Thursday, May 31, 2007

Out to Lunch

Some conversations are just not ever to be spoken to anyone ever again... but of course yours truly cannot hold back. Over lunch, Indian of course, the ladies and I got into a bit of the funnies... here's a bit of what was said...look to the unedited/MA rated DVD for the rest.

On religion:
Auntie: I am tolerant of everyone's religion, not just Christianity.
Laur: Oh yeah, you gotta be respectful.
Me: [to Auntie] I really like the way your house is decorated, its very tasteful..Lady Fatima, Jesus. Not too over the top. Being in [the other Auntie]'s house was like being at an evangelical convention! Christian propaganda everywhere. So many Jesus and Mother Mary pictures
Auntie: Yeah, its very dark...
Me: ...very dark, and blue. Very blue.
Laur: [to me] But see you're a virgin so its ok. The pictures shine on you. I would walk-in and they'd growl! I'd be like 'Oh my God, did they just hiss at me?'
Me: Hahahaha... you'd be like.. "who spit on me?!"
Auntie: ...even in her bedroom. There is a big picture of Jesus hanging.
Laur: Now, see, thats what I dont understand. How do you have sex with Jesus watching?!
Me: Oh we go
Laur: No Im serious. Im not very religious. But the only time I remember God is in the bedroom.... 'Oh God, OH GOD'.

side-stitching humor... gotta love Laur.

Pirates of The CoffeeBean: Lancer-Lot Remix

So I havent had a heart to heart with my blog in a while so I have to backtrack a bit to catch up on everything from Memorial Day Weekend to the present.

Thursday night's halaqa was absolutely amazing, mA! My friend did her topic on Yoga and Islam --- she's a hugeeeee yoga fan. She basically correlated salat to yoga positions and told the benefits of each healthwise. Who knew salat was not only mental exercise but physical as well? She also had a whole powerpoint presentation, which was very nicely done. She totally raised the bar on all subsequent halaqas.. (I bet the brothers never thought of takin' it to that status.. I imagine seeing guys gathered at an apartment shared by a million and one bros...sitting on cushions and eating cake and drinking from juiceboxes) Women are soo much more .... couth. LOL

At night, my two friends spent the night and we decided to catch a late showing of the Pirates 3. We were checking timings and this is where you can totally tell Ive lead a sheltered life wayyy too long: the last showtime was 12:10a and I cringed having to tell the girls that and possibly ruin a good time. They werent bothered by the time a bit! I was like.. woohoo.. stayin up late... go farah.. its yo birffday! haha. So check it out... we went. IN OUR PYJAMAS. IN TOTALLY DESI STYLE ordered one thing of popcorn and one large drink -- about the size of my head in diameter and asked for paper cups. We divided the popcorn and drink into cups.. it was perfect. Three people ate from the "one" serving of popcorn and drink and we STILL had leftovers. No wonder the US is obese! Epic porportions of everything. We seriously felt like babysitters though: where did all these fetuses come from!? Rowdy, obnoxious, "make-you-wanna-slap-em-upside-the-head" obnoxious at that!

Anyway, the weekend wasnt too exciting. Cutie niece turned 2 mA.

Yesterday I get a call from GEICO stating they have come to a conclusion about my car accident: i win. she loses. Well, its not really win/loss but my damages will be covered under her policy and I got my rental car. Accidents are horrible, but if you must have one, I hope you are lucky enough to be the one who is found not to be at fault. So everything Allhamdullilah is being taken care of. First person I called: Pa, obviously. I wanted to let him know that his daughter made it on her own! Remember, he had suggested to make a phonecall on my behalf and "handle" it. That was a tempting offer, but I wanted to learn from the experience. And now I know.. that even two states away from home, Farah's got it all under control..........thanks to Allah (swt) of course.

So since yesterday Ive been driving around.. everywhere, I got 2 weeks worth of making up to do.

Laur: I woulda been knee deep in speeding tix by now if I were you and didnt have a car for that long and then suddenly got one.

Its amazing how much of our mood is affected by routine. Not having a car threw everything off course. I spent 3 hours in Walmart.. not really shopping but just walking around.. being near people. I hardly went anywhere in the past two weeks and I didnt do any grocery shopping at all. Next time: I stock up on bottled water and make sure I know where my flashlight is. (i still have to unpack...or FIND actually... the box where my flashlight is... everytime theres a thunderstorm i cringe at the possiblilty of losing electricity and being plunged into darkness. I can not have a car for two weeks.. but I will not go a minute without light!)

So anyhow, all is well that ends well... iA.. whatever is Allah's (swt) will.

Lastly: A pic of my hot tamale rental car... never driven a red car before.


Wow, 3 days with no update to my blog. Thats so not like me. I will try my best to find time to fit something in today. I have an update on the insurance situation and a whole bunch of other "stuff" to write about, dating back to last Thursday/Friday morning.

I leave here with a picture my friend sent me this morning from SanFran.


Monday, May 28, 2007


Rosie O'donnell vs Elisabeth Hasselbeck The View

I cant believe people actually think that attacking Islamic countries for no reason is justified as revenge for 9/11.

Rosie: Radical Christianity is just as threatening as Radical Islam.

Brilliantly said. Ive never been a Rosie fan, but the woman says it like it is. Good for her.

We were attacked. The US was attacked. We, the US, have attacked and killed innocent everywhere, here and abroad, in the name of justice for those who perished.

How many lives for the lives of those murdered on 9/11 will make it all better?

We're killing ourselves.It's how the world will end.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Ye anek kya hota hai didi ???? - Indian Sesame Street

Thursday, May 24, 2007


You have 2 cows and you give one to your neighbor.

You have 2 cows; the Government takes both and gives you some milk.

You have 2 cows; the Government takes both and sells you some milk.

You have 2 cows. The Government takes both and shoots you.

You have 2 cows; the Government takes both, shoots one, milks the otherand throws the milk away...

You have two cows. You sell one and buy a bull. Your herd multiplies,andthe economy grows. You sell them and retire on the income.

You have two cows. You sell one, and force the other to produce the milk of four cows. Later, you hire a consultant to analyze why the cowdropped dead.

You have two cows. You go on strike because you want three cows.

You have two cows. You redesign them so they are one-tenth the size of an ordinary cow and produce twenty times the milk. You then create aclever cow cartoon image called Cowkimon and market them Worldwide.

You have two cows. You reengineer them so they live for 100 years, eatonce amonth, and milk themselves.

You have two cows. Both are mad.

You have two cows, but you don't know where they are. You break forlunch.

You have two cows. You count them and learn you have five cows. Youcount them again and learn you have 42 cows. You count them again andlearn you have 2 cows.You stop counting cows and open another bottle of vodka.

You have 5000 cows, none of which belong to you. You charge others forstoring them.

You have two cows. You have 300 people milking them. You claim fullemployment,high bovine productivity, and arrest the newsman who reportedthe numbers.

You have two cows. That one on the left is kinda cute...

You have two cows. You mate them and have more cows. Then you rent them and charge double interest.
(ok so what if its gay... I tried.)

You have two cows. You worship them and die of hunger.

You have two cows. You eat one for lunch and one for dinner, then blame India for lack of ground beef.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Women: The Hardest Book to Read

What? Where? When? Who?! Huh? I'm ... sorry?

me: i made it [home from the train]. btw i need to buy pb
Khizzle: congrats! oh no. tell me you like the chunky kind.
me: hehehe i dont mind the chunk
Khizzle: aww. that's not good enough :} are there any stores in walking distance?
me: yup. wawa.. cvs
Khizzle: you're just plain pagal.
me: i used to love crunchy pb and no one would buy it for me. you know why? they said it ripped the bread. not spreadable enough. so i resigned myself to a life of chunkless pb and then there was this rebellion
Khizzle: that just means you aren't toasting the bread dark enough :) no but it's true..harder to spread
me: and id leave the jar open a little and air would get in causing crust around the edges and i mistook crust for chunk. it was ok for awhile
then my pb got chunky from bacteria. that wasnt cool and ma threw it out and i wasnt allowed to have it liek at all ...yeah. that was really bad so now i go through the aisle and i think PB: to chunk or not to chunk and shudder when i remember those sad sad days and get the reduced fat kind and hope for better times.
Khizzle: lol. haha
Khizzle: so dramatic
me: i cant believe i made you make me relive that. im going to go find a happy place. but no seriously.. it rips the bread.. and i dont always toast the bread thats only with honey. i dont know what happened.. but that walk did me good
Khizzle: gotcha. well, my apologies for making you relive such a harsh moment in time...but if that's the worst of your childhood traumas you have much to be thankful for :)
me: hahahaha
me: i need to go run to cvs with my newfound energy...
Khizzle: and yea you should run on teh treadmill too, not at 11pm like last night ;)
Khizzle: crazy.
me: ok i gotta clean up before my study buddy gets here..
Khizzle: ok. salams :)
me: im still online damn SLOW DOWN. wth is wrong with you. youre soo distant with yoru goodbyes. its like good riddance. i didnt even finish saying i was leaving and you done closed my window out
Khizzle: haha, sorry. is it always like that?
me: ALWAYS. OMG. i mean most ppl are like.. Oh.. ok.. well.. take care... be careful.. remember to breathe....your salam is like "shut the hell up already"
Khizzle: LOL
me: no wait its more like a.. you're still here??
Khizzle: wlel I dunno how you are at work..but when it's better believe i'm ready to leave
Khizzle: * this what an extended 'goodbye' feels like?
me: ok first things first.........girls like long goodbyes... two minutes after you meet... you start your goodbybe
Khizzle: well I do that out of consideration. If you say you are going to leave, I don't want to hold you up..but if you want to talk, I'm always here me: a lot of times saying you're about to leave is a warning to change the subject and its ALWAYS open to negotiations
Khizzle: that's true. it's just so different at work. or so i assumed :p i know when i say i have to go i REALLY haev to get up that moment more often than not.
Khizzle: so what are you and your study buddy going to be studying?
me: ok i gotta go. after all that. ahaha
Khizzle: Haha...oh my....and they wsay women are hard to read..

...yeah... we're damn near impossible to read/figure out. Give it up to Khizzles for trying. Bechara. :P

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

A Few Things I am Thankful For...

...Family's health
...My health
...Parents who, still, do everything for me
...Friends who like my cooking :)
...Nice place to live that smells super nice - sans leggy bugs so far.
...A friend who tells me bedtime stories in marwari so I dont ask
questions and fall asleep faster.
...A friend who I can always count on to throw down comments on my
...Straight hair. Its not easy to be curly in humidity.
...A friend who tells me Im really not missing anything much at all.
...For being able to walk down the street and not be questioned as to
where Im going, who Im meeting, when I'll be coming back and where
my mehram is.
...Having a decent income.
...For having a professor/landlady who looks out for me. :)
...My cellphone

I'm reading a book called "Veil of Roses" and its about a girl who leaves Iran for 3 months to come to stay with her sister in America in hopes of finding a husband. She takes pictures of everything: short skirts, women with no veils, red lipstick, long painted fingernails, a girl talking to a guy face to face in public, catching my drift? She's photgraphing subtle acts of freedom, freedom we take for granted day in and day out.

Sure, a revolution in Iran brought back Islam to a country that had strayed, but it did so forcibly and took with it a lot of freedoms that we greedily enjoy here while supporting the new regime. But what if we as women had it different here tomorrow? What would you remember? What would you miss? What would you cry for? Brothers this is for you to consider, too: what if your mother and sisters were suffering in silence and you knew it? Would it be easy enough to say, "It's better this way."?

We have what they do not. Its a shame they cant live the way we do: accepting Islam yet living amongst a society that practices a different religion and culture altogether. Its not easy, but its not life-threatening. We're still here arent we? If we had to leave, where would we go? Where would you take your family?

Who are we to judge others? Who are we to say women veiled are better off? Who are we to say the world would be a better place if fundamentalism replaced democracy? Who are we to say anything until we've walked, not in their shoes, but barefoot over glass, metal, dirt, and body parts?

We live in a very different world. We should be thankful we're not them, but be humble enough to realize our luck can run out any minute.

Wikipedia Fun - aka Boredom

(I got this from Totally Frank's Blog)

What to do: On search for your birthday and then find 3 events, 2 birthdays, 1 death and 1 holiday for that day.

3 Events:
1928 - Walt Disney releases Steamboat Willie, the best known of the early short films to feature Mickey Mouse.
1957 - First U.S. underground nuclear bomb test.
1972 - A parcel bomb sent to Israeli Embassy in London kills one diplomat.

2 Birthdays:
1949 - Twiggy, English model
1964 - Trisha Yearwood, American singer

1 Death:
1881 - James Garfield, 20th President of the United States

1 Holiday:
International Talk Like a Pirate Day.

Busy Day

I should have blogged last night. I have two posts that Im working on, but we're short-staffed at work this week, plus I have halaqa this week and a study session tonight so Im not sure if I'll be able to post soon. I didnt want you all to not have something to read so I posted this little update. I shall leave you with a Persian joke from the book Im reading "Veil of Roses" and a picture of my momz -- multi-taskin' it.

A Persian man says to his mother, "I want to see if you can guess which girl I have decided to marry. I will bring three girls to the house later on tonight." The mother accepts the challenge and at night he comes home with three very beautiful girls. Conversation is flowing. The man asks his mother which girl she thinks is the one for him. She says, "The one on the far right." Her son exclaims, "Yes! She is the one. How did you know?" The mother replies: "Because she's the one I dont like."

She really wasnt reading and talking on the phone at the same time; she was merely marking her space with her finger.

Reading Qur'an, talking on the phone and eating pancakes that were obviously made by her youngest daughter because they're burned. Bechari Ma will be nice and make them seem like the best pancakes in the world. Now had I been the one to make them, they'd never make it to a plate! :)

Monday, May 21, 2007

Honesty Has Gone Out of Style...Honestly.

Ok so I have updates. I finally get in touch with the lady better known as the one representing me in my GEICO claim from my accident that happened not too long ago but long enough for me to be angry at having always have to walk home in the rain.

The lady takes my statement and then shuts off the recorder. Aah, the real conversation begins on her part now. She tells me that the other lady in the accident is claiming she was parked and that I hit her.

I almost drop my phone as I hear this and try and keep my composure while ROFL at the same time.

Me (to insurance adjuster): Are you kidding me?!

Her: There is a police report right?

Me: Of course there is. I cant believe she would change her story like that especially when she knows I called the police and the officer issued a report. He read it to me because I asked to see what he wrote. Her story makes no sense at all.

Her: (laughs) Yeah, I know.

What is this world coming to? Really I just want this all over and behind me. Last night my father calls to ask for details. Im tired of going over this time and time again, I really didnt feel like talking about it, moreover I know what he really wanted to say.

Pa: Beta, is everything ok? How far have things gotten?

Me: Nowhere. Nothing. They're still taking statements. Im fed up because I want my car back, fixed, and I want someone else to pay.

Pa: Do you want me to get involved?

Ok -- so let me breakdown my Pops for those who might not know: 6' 2", big build, balding and white -- makes him look like an ex-skinhead with strong ties still, blue eyes that look fire red when he's angry, kills bugs with his mean look and ... for those who scurry fast but not fast enough he crushes them with his bare hands. What makes him angry? Someone who messes with his daughters.

Now, I would love to let him figure everything out and deal with the situation. Believe me, its not an empty threat. They'd much rather deal with me, Im sure. Pa has this thing about him when he gets angry he questions everything. No, its not playing dumb, its worse.. its his attempt at establishing dominance and it works. I've seen people, intelligent/educated people crumble in an arugment with him... especially if they're right. He's got a wicked sense of humor where he will make fun of you ---- and make even YOU laugh at yourself, unknowingly, and even when you realize it... you cant stop because you're in shock.

I would love to have him 'deal with it' for me, because Im sure somehow I'd get comped for last week too, but then how will it teach me anything? How will I learn to deal with my own problems? When will I stop using him as a crutch? I can be mean when I need to be. I'll figure this one out. And iA I'll do it all on my own. :)

Indian Bride Barbie - Out of Stock

She's quiet. She's obedient. She stays at home. She's really pretty. She'll never argue -- she'll never say much of anything at all actually. She's always smiling, always dressed up, sitting pretty. You cant tell from this picture but she can cook and clean, too. The catch? She's out-of-stock! (Not to mention out of your weekly allowance budget.) They don't make them like this anymore.

Is this really what guys want? Scratch that. Is this really what mothers of sons want? I mean sure you want your son to be happy and have a wife who will love him and take care of him (because we know he'll fall apart without his mother) and have a litter with half his DNA running around, but does submissive and plastic have to be part of the happily ever after equation?

Everyone comes with a fine print. People often ignore the fine print because they are blind-sighted by the superficial. Yes, this doll would look lovely on a pedestal for all to admire, but her fine print includes a choking hazard for children, parts that will easily break off and the biggest thing: she's highly flammable. She'll melt at the first sign of rising temps. Not to mention all accessories must be Barbie brand to be compatible: Barbie house, barbie car, barbie shopping mall. All very high maintenance. Don't even get me started on how the first person to get fed up with her will be the very person who bought her for you: your mother.

Do you really want a mass-produced item? Everyone would have the same. Everyone will get tired of it, eventually, like they tired of all toys they had when they were younger.

My advice: look for the one who isn't mass produced, who didnt come from a mold, someone not so generic. The biggest reason: you're not so generic yourself.

When all else fails, go for tikki Punjabi barbie -- there'll never be a dull moment -- or a quiet one! :P

Melt? She's made of fire and spice and a little bit of nice.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Under Where?

So it happened. I finally had the one dream I have read about but never ever experienced myself. This dream has many variations and the most common theme is being in nothing but your underwear and on stage for all to see.

My dream did not quite go like this. In my dream, I am fully clothed but through my clothes my underwear can be seen. It's this really strange, granny floral print. Hideous. Its frighteningly pre-pubescent. So in my dream, Im wearing a very unforgiving see through green shalwar kameez... think dupatta material, very sheer. The only thing is you cant see anything else. Nothing else shows through except for my underwear which believe me has me wanting to hide in a closet.

In my dream, Im at this dinner/banquet/awards ceremony. It happened Saturday night, so Ive had the day to make sense of it, some things are not that fresh but it might come to me. It makes me think Im at a school ceremony, perhaps a reunion? It happens to be that my ten year high school reunion is right around the corner. Yikes! Believe me thats a lot to be afraid of. So Ive been thinking about it lately. I always in the past have wanted to go to the point where I couldnt wait until the time would come. Now Im not so sure I want to go.

Anyway, in my dream my underwear is revealed through my clothing and I frantically try and find someone who will help me. I believe in the dream I ask a friend to help me. We're in a hotel. Im not sure why its not easy enough for me to go upstairs and change. I remember telling someone where my underwear drawer in my dresser in my apartment. The person either forgets or goes and checks and cant find a solid color anywhere.

Ive heard of these dreams so much and I have never had them myself. Naturally, I cannot wait to go look up the meaning. I already have somewhat of a notion as to what will be the interpretation.

I get a text message from a friend to go out for the day in Center City. It was a gorgeous day to be out and about. (Yes, Im prolonging getting to the good part of my underwear story... you'll just have to wait til Im finished... I had to.) I had a really nice time. We met up for lunch and a movie. We watched Spiderman 3. It was a nice movie but I can see how people thought it was too much. It was too long and there was a lot of plot crammed in. Too many heroes. :)

Anyway, on my way back home it got a little late... the grey, dreary skies let loose and it started raining. I ended up having to walk back in the rain - Friday night I got back late from having a pedicure and dinner in the city with friends. We tried out a very new indian restaurant @ Ben Franklin House and it was pretty good but I got back late and it was already dark by the time I got to my train stop. I ended up calling my professor and she picked me up instead of having me walk. Very nice of her.

Ok anyway, so finally I've just gotten the chance to look up the meaning of my dream and it reads as follows:

underwear - If you feel ashamed of being seen in your underwear, then it indicates your hesitance in revealing your true feelings, attitudes, and other hidden habits/ideas.

I think this theme fits because I remember freaking out about people seeing my underwear through my clothes. This interpretation fits. Something to hide huh? Hmmm.. true feelings?! Oh God, there are soo many things in this world that Im not honest to myself about.

The truth will set you free.

Or kill you. :)

So now I have an even bigger task --- find out what it is that I need to get off my chest.
High School Reunion: August 25, 2007. Are you serious??? Suddenly I don't feel like going.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Uncountable Blessings

Jibrail [as] once came to Prophet Muhamad [s.a.w] and said: Allah (swt) has given me the knowledge to count every leaf on earth, every fish in the sea, every star in the sky and every particle of sand on earth, but there's only 1 thing I cannot count.

Prophet [s.a.w] asked Jibrail [as]: What is it?
Jibrail [as] replied: When 1 of your Ummah recites Durood or salaams to you the blessing Allah (swt) showers upon him becomes impossible for me to count.

Subhan Allah.

Your Momma...!

This morning a friend and I went to Dunkin Donuts for breakfast. As we walked in my friend mentions the all-Indian staff and their obvious dominion over all Dunkin Donut stores nationwide.

Her: They're all Patel-owned
Me: There's one in my hometown that has not succumbed to Indian rule yet.
Her: Oh wow, take pictures of it. It's the only one left. (kind of like an endangered species)

We get up to the counter to order and my phone starts to ring. It's my mother. Now, knowing me, you know I couldnt possibly have normal ringtones for my family/friends. Normal ringtones would be either the generic bells or song snippits. No, I have my mother's voice recorded commanding me to answer the phone come through as her ringtone a little something like this...

"Farah, phone chook, Teri ma ai!" in punjabi.

I'm clearly embarrassed because I realize everyone behind the counter understands. But I play it off thinking nothing more of it. Once we exit my friend busts out laughing,

Her: That lady was looking at you and smiling. You couldnt hear anything but "Teri Ma".

Ok for those who do not know "Teri Ma" is the desi equivalent of a swear word or a put down. I was standing infront of my bag, so I heard the whole thing, but no one else could hear the whole snippet. To add even more to the story, it was a woman's voice, repeatedly, and Im sure they thought I said it. (Ohh look, Ma's calling me as I write this.. hahaha)

I never ever thought about that... ever. I came to work and told one of our Indian prep tech's the story and judging by the look on her face "teri ma" is pretty bad. But nevertheless we laughed out loud for a very long time about it.

"Teri ma" is not just the literal "your momma", its much more than that. And today, it happened to be misunderstood by a lot of people.

Relationships Are Like Car Crashes -- Crash Into Me

It occured to me yesterday that relationships and first encounters are very much like car crashes. They are both determined by fate. It is the way in which we crash that can state a lot about a relationship and the impact that it will have on our lives. I shall outline a few crashes below and leave it up to you to decide which relationships have made the biggest impact in your life, beginning with the minor ones.

Fender Benders: These are people that you bump into on a day to day everyday basis. They register as a collision but its very minor. Everyone walks away unharmed from these crashes. It's a mere coincidence of being at the right place at the right time. These are crushes, if you will. Someone who catches your attention, turns your head, makes you do a double take. Examples: People on the street, actors/actresses, your next door neighbor, your doctor/dentist, vendors, and the like.

Rear-End Collisions: These crashes sneak up on you by their very nature. You are taken by surprise, perhaps at your own reaction to the initial altercation. It comes out of nowhere, and you're startled at how they make your heart race and body temperature rise, temporarily knocking you off course and forcing you, possibly, to consider things that you had never thought to consider before. The one sneaking up on you is always at fault, as the one rear-ending you in a car crash, because they should have known better than to catch you off-guard and with your defenses down, completely vulnerable. Still, these are rarely fatal and once the initial shock wears off, things return to the way they were prior to the crash. In rare occasions, through complications unforseen, one may never recover and a loss of friendship might occur leaving an empty void that may remain forever. Examples: This is most likely to be someone you know, like a friend you've known for forever, but never really considered as a potential mate until they snuck up on you.

Head-On Collisions: These crashes are people you meet head-on and immediately fall for; feelings hit you like a ton of bricks at mach 1. You are down for the count and there is no getting up. These crashes take fatalities, nothing remains the same, lives are changed forever. Your heart is ripped from your chest cavity and you go numb. You cant breathe, cant sleep, cant talk, cant think. They say its the most euphoric of feelings ever, like being obliterated and blown away into gazillions of pieces. It stuns you and shakes you to your core. Days are a daze. You replay the incident in your mind over and over and over again recounting the tale to anyone who will listen, pleading your case, trying to make sense of it, writing a detailed report even in attempt at having your mind rationalize what happened. What's even more strange is how people enjoy the feeling, almost a high or rush. You dont see it coming, but when it hits you there's no turning back. Example: The one. When it happens, you'll know it.

Sadly, not all crashes are mutual. Some accidents cause cars to be side-swiped, forcing a single person off the road and into a ditch. Some accidents leave marks on one person and others walk away untouched. Sometimes, you meet someone you wish you'd never ever ever met. Some people never walk away.

The next time you meet someone, whether its a fender bender or a head-on collision, be more conscious of the impact it could potentially cause to you and also them. Some crashes take intelligence and skill to avoid.

In relationships there is no guarantee, no insurance policies, no liability. If you know someone else won't make it, don't bother interrupting their life.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Insurance Companies Suck!

(Keep talking, Im reloading)
I had a request from a reader wanting to know more about my insurance situation and basically right now its plain and simple: IT BITES! Its all up in the air still because, as my luck would have it, the state of PA doesnt need to assign total blame to one party. It can be a partial blame scenario. So I suppose even parked, I could be liable for some of her hitting me.
Ok Im so angry -- someone pray for me -- like say a few lines NOW. This is where I begin to really hate American politics and business practices. It always seems like the honest people miss out. Im in a parked car and she hits me and its possibly my fault? Im sorry, try that statement again and use a small child in place of my parked car. Is the child at fault for standing somewhere and being struck by a car? Let's go one step further and fine the parents for having the child in the first place! Had they not had him, he would not be in this world to EVER be anywhere near the wrong place at the right time. Its absurd!

First and foremost, Im getting royaly screwed both ways because no one is fighting for my best intersts, especially the adjuster assigned to my case with my best interests in mind. Remember, I dont have comprehensive on my policy. For those who might not follow this means should I be in an accident and its my fault -- my insurance will cover damages to the other vehicle(s), not my own. Now, should the other lady have had another insurance company, it would be in my best interests, SCREW THAT, it would be in GEICO'S best interest to fight in my favor so that they would not have to pay out. Here... the other lady has GEICO. If she's at fault, then GEICO pays me. If Im at fault, GEICO pays no one.
Get it?
Yeahhhhhhh, exactly. Ive got no one on my side. So the adjuster tells me that the police report, which puts me as parked and her as striking me, carries no weight.
Excuse me? When a cop comes to trial on a traffic violation to state that you were exceeding the speeding limit by Xmph, you BETTER believe your ass is losing the case! So in that case, his word counts?
Adjuster: Well, my client can argue that you moved your car before the cop arrived.

Me: Your client is a God-damned liar anyway, what difference would that make?
Insurance companies get pissed off... PISSED OFF when people commit insurance fraud, yet we're left defenseless when huge corporations rape us under police supervision!
So my claim that I put up Saturday afternoon has been re-opened for investigation and an adjuster has been reassigned to my case. I wondered why someone hadnt called me and then I get this phone call, on my cell, at work, to ask for a statement which Id already given Saturday afternoon right after the accident had happened, when it was super fresh in my mind. Anyway, I didnt get to finish the conversation because my call got dropped, damn Verizon!

Honestly, I know its making me walk to and from everyday and thats supposed to make me more humble, but its doing nothing but making my blood boil. Not to mention Im running out of things to throw at my television everytime I see a GEICO commercial.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Punjabi Totay Cricket Special - Nika Lara Teh Wadey Record

"lal helmet laya tey thaloon kala helmet nikal aaya" HAHAHA

What Does Your Desk Say About Your Mind?

What time is it? Forget that. I dont know what month it is!
Overworked, underappreciated.
Can I go yet?
The picture isnt blurry, this person's desk is too busy to hold still.
KISS: Keep it simple stupid!

Prophet Yusuf (saw) - Innocent Interpreter

Prophet Yusuf (saw) ends up being sent to prison on the account of Zulaikha, the minister's wife. In prison he meets two men, the King's cook and cupbearer. They know immediately he does not belong there for there is an aura about his face. It is stated that Prophet Yusuf(saw) was instructed to practice niqab for people would lose themselves in his beauty. It is in prison that he is given the gift of interpreting dreams.

The cook and cupbearer both had their dreams interpreted which came true in the end. The cupbearer dreams of serving the King wine, and Prophet Yusuf(saw) knows that in the end, he will one day return to serve the King. He tells him to take the King a message of a wronged soul in prison, himself. The cupbearer returns to the King but Satan causes him to forget his message and thus Prophet Yusuf(saw) ends up in prison for a lot longer than expected.

One night the King has a dream. The dream was as follows:

"He sees himself on the banks of the Nile river. The water is receding before him, becoming mere mud. The fish begin to skip and jump in the mud. Seven fat cows come out of the river followed by seven lean cows. The seven lean ones devour the seven fat ones. The king is terrified. The seven ears of green grain grow on the riverbanks and disappear in the mud. One the same spot grow seven dray ears of grain."

The King becomes frightened and calls all his advisors, sorcerers, ministers, and priests to interpret the dream. They lay the matter to rest by simply saying its a nightmare, a mix of confusion, on a account of his getting older in age. The news of the dream reaches the cupbearer and he remembers Prophet Yusuf(saw). The King tells him to go find him and relay him the dream and ask for interpretation. Prophet Yusuf(saw) interprets it as such:

"There will be seven years of abundance. If the land is properly cultivated, there will be an excess of good harvest, more than the people will need. This should be stored. Thereafter, seven years of famine will follow, during which time the excess grain could be used."

He advised that during the famine they should save some grain to be planted for the next season. Prophet Yusuf(saw) then added, "After seven years of drought, there will be a year during which water will be plentiful. If the water is properly used, grapevines and olive trees will grow in abundance, providing plenty of grapes and olive oil."

The King is very astonished with Prophet Yusuf(saw). He asks for him to be freed and brought to him at once. Prophet Yusuf(saw) refuses to leave prison until his innocence is proven. Who knows what gossip might still have been lurking in the shadows while he was in prison? Who knows what will come of it should he be brought to the same place again?

The King asks for the wives of the minister and the wife of the Chief Minister, Al-Aziz, to be brought to him at once. He had heard the story and found Prophet Yusuf(saw) to be innocent but he wanted to hear everyone's story. They were all brought to the King and there they spoke in favor of Prophet Yusuf(saw) and said he was innocent. Zulaikha, wrinkled in appearance over time, blames herself for the wrongful accusation. She says she tried to tempt Prophet Yusuf(saw) and he took no action at all. She professes her adirmation, again, and it is clear how much she cares for him and over the years has adopted the very same religion Prophet Yusuf(saw) preached, monotheism.

This is where the mention of her disappears. She is not mentioned again, however, legends add a different twist to her story. One legend says that after her husband died, she married Prophet Yusuf(saw) and she was a virgin, having been the wife of an old minister, she had never been touched. Another legend says she went blind crying for Prophet Yusuf(saw) wandering through the streets of the town.

The King freed Prophet Yusuf(saw) proving his innocence and gave him a position in his kingdom. The King could immediately sense nobility in the Prophet(saw). Everything seemed to go as the Prophet(saw) said it would. When famine came, there was enough grain in reserve to be sold to nations at a fair price.

Prophet Yacub(saw) sends ten of his sons, save Benjamin, to Egypt to purchase provisions. Prophet Yusuf(saw) heard about the brothers who came from afar and did not speak the language and immediately recognized them as his brothers. They, however, did not for obvious reasons to them he was dead. Prophet Yusuf(saw) was very close to Benjamin. He meets the brothers civily. They say they are 11 brothers of a noble Prophet(saw) and the youngest brother is at home caring for their aging father. Prophet Yusuf(saw)'s eyes well up with tears. He instructs them to bring the brother next time and they will receive double rations. He tells his servant to place the bag of money his brothers had paid with back into the sacks of grain to go home with the brothers.

The brothers come back to their father and relay details of who they met. They ask to take Benjamin back with them. Their request is denied. Prophet Yacub(saw) says, "I entrusted you with Yusuf and see what happened to him. I will not let you take Benjamin." They find the money and they tell their father that Benjamin will be safe because the man has been kind enough to return the money they paid with.

Prophet Yacub(saw) agrees to let the brothers take Benjamin and swear an oath to bring him back. Prophet Yacub(saw) blesses their journey and tells them to enter the city through several different gates. Prophet Yusuf(saw) greets them heartily but suppresses the urge to embrace Benjamin. He prepares a feast and seats everyone in pairs. Benjamin he seats next to himself. Benjamin begins to cry. When asked why he says, "If my brother Yusuf was here I would have been paired with him."

That night in a room Prophet Yusuf(saw) asks Benjamin if he could take him as a brother. Benjamin thanks him for his kindness but says he could never take the place of his brother Yusuf. This is where I begin to cry. Prophet Yusuf(saw) breaks down in tears and he exclaims, "I am your brother."

The next day when sacks of grain are being loaded into bags, Prophet Yusuf(saw) orders his servant to place the King's gold cup into Benjamin's saddlebag. Before everyone is ready to leave there is an accusation of theivery. The sons state they are of a noble father and have no reason to steal. The punishment for stealing is decided by the sons. They say that where they are from the punishment sees the theif becoming the slave of the person they stole from. The cup of course is found in Benjamin's saddlebag. The sons are shocked and they are reminded of their promise to their father to return with Benjamin. They plead and beg but to no avail. Judah, the eldest, decides to remain until his father will allow him to come back. He will not break his promise and return without his brother. The others retreat. Prophet Yusuf(saw) is glad to see Judah has remained for he is a good-hearted brother and he makes sure that this brother is cared for as well.

The other brothers go back to their father with the sad news. Prophet Yacub(saw) is saddened and overtaken with grief for Yusuf and Benjamin. He cries until he goes blind. He asks the brothers to go back and look for Prophet Yusuf(saw). They meet with Prophet Yusuf(saw) and ask for money for the goods they brought with them. They tell him of their fathers condition and in the end Prophet Yusuf(saw) reveals himself to them. He gives them his shirt and instructs them to drape it over their father's face and he will regain his sight.

As the brothers in their travel, the father back in Palestine rises from his chair and goes outside. He says he can smell Prophet Yusuf(saw). The brothers do as they are told and Prophet Yacub(saw) can see again.

Prophet Yusuf(saw) arranges for his family to settle with him in Egypt. Before his death, he asks his brothers to burry him with their forefathers once they leave Egypt. He was 110 at the time of his death.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


My bite is bigger than my bark
Lauren likes hard apples.

Might Mouse likes to bite off more than he can chew

I'm so not going to be the mother who says, "Don't play with your food!"

Send me your bites, and I'll find captions for them. No phlegm please.

All Those Tired of Being Lectured To Scream I

Me: Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!

Ok so I agree I've been on a religious rant for the past few days. I've even been reduced to being NICE in my posts. WHAT?! We cant have that. Im ready to make a super long overdue comeback to Lala land.

Now, you all know I dont have a car due to some idiot in an SUV who likes to cut corners and rip bumpers off innocent, happy-go-lucky, slate-blue-not-purple, adorable, little cars. Ive been walking to and from the station everyday.

Day 1: 7am. Im on the phone with Ma... this isnt so bad. Its actually kind of nice. Oh, look, trees. Trees with nice blossoms. Blossoms with a bugs in them.. AUGH! Mental note to self: Thats the last time I EVER stop to smell the flowers. The walk is uphill a bit, levels off, then downhill a bit.
Me: I should do this everyday. The weather is so nice. Im getting my exercise in. Oh, and I dont have to worry about whether or not I have change for the parking box. Im going to do this even after I get my car.
Ma: Really?
Me: Yeah, it'll save me a dollar.
Ma: (this is where I dont get parents sometimes) Its a DOLLAR! Big deal. Shut up and drive.
Me: Arent you always trying to get me to save..
Ma: stop buying DVDs!
Me: Wait, if I buy something I have something to show for it. Parking is a waste of money, I dont see any return.
Ma: You're not a penny-pincher.
Me: I am one now, thanks to YOU!

I have no idea why --- but I swear to GOD the return walk was like 3 times as long as the one in the morning. It was like..92 and hot, Im tired from working all day, I got so frustrated at cars that were zipping by, I really thought I saw myself in one of them oblivious of the ones walking, and it was like the walk that never ended. Finally after getting smacked in the face by two tree branches, THEY CAME OUTTA NOWHERE REALLY!, almost stepping in dog poop, swallowing my heart at almost being followed -- turned out to be some old dude, being barked at by this stupid mut, I get home and Im exhausted. I literally collapse in my papasan and I stay put til the sweat dries. It was really hot outside, heat does that to muscles. I think its because I was really tired. And hot. I dont take heat very well. Actually, more so I dont take being annoyed very well.

Right before I started walking I had talked to the insurance company and it turns out the freak who was supposed to call me didnt. He took a statement from the other lady and that was it. I guess it makes sense some how because the claim is against her insurance policy since she hit me. I called in a claim too but apparently wasnt supposed to. Silly me.

Anyway, so I have no car still. Day 2 wasnt bad at all -- so far. But Im such a morning person anyway. No coffee and Im more alive than ever before. The walk helps clear my head.

Laur: Can I just have a 1/3 of your energy. I'll be fine with just that.

Anyway, here's to hoping the freak will call me today iA with good news.

Prophet Yusuf (saw) - Beauty Unparalleled

Angel in the sky?
The story of Prophet Yusuf(saw) is by far one of my favorites. It is a story that the Jews found interesting and so they implored Prophet Muhammad(saw) to relay it to them because the account they had was in pieces and inconsistent. This is why the revelation was sent down and Prophet Yusuf(saw)'s story is told in the Quran in its entirety. The story is the most detailed and fascinating story in the Quran ecompassing both human weaknesses, such as jealousy, hatred, pride, passion, deception, intrigue, cruelty, and terror, as well as noble qualities, such as patience, loyalty, bravery, nobility, and compassion.

Allah the Almighty declared: We relate unto you (Muhammad) the best of stories through Our Revelations unto you, of this Quran. And before this (i.e. before the coming of Divine Inspiration to you), you were among those who knew nothing about it (the Quran). (12:3 Quran)

Almighty Allah also decreed: thus We relate to you (O Muhammad) some information of what happened before, And indeed We have give you from Us a Reminder (this Quran). Whoever turns away from it (this Quran--i.e. does not believe in it, nor acts on its orders), verily they will bear a heavy burden (of sins) on the Day of Resurrection. They will abide in that (state in the Fire of Hell), and evil indeed will it be that load for them on the Day of Resurrection. (20:99-101)

Prophet Yusuf(saw) son of Prophet Yacub(saw) was delighted one morning when he awoke from a dream, a dream which told Prophet Yacub(saw) that his son was the chosen one to lead in Prophethood. He told his son not to tell his brothers of his dream for they may become jealous. The brothers quickly caught onto the love and devotion Prophet Yacub(saw) showered Prophet Yusuf(saw) with. Perhaps its just a mere sibling rivalry, but at times it will make us act out in dangerous ways. We've all been there. There is a conversation that takes place between the rest of the brothers and they are deciding why the one is favored more and what to do about it.

They conspire to throw Prophet Yusuf(saw) into a well and from there he will be picked up by travelling caravan. This plan was put into action and the brother lead Prophet Yusuf(saw) away. Prophet Yacub(saw) was saddened. In a conversation between the sons and himself this is what was said:

They said: "O our father! Why do you not trust us with Yusuf, when we are indeed his well wishers? Send him with us tomorrow to enjoy himself and play, and verily we will take care of him." He (Yaqub) said: "Truly, it saddens me that you should take him away. I fear lest a wolf should devour him, while you are careless of him."

Of course Prophet Yacub(saw) had the gift of foresight, or the ability to sense danger. It is uncertain whether he meant wolf literally, or figuratively implying wolf to mean his brothers.

The brothers come back to Prophet Yacub(saw) and they tell him that their brother has been eaten by a wolf. They are obviously lying, but more obvious to Prophet Yacub(saw) is that his son is still alive.

Prophets had such testing lives. They all went through so many trials. Who of us can actually imagine having siblings so cruel as to wish their own blood away from their sights?

Prophet Yusuf(saw)'s story becomes more interesting. He was found by a caravan and enslaved. He ends up becoming the personal attendent to the Chief Minister Aziz's wife, Zulaikha. "Yusuf's handsomeness became the talk of the town. People referred to him as the most attractive man they had ever seen and wrote poetry about him. His face carried immaculate beauty. The purity of his inner soul and his heart showed in his face, increasing his beauty. People from afar came to the city to have a glimpse of him. The prettiest of maidens and the richest of ladiesnursthe to possess him, but not once did he show haughtiness or conceit. he was always humble and polite."
He missed his parents and his brother Benjamin, and shed tears daily but remained thankful to Allah (swt).

The minister's wife begins to take a liking to Prophet Yusuf(saw) and there is an instance in which she throws herself at him and he does not take any action towards her. In a struggle she tears his shirt and being upset over his obvious dismissal of her, accuses him of attempting to rape her. Prophet Yusuf(saw) is proven innocent by the threads of his clothing as evidence. His shirt being torn from behind gave proof she pulled him, while he was trying to escape.

The town at this point knows all of what has happened. Zulaikha professes her love for Prophet Yusuf(saw) and this eases some tension between the women of the town. Obviously she does this to quell all the gossip. She holds at her house a party and invites all the women of the town. To them she gives each a knife and a piece of fruit. She then calls Prophet Yusuf(saw) to enter. All are so mesmerized by his presence, his beauty, and his "face shining and full of angelic beauty" that they are entranced. When he leaves the women realize that they have cut right through their hands.

Zulaikha stands up and announces: "This is the one for whom I have been blamed. I do not deny that I tempted him. You have been enchanted by Yusuf, and see what has happened to your hands. I have tempted him, and if he does not do what I want of him he shall be imprisoned."

Almighty Allah related the scene of the banquet in His words: So when she heard of their accusation, she sent for them and prepared a banquet for them; she gave each one of them a knife (to cut the foodstuff with), and she said (to Yusuf): "Come out before them." Then, when they saw him, they exalted him (at his beauty) and (in their astonishment) cut their hands. They said: "how perfect is Allah (or Allah forbid)! No man is this! This is none other than a noble angel!"

Prophet Yusuf(saw)said: "O my Lord! Prison is more to my liking than that to which they invite me. Unless You turn away their plot from me, I will feel inclined towards them and be one of those who commit sin and deserve blame or those who do deeds of the ignorants."

I had to smile here. I love how he says he'll gladly go to prison before feeling safe and comfortable in an arena as such amidst the company of the likes of Zulaikha and her guests.

Prison was Prophet Yusuf's (saw) third test. In prison, get this, he became a dream interpreter. I'm hooked on Prophet Yusuf(saw) and I didnt even need to see him.

I must cut this post short though, so I will continue with part two tomorrow iA. I know how many people got lost in the length of yesterday's post -- reading at a 1st grade level I know.. ahhaha.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

How I Managed To Miss Mother's Day

So I was all set to go to my parents' home Friday afternoon until... I lost my glasses. I was due for a new prescription anyway so I decided to get an exam done and scheduled one for Saturday morning. The next day, Saturday, I get into my car, parked conveniently right infront of my apartment -- long story --theres a parking spot for me behind the house but I no longer park there because of the uneven pavement and bushes that hold God knows what kinds of rabid animals, but getting back to my story -- parallel parked on the street, right at the corner of an intersection -- not a complete intersection but there is a side street that bisects the street I live on. Anyway, I get in my car, pull my seatbelt on, check everything and check traffic to see if I can pull out or not. I see this black SUV coming down the street. I stop to let her and other cars pass. The black SUV is turning right. Im at the corner. SUV cuts the corner too close -- too close to my car -- she swipes my car and proceeds down the street.

Wait... what the hell?! Was I just in an accident? Yes, yes I was dammit and I know it because theres that telltale sick feeling in my stomach. Wait, where's the SUV? She's still driving? Oh my God, OHMIGOD, Im in a hit and run!? Me?! Usually Im the one hitting people and I always stop. How can this be?

Before I know it I realize I cant give chase with my car -- so I throw off the seatbelt, jump outta my car, cringe at the damage -- really preparing myself for the worst --, and run after the SUV, who finally decides to stop. I walk up to the passenger side. Its a female. She opens her door all, "Hey, what time is it?" mannered asking something along the lines of did we just have an accident? So she didnt believe it either.

Me: You didnt see me stopped at the corner?! You just took my bumper off and kept going!
SVU Lady: Oh, Im so sorry I didnt see you at all.
Me: You didnt see me stopped at the corner?! You just took my bumper off and kept going! *I dont know why I felt the need to repeat myself*
SVU Lady: Oh gosh, are you ok. Are you hurt?
Me: You didnt see me STOPPED at the corner -- yeah you know the story I repeated myself and Im not sure if it was because Ive been rusty from not having been in an accident in awhile or if I was just angry or if I was just in happy shock from having it NOT be my fault for once.

Now here's where all the really odd stuff starts happening. Like ok, this is where you have to stop and say, "Allah, ya got me. Ya got me and ya got me good because everything is going off like planned."

We're both in shock, yet we manage to get each others insurance info: we have the same company - thats good so I think. I call 911. She says theres no need. Im not hanging up if it means saving my life! We exchange information -- I know Im dreaming because how I manage to find all my stuff -- insurance card, registration and license AND a pen -- all in one spot is beyond me. A tow truck pulls up infront of her SUV.

Tow Truck Man: You ladies need help?
Me: Im sorry, did I call you? (no seriously who was I on the phone with?...)
TTM: Heh, no I was just driving down the street.
Me: Good, then I did call 911
Now, at this point I want to cry ...
Me: My car! Look, oh, what?, I dont know, can you fix it? Can you just push it back... up... maybe?
TTM (real smooth talker): Its an easy fix but not that easy.

The cop arrives.
Me: I was stopped at the corner. She didnt see me at -- etc etc etc.

I tell him the what the who the where the how, I feel like Im a five year old who just saw a sibling take a cookie from the cookie jar -- Im a natural snitch. I tell him I have her insurance info, she's got mine.

Cop guy: Well, it looks like eveythings done. (laughingly)
Me: Well, can you atleast write something, I mean a report or something. (Hey, Im still new here, theres a lot of things we do differently south of the Mason-Dixon line.)
Cop guy: Yes, Im going to do that. (if he was annoyed he didnt look it. he was very friendly and infact everyone was --the guy who was towing my car while I was trying to take stuff out of it --and especially the hooch that hit me -- she was my new best friend.)

It happened at 11:26am. My father calls me at 11:30am -- Im telling you my family has a weird connection (not ESPN haha -- but more like broadband) I tell him I cant talk and hang up.

Within minutes it seems its all said and done. My car is towed. Im left with a bunch of slips of paper with lots of numbers on them. The police report is like top secret so I dont get a copy, but the officer shows me what he wrote. He assesses the situation nicely. Me, parked. She sideswiped my car. Im pleased with the report. The tow truck guy, Joe, assesses the situation: by the looks of it, its obvious who's at fault: she hit your car. The SUV lady, assesses the situation: I didnt see you at all. Was in a hurry trying to get to the bank. I didnt mean to hit your car.

Sounds like a done deal, no? Nope. OF COURSE NOT. If it was all that cut and dry would I be bloggging about? First of all, if it were that cut and dry it wouldnt be MY story. :)

I get inside and call the insurance company again, to verify information: my biggest and only mistake? Not calling the insurance company again with the SUV lady there. Because yes, you guessed it... the SUV told a different story to the insurance company which if you recall happens to be MY insurance company too and I can assure you -- its not so easy a caveman can do it!

Now here's where I know Im not dreaming and this is all reality: I dont have collision on my car -- no need -- its ours and paid for. She is always travelling, has a 2005 Lexus Truck ergo has comprehensive on her vehicle. Now, sadly, insurance companies are the biggest fraud and blatant blatant theivery known to mankind, legally, and theres nothing we can do about it -- best said its like being robbed in broad day light wiht a cop watching. Anyway, of the two of us it is to the insurance company's advantage to find me at fault because then they are not liable for anything. The insurance lady gives me a call after talking to the SUV lady and says, point blank, that the SUV lady has issued a different story. My knee-jerk reaction, "And you're just going to believe her because it suits your purpose?" So now we have to wait until Monday when this Michael ARCH ANGEL OF INSURANCE ADJUSTERS will review the case and decide/assess blame.

Im hoping at this point that all they are waiting for until Monday is the police report which of course they dont have yet. I am hoping that they use that as irrefutable evidence and find her at fault.

So now I have no car. I could not go down to visit my parents, but Alhamdullilah I have my health and it really could have been worse. My parents were in DE visiting my sister's mother-in-law who is sick and so I called them and told them of the accident. Of course they were worried even though I told them I had everything under control. They came to visit me instead. They only stayed hardly 25 minutes because my younger sister was at home and they didnt bring her because she knew I was coming down to visit as a surprise so when they got back from my sister's they would see that I was there.

This is the LAST time I ever tell anyone my plans or make them for that matter. I dont know what the reason was for this mishap to occur. Perhaps my not going home saved me from a worser fate? God knows.

Anyway, I realized yesterday just how dependent I am, still, on my parents. I dont know what I would do without them. Just.. them being there...made everything better. They always help out and ask for nothing but a phone call every now and then in return. Their generation was a generation of hard workers. They worked, and saved. Worked and saved. I have no idea how but mA there is barkat in what they earned. I have nothing. I am nothing. There is nothing independent about me. Before my father left he cut me a check for the cost of my bumper and incidentals (ie cabfare to and from the city so I dont have to incur any hardship getting to and from work)

How many people can say they have parents like that? Im one of the lucky ones. It hit me all of a sudden like a monster truck to the brain that there is so much more to marriage then I am ready to take on right now. Its complicated, but stuff like providing for a family in a world that demands two incomes to survive and raise a family. I cant take care of myself. I crumble like a deck of cards and would much rather let my father figure it out. As I tried to decide logistics of still managing to go home for the weekend my father says to me, "Just get your things and let's go. I'll come back to drop you off. Its not a problem." Not a problem? Its completely out of his way. I feel helpless looking at my parents who just that morning said they worry about me so much. Do they deserve that stress?

I mention how I thought about not telling them at all and my father got upset. "Why are you saying that?," he demanded to know. "We want you to come to us whenever there is a problem. You should tell us. We want to know."

False sense of independence. Co-dependence cloaked in independence. I hope and pray that Allah (swt) gives me the ability to make them happy and satisfied at their own accomplishments that they left no stone unturned in their pursuit of a better living for their children. They raised us with certain ideals, certain principles and I will not let them doubt themselves. I only hope and pray that iA one day I can be to my children what my parents are to me.

Could that be my lesson learned, lesson reminded? If so, then it all makes sense now.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Creating My Own Culture - Who's Confused?

We don't know enough about Pakistani culture and we don't fit in with American culture. I'm vowing to start a new culture; one that includes Islam but also encompasses all that is good from all cultures. No one's confused. We're adapting. It's societal evolution, survival of the fittest. Isnt it about time?

Yesterday was an exhausting day. My 400th post party was nice. Thank you to all those who showed up. :)

Halaqa was a lot of fun!!!!!!!!!! I swear I have the most awesomest group of friends in the world, mA really knowledgable girls who make Islamic discussions so much more interesting. They liked my khatira and also my cooking!! We were up talking for the longest time and then two girls spent the night -- so we went shopping for toilettries at a Walgreen's -- thank God for them being open 24/7.

I was simply exhausted last night -- went to sleep around 3am. Woke up with my alarm at 530a. I remember DISTINCTLY remember looking at the alarm and not snoozing it but turning it off because I said I was awake. I remember thinking Im just going to close my eyes for a minute. I woke up 3 hrs later! Im a mess today, tired but Alhamdullilah enlightened.

I really value religious discussions now more than ever... theres a comfort in discussing Allah (swt) these days too, somehow makes me feel like Im not alone and all I can do in this life is try my best to be a better person, but Allahu Alim, He (swt) already knows. Its a weird sense of self-assurance when you realize what you're doing has already been planned and thought out. Allah (swt) is merciful, and would never inflict us with intentional harms without reason -- or that which we cannot take and use to our purpose to better ourselves. Right?

I discussed technological advancements and the Islamic world, evolution, and the necessity upon us to learn as much as we can and to become exporters of goods rather than importers -- this goes along with anything and everything -- live your life so that what you put out benefits others and is greater than what you take in and use - don't wait for someone else to come up with an idea or invention -- figure it out on your own.

Did you know that global studies have been conducted finding Muslims with one of the startling highest rates of illiteracy in the world! And of the ones who can read, their general scope is the poorest. Imagine! The first command of the Quran revealed to the Prophet (saw) was, "Read." We dont read enough. We dont learn enough.

It worked out really well because everyone there was in the science/medical field. The Prophet (saw) himself said that the study of medicine was far greater than any other science or field of study. I think the reason why is because you cannot have such a heightened appreciation for the Creator until you recognize the intricate manner, the intensity, and the passion and detail with which we were created. When you learn about the human body, all the parts, all the mechanisms, all the self-correcting, negative feedback aspects, conception -- all the COSMICALLY opportune conditions required for the beginning of life, you are in complete awe at what He designed.

We're constantly unlocking medical mysteries. Allah (swt) states: For every disease there is a cure that has been sent down as well.

Think about it. I resolved to never go into research because I reasoned that it was likeable to reinventing the wheel, but really there is so much we dont know. There is so much of our body and mind that we dont use. What's the figure at --- like 6% -- we only use like 6% of our brain or something.

I think we take for granted a lot of what we have. One of the girls said it best, "We are a society of complainers." We have no concept of being thankful for what we have -- once we get what we dont have, its on to the next. We dont stop to live in the moment. And its ok to be consciously aware of the Hereafter and to work towards that goal, but to balance it so you have that goal in mind but can marvel in the day to day a beautiful thing.

Thats what I learned from halaqa this week -- I want to live in the moment. I want to enjoy every aspect of my life -- really live it. I want to make an effort to read Quran each day and incorporate my readings into my day to day: let the Quran be my guide. I want to think. I want to be. I want to see, insha'Allah.

When will this time ever come again?

Stop and savor the icing topping each day.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Stayin Alive


Where Da Party AT?!?! - 400th POST!

Woohoo!! I made it to my 400th post!!! Wow... not bad for a little over a year. This post is a reflection of the past year. There were tough times, tears, laughs, changes but I have gotten through them, and managed to change my perspective around. Blogging at first was just something I would do here and there, casually. It wasnt until I started using it to channel my inner voice and bring to laughter some of the raw truths in my life that blogging became fun. Of course having a following doesnt hurt, either. I blog whatever comes to mind and sometimes I stop and think, No one is going to understand this.. or No one is going to follow... and then....someone.. somewhere reading.. gets it..... and comments.. its a beautiful thing.

I do value all comments. I live for them! Most all feedback is positive, some even try and capitalize on it -- my latest suggestion: You should write restaurant reviews on your blog. :P He means well, really.

So today.... Im set to party RETRO style. So bring your bell bottoms, your up-dos, dance moves, dont forget your roller skates and LET'S PARTY!!!


Dancing Lab Mice...if you will. :)

(If you're not sure how a virtual party works here are a few helpful hints: The theme is RETRO. Google images for styles for mod, retros, 80s, etc and comment what you're wearing and what you're grooving to. is great for picking out dance moves and songs)