Friday, May 04, 2007

Pollen Nation

pollination (pŏl'ə-nā'shən)

The process by which plant pollen is transferred from the male reproductive organs to the female reproductive organs to form seeds. In flowering plants, pollen is transferred from the anther to the stigma, often by the wind or by insects. In cone-bearing plants, male cones release pollen that is usually borne by the wind to the ovules of female cones.

I'm suffering from allergies because flowers gotta get it on?????? Everyone's gettin' some but me!

NOT in a GOOD MOOD AT ALL: No sleep at all last night, allergies acting up today, fell asleep on the train, MISSED my SON OF A MOTHER train stop, had to get off at the NEXT stop, walked back 10 streets - no coffee, no breakfast, hating life - early morning needle procedure for me... 3 sites.. 1 hr 45 minutes. Im just now getting back.



Unknown said...

Wait, why don't you just take an impromptu 3-day vacation???? Oh wait, that's right, someone else already does that...all the time! I love covering for people that are lazy and incompetent, SO HARD!

The Brown Girl said...

Right right... you should take off too... post menopausal stress disorder

HAHAHAHA... laugh it offf...laugh it offf...

Unknown said...

so how long does one of those hystogram sonie things take??? (this is my superior, it makes parts of my soul slowly die)

The Brown Girl said...

what's that knocking noise?? Oh. its Laur's head banging up against the wall!

Anonymous said...

Cheer up Farah!
I can get you some nice pictures of bugs and reptiles to make you forget about your current problems if you'd like :}

Don't worry, these are safe to click.