Monday, May 21, 2007

Indian Bride Barbie - Out of Stock

She's quiet. She's obedient. She stays at home. She's really pretty. She'll never argue -- she'll never say much of anything at all actually. She's always smiling, always dressed up, sitting pretty. You cant tell from this picture but she can cook and clean, too. The catch? She's out-of-stock! (Not to mention out of your weekly allowance budget.) They don't make them like this anymore.

Is this really what guys want? Scratch that. Is this really what mothers of sons want? I mean sure you want your son to be happy and have a wife who will love him and take care of him (because we know he'll fall apart without his mother) and have a litter with half his DNA running around, but does submissive and plastic have to be part of the happily ever after equation?

Everyone comes with a fine print. People often ignore the fine print because they are blind-sighted by the superficial. Yes, this doll would look lovely on a pedestal for all to admire, but her fine print includes a choking hazard for children, parts that will easily break off and the biggest thing: she's highly flammable. She'll melt at the first sign of rising temps. Not to mention all accessories must be Barbie brand to be compatible: Barbie house, barbie car, barbie shopping mall. All very high maintenance. Don't even get me started on how the first person to get fed up with her will be the very person who bought her for you: your mother.

Do you really want a mass-produced item? Everyone would have the same. Everyone will get tired of it, eventually, like they tired of all toys they had when they were younger.

My advice: look for the one who isn't mass produced, who didnt come from a mold, someone not so generic. The biggest reason: you're not so generic yourself.

When all else fails, go for tikki Punjabi barbie -- there'll never be a dull moment -- or a quiet one! :P

Melt? She's made of fire and spice and a little bit of nice.


Anonymous said...

As usual, an entertaining blog. Your insight is always delivered in the most entertaining ways.

In my opinion people want generic because well, they really ARE generic. If you aren't anything special, you probably wouldn't want something special yourself. That is, dull people don't realize they're dull. So how can you correct a "problem" you don't even know exists?

Not me though. I want someone I can argue with (about things of substance), someone who doesn't need to wear make-up to look her best, someone who will make me cook every now and then, so I don't forget how. :} But I'd also cook for that person because I WANT to. She can still do all the cleaning though ;) because at the end of the day, you know she'll still be asking me to kill that spider because it 'looked at her funny' and it will never be the other way around!

The Brown Girl said...

you're using 'killing bugs' as a negotiation tactic???

Anonymous said...

I've seen how women handle bugs...You could exploit them with that alone for the rest of your life.

It's like a rabid dog is chasing after them with tightly sealed jars and nunchucksl

The Brown Girl said...

Tightly sealed jars and nunchucks are for boy scouts... did I mention Im a Muslim AND punjabi!?

Ya think I cant come up with better? LOL

Anonymous said...

There's nothing wrong with a man (and his mom) having standards - and selecting a wife based upon those standards.

Apparently that specification is anything but generic....because it's so hard to find. Girls are angry b/c they dont fit that mold and get passed over, guys and their moms are upset because they can't find girls who fit the mold.

Women should stop their complaining and conform, then everyone will be happy! Become what men want and you too will be an bride!

The Brown Girl said...

last i checked I wasnt that desperate to give up everything in life to get a man... who's really not a man at all because he had to force me to be someone im not just to accept me...

I'll take SINGLE any day over a facade that will surely fade.

Anonymous said...


I'm sorry, but that's REALLY backwards an approach in my opinion. True, marriage is about making sacrifices, but they are to be shared. And regardless of the sacrifices you make, you should not have to change who you are. No self-respecting woman would ever go against her fundamental beliefs.

Having standards is not only acceptable, but necessary. As a man, looking for a wife, I don't expect to find someone who fits the mold entirely...heck, my mold isn't made of titanium, it's more like rubber: I can bend it, but not too much. If I found a woman who was willing to change everything about her to what I wanted, I honestly have a hard time believing I could respect her for it. Starting a marriage off with that foundation, you might be together forever..but how happy can you really with yourself?

The Brown Girl said...

Well said from a Muslim brother's perspective.

I think single girls get into this state of mind where they have to justify being single. Its ok. Its not our fault.

So they try and be over-compensating. That is when the mess starts. You cant force yourself into a mold or certain way.. its fake then. How long will you keep up the image?

Why is it so hard to be ourselves? I think a lot of single girls have issues we need to figure out before we get married. Marriage will not solve everything. If nothing else, it will add to our already heavy load of problems we need to think through leading us to breakdown mentally.

I know firsthand I need to figure myself out... before I can ever begin to figure out a family.

There are good days and bad days. We all have them. Doubt comes from Shaitan. Don't let him win.

Stay strong iA. Allah (swt) will bring you through this tough time. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi there. Hopped in here via someone's blog. I don't remember who? You are like everywhere on the Blogger. Just wondering whether this barbie also has a self-repair mechanism? Machines can't repair themselves. Humans can. So she'll be more human if she has this mechanism. And if she can repair others too then nothing like it :)

The Brown Girl said...

Welcome Skeptic.

To answer your question, no. She has no such feature. I don't think you really ever get your money back even with the reciept. Its more like store-credit so you most always have to buy something else of equal or lesser value.

Anonymous said...

ANON your response is a minority male response.

Kudos for your point of view - but like I said, you are a minority. Maybe you should talk to your brothers, share your view point with them and then maybe girls would not feel the need to change themselves to find marriage? And maybe the majority of guys would not expect the change?

Anonymous said...

Do you REALLY want to compare yourself to the "average" person? The average person is miserable, and if that's your goal, fine, be a conformist.

If at any point in your life you feel you are or should be "just like everybody else", then I think there may be a need to reevaluate yourself.

Anonymous said...

LOL. How did this become about me? It's about the reality of things, it's about society.

I like myself just fine, thank you very much. And many more girl like, or would like themselves just fine if men, the media, maxim magazine and such didn't tell them they were not acceptable as is and needed to change.

You may prefer to deny the existence of some serious societal issues regarding the expectations and false standards women and girls are held to - but that doesn't change the fact that they exist.
For example, guys rant all the time about want a gal who isn’t fat – yet we aren’t talking 300lbs, we are talking 10-20lbs in many cases. The average American woman is a size 12, yet guys all seem to want a girl who is a size 6. Whether they admit it or not. My initial response was sarcastic.

Your argument about me comparing myself to the average gal proves my point. In many ways, I am the average American gal. In other ways – I’m well beyond average – I’m extraordinary. Yet, you see average as the undesirable – hence my comment about a girl needing to change is brought to light. The “Indian Barbie” is not the average, it’s a small minority. If I accept myself as average, then I’m miserable as you put it. If I desire to change myself – to be the perfect unique girl, then I am not deserving of respect because I’ve changed and conformed.

You are doing a poor job of playing devils advocate, if that is in fact what you are doing – otherwise, you just simply don’t know what you are talking about? Who knows?

P.S. I think you are taking this discussion a little too personal, relax, no one is saying men have to change, just the women. :) haha!