Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I miss my blog!

Ok so I gotta be really careful cuz I have my blog linked to my facebook and everyone and their mommaaa is on facebook and can read my notes. SUCKS... I know.. since this would probably be the best time to say Id love to write about them! haha..


I know its coming. I feel it in the pit of my stomach... chunks of an undigested rant, remnants of a bad day gone worse about to spew... brace yourself...............brace yourself. ITS.STILL.RAMADAN.

Ok, so you know how Shaiyateen get locked up during Ramadan? Every time I do something bad... or am about to do something bad I always think to myself.................Im the one that got away. HA.

Its sooo unfair ---- Shaitan gets locked up but I still gotta deal with the morons of society that roam free with a "Get-out-of-jail-free" card-style chip on their shoulder.

IM not bitter... Oh no, IM NOT BITTER.

Ignorance is such bliss. Stupidity is contagious and reaching epidemic levels. If you cant beat em.....find a bigger bat! :D

Sunday, September 23, 2007

28, Finally.

So much for starting the blog up again in September! Its getting to where its harder and harder to write. Im wondering if its not because I have other avenues of venting... such as not getting angry in the first place. HA!

Ok, so Ive never been one to have many friends, and recently Ive been meeting such cool people that its hard to not want to hang out with them all the time... I think I just found an avenue for my venting! :D

September is really a crazy month. Summer ends, schools re-open, life resumes its monotony, birthdays, Ramadan...

Me: Pa, I cant talk right now. Can I call you Wednesday?
Pa: Beta??... its Saturday! Are you really that busy?

...and that about sums up why I havent blogged lately.

Ok, so I need to learn to manage my time wisely. Structured is one of my few un-Virgo characteristics. I have the need to be organized, but when it comes time to tackle tasks I dont always divide my time accordingly.

So, anyway...getting to the good stuff. 9/19... My birthday this year was the BESTEST birthday EVER! I had the most funnnnest, special bday. The reason my birthday was super special this year? Family and close friends! I got to see my family ON my actual birthday, rather than being miserable on my day, or seeing them three weeks later. Family ROCKS! I had off Thursday (9/20) the day after my birthday so I drove home and celebrated with fam. And, my friends are the BEST! Flowers, presents, dinners, crazy long drives, wall posts... we're still celebrating.

28...finally. Most all my friends turned 28 before me and because of them I was beginning to include myself in their category, til I snapped out of it and enjoyed 27 to the last drop! feels good. It feels a bit more sturdy and sound.

28 is like being 14 on a heftier allowance!
28 is a worth a second look.
28 is returning a phone call.
28 is moving on.
28 is following the dream that will lead to happily ever after.
28 is a promise that things will get better, insha'Allah...

This isnt a typical blog post.... its just fact.