever fallen in love with someone
Ever fallen in love
In love with someone
Ever fallen in love
In love with someone
You shouldn’t’ve fallen in love with

You disturb my natural emotions
You make me feel like dirt
And I’m hurt
And if I start a commotion
I’ll only end up losing you
And that’s worse

Ever fallen in love with someone
Ever fallen in love
In love with someone
Ever fallen in love
In love with someone
You shouldn’t’ve fallen in love with

Ever fallen in love with someone
Ever fallen in love
In love with someone
Ever fallen in love
In love with someone
You shouldn’t’ve fallen in love with
Fallen in love with
Ever fallen in love with someone
You shouldn’t’ve fallen in love with

-Pete Yorn (yes Ive watched Shrek 2 one too many times *giggles*)

*The post below*

Ok, so Ive never NOT liked any of the things Ive written. (Obviously bc if I didnt like it I could erase it -- no harm done)
But the post below is quite possibly the first "writing" that I really dont like. Maybe its the content... or that it made me cry halfway through -- contacts got all fogggy--big mess! -- or that its just very discohesive and all over teh place.. but Im going to let it stand. Maybe it'll make sense to someone...

'Viewing' the World Differently

Last night was the viewing of a co-worker's mother. These things are never easy. Its not easy for the loved ones, its not easy for friends of the grieving, its not easy to take in life continuing while a body lays motionless in the front of the room.

The dearly departed was a very, very devout Catholic Puerto Rican immigrant who faced many hardships in life but managed to overcome them. She was 78. Her casket was pink.

I couldnt imagine the courage it must have taken to muster up enough strength to be in the same room with the body of your mother and still maintain composure.

How do people go on?

I dont fear my own death, I fear what and who all will be left behind because I know that each and every one of my family members is so near and dear that even the thought of moving on is devastating.

How do people ever laugh again?

Death is too final and I know we as Muslims believe it is just the beginning, but it still feels like the end. There are so many proverbs associated with death, so many words of wisdom, but in the end nothing comes to mind.

Have you ever been in a room where the silence was soo loud you thought you'd go deaf... or you wished you were deaf just to escape it?

The viewing was tough for me --- Im extremely close to my Mom and very far away from her physically. I find myself avoiding my parents because Im afraid of finding out something about them that would cause me to crumble completely.
Sooo many times Ive argued with my Mom, over absolute nothingness. That silence is really my mind conjuring up every single time I upset my mom.


Its Thursday and I got nothing. Oh, wait -- I do. It was snowing this morning. Its going to be a bad weather weekend. Which is ok for me since Im not going anywhere: (ie: MOVIES, MUGS OF HOT COCOA, AND ME!!!!!! yum!!)

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

*Carrot, Egg and Coffee...* -Unknown

(You will never look at a cup of coffee the same way again...)

A young woman went to her mother and told her about her life and how things were so hard for her. She did not know how she was going to make it and wanted to give up. She was tired of fighting and struggling. It seemed as one problem was solved, a new one arose.

Her mother took her to the kitchen. She filled three pots with water and
placed each on a high fire. Soon the pots came to boil. In the first she
placed carrots, in the second she placed eggs, and in the last she placed
ground coffee beans. She let them sit and boil, without saying a word.

In about twenty minutes she turned off the burners. She fished the carrots
out and placed them in a bowl. She pulled the eggs out and placed them in a bowl. Then she ladled the coffee out and placed it in a bowl. Turning to
her daughter, she asked, "Tell me what you see."

"Carrots, eggs, and coffee," she replied.

Her mother brought her closer and asked her to feel the carrots. She did and noted that they were soft. The mother then asked the daughter to take an egg and break it. After pulling off the shell, she observed the hard boiled egg. Finally, the mother asked the daughter to sip the coffee. The daughter smiled as she tasted its rich aroma.

The daughter then asked, "What does it mean, mother?"

Her mother explained that each of these objects had faced the same adversity boiling water. Each reacted differently.

The carrot went in strong, hard, and relenting. However, after being subjected to the boiling water, it softened and became weak.

The egg had been fragile. Its thin outer shell had protected its liquid interior, but after sitting through the boiling water, its inside became hardened.

The ground coffee beans were unique, however. After they were in the boiling water, they had changed the water.

"Which are you?" she asked her daughter. "When adversity knocks on your door, how do you respond? Are you a carrot, an egg or a coffee bean?"

Think of this: Which am I? Am I the carrot that seems strong, but with pain
and adversity do I wilt and become soft and lose my strength?

Am I the egg that starts with a malleable heart, but changes with the heat?
Did I have a fluid spirit, but after a death, a breakup, a financial
hardship or some other trial, have I become hardened and stiff? Does my
shell look the same, but on the inside am I bitter and tough with a stiff
spirit and hardened heart?

Or am I like the coffee bean? The bean actually changes the hot water, the
very circumstance that brings the pain. When the water gets hot, it release
the fragrance and flavor. If you are like the bean, when things are at their
worst, you get better and change the situation around you.

When the hour is the darkest and trials are their greatest, do you elevate
yourself to another level? How do you handle adversity?

Are you a carrot, an egg or a coffee bean?

May you have enough happiness to make you sweet, enough trials to make you strong, enough sorrow to keep you human and enough hope to make you happy.

The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they
just make the most of everything that comes along their way. The brightest
future will always be based on a forgotten past; you can't go forward in
life until you let go of your past failures and heartaches.

When you were born, you were crying and everyone around you was smiling.

Live your life so at the end, you're the one who is smiling and everyone
around you is crying.

It's easier to build a child than repair an adult.

Is it your birthday?

OMG! Yesterday morning on my way to the station I saw this very daring squirrel dash out into the road, in between the tires of this car, bounce off the wheel and scurrrry along to the other side of the road -- it happened in a split second and I didnt stop to see if it made it across alive or not, but it reminded me of last year when I almost hit this squirrel. He lived of course, cuz Im a nice person! :)

They say death comes in threes and that for every person that dies, another person is born somewhere. Scary thought: theres been so much death around me in the past two weeks. The co-worker on my left lost his eldest brother, the one on my right's friend lost her father. My best friend from childhood lost her father last Friday. Our department secretary lost her mother and last week a 29yr old guy lost his life in a car accident.

The flipside? Just this year I know tons of people who have gotten married, and day before yesterday one of my oldest friends from high school became a father to a beautiful 8 1/2 lb 21.25in baby boy!

Tears of joy, tears of grief.

Tonight is the viewing for the co-worker's mother. I am sans makeup because I know I cant bottle my emotions. I will try my best to be strong for my friend.

Last night was crazy: 4 of us from our department went out to dinner. Crazy women. I had a bad case of the giggles ALL NIGHT! Dinner was good. I was being bad. How bad? Example:

There was a tealight candle on our table. I like candles. I picked it up to look at it. It almost went out.

Lauren: that better not go out!
Farah: it wont
(then I proceed to blow out the candle)

Waiter, notices the blown light, and re-lights it.
Me (sheepishly): sorry I accidentally blew it out
Waiter looks down at me.
Me: Ok I lied, I did it on purpose.
Waiter: Is it your birthday
Me: no
Waiter (jokingly): then dont blow this one out

I forgot about it only til the end of dinner when he came by to pick up our check.

Me: look.. I didnt blow the candle out!
Waiter: oh good
Me: ...but I really wanted to
Waiter (laughes and nudges it towards me): go ahead

I did.

Me: Don't worry we wont come back.
Lauren: I will. Im here all the tiem
Me: Ok she wont ever bring me back with her!
Waiter: no thats not right.

Ok Alice and I live near each other so we took the train home. She rode illegaly cuz she didnt have a ticket - just her buss pass. She didnt get fined for it though so it was ok. At the train station -- this girl.. in like these clog something or others comes from nowhere and trips THREE times in front of us.. each time trying to recover until finally giving up and falling smack on the floor --- it was girl on floor action for two minutes straight -- she tried to play it off cool too and everyone was frozen from shock and couldnt move to go help her. It was bizarre but everyone was talking about it afterwards. The verdict: her shoes caused it.

Sad day, silly night. Tonight will be sad, too.

Monday, January 22, 2007

"Blue Sky Tadada"

CAMP-Philadelphia held its first event for 2007 at The Restaurant School last Saturday, and Allhamdullilah, everything went smoothly. We had the event in the European Courtyard which is this huge two story room that is simulated to feel as if you're actually in a European Courtyard complete with a bakery shop, trees with lights, fountains (yes, two!), cobblestone floor, and even the chairs were like sidewalk cafe chairs. I met lots of new people and reconnected with other friends too. Good stuff!

The funniest part of my weekend was Sunday. OK, so I used to do theatre in high school -- lots of school plays, etc. Ive been meaning to get back into the Arts somehow, now that I have time in between searching/applying for graduate programs. Lauren, my co-worker, and I joined this Improvisation Class held by the PHIT (Philadelphia Improv Theatre). Sunday was our first day of class.

Ok, so I'll never do stand-up comedy --- but because I do have to make public announcements from time to time with CAMP, I figured it would be a great asset to have. And its funny because there was another gentleman in class for the same purpose -- he said he heard a great motivational speaker give a speech one time and he asked him how he learned to be such a great speaker and the speaker said he took some improv classes. Nice!

SO anyway, Lauren is convinced I live in my head -- and to some extent I do -- and in this one exercise you had to keep a finger snapping rhythm and do word association. Like if someone said clown the first thing that comes to your mind is what you say.... it goes something like this:

Me: Blue
You: Sky
ALL: Blue sky Tadada

its a neat exercise --- only its hard at first because Ive always sucked at playing this game... you can easily get sidetracked. (Love... SUCKS.... LOVE SUCKS TADADA)

haha, anyway, it will certainly be a fun class Im sure -- Lauren is out today otherwise I woulda have TADADA'ed her something through the wall!

If nothing else, I hope the class helps me get over my fear of public speaking and allow me to be more comfortable with laughing at myself.. thats the best kind of comedy. ;)

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Happy 30th Mom&Pop!

Back in '77 things were simpler, but for Pakistanis moving to the US without any family members, it was also a scary place. Through the years a lot has changed, yet much has stayed the same too. A house, three daughters, son-in-law, two beautiful grandchildren and lots of friends and family, fights and cars in between later this bond is proving unbreakable. May it remain as strong always, iA, with Allah's (swt) constant blessings, Ameen.
Momz and Popzizzle celebrating their 30th Anniversary January 5th mA at my place last weekend. (NOTE: They said the cake I got for them was better than my eldest sister's Death by Chocolate Carvel wonder but its NOT a competition, right? :P)

Friday, January 12, 2007

Allah's Forces vs Mendelian Genetics

Surah 24:26 24:26 [In the nature of things,] corrupt women are for corrupt men, and corrupt men, for corrupt women - just as good women are for good men, and good men, for good women. [Since God is aware that] these are innocent of all that evil tongues may impute to them, [31] forgiveness of sins shall be theirs, and a most excellent sustenance!

Most of Islam follows nature's laws and principles: Things that go up, must come down. A mass in motion remains in motion unless acted upon by another object or force, and opposites attract.

Yet, in the Surah above Allah (swt) states that only the good will end up paired with the good. When contemplating Mendelian genetics, it is stated that survival of dominant alleles reigns over recessive ones. Nature always finds a way to pair with opposites so as to assure the dominant phenotype (characteristics expressed) always prevails ensuring survival of the fittest. For example, tall people marrying short people so that the net result is 75% tall progeny or offspring if you will. This is how over time, humans have become taller.

Yet, Allah (swt) says "Good men are for good women". Two homologus recessive alleles uniting (a bad man and a bad woman) almost guarantees the surivival of evil.

Does this mean for the world to keep going evil is as necessary to life as good is? Allah (swt) surely is the master engineer and He willed it, so it is and so it will remain. People learn by example, so you would think it would make more sense to have the good pair with the bad so to ensure the triumph of good over evil.

Did Allah (swt) really intend for evil and good to co-exist and for the battle to never be won but just to continue?