Friday, December 29, 2006

Last but not Least...

Not to be overlooked is Princess Fatima... whose cuteness is too much to be measured mA. Sitting on Nanaboo's (Nana Abu) lap eating raisins.

She's totally taken with my younger brother, Ali. Here's the story:

One night my sister and brother-in-law had to go to a wedding. Ali and I stopped by to watch the children. I'm close to Idrees, because as he was growing up we got to see a lot of each other. Fatima is very clingy to my sister (her mother) and I dont get much of a chance to see her often, so she doesnt recognize me. That night, Fatima would not leave Ali's side! She recognized him enough, and even when he prayed, Ali had to hold her to his chest and pray because she cried each time he left her alone. HELLO??? Im related to you by BLOOD kiddo! We share the same mitochondrial DNA!!!

The other day when Hanna reached Ali's house, and Ali walked up to the car window where Fatima was seated she kept squealing and frantically waving to him to come pick her up out of her seat!

Perfect Bumper Sticker


Masha'Allah my nephew is the cutest, bestest, funniest, coolest nephew in this world and the hereafter! He's only 4 yrs old, but his funny streak has been well-developed since before his 1st birthday!

Over the weekend my family got together and everyone was watching the Eagles/Dallas game. My nephew is an Eagles fan, but my brothers (from Maryland) are obvious Ravens fans. They were teasing Idrees for his Eagles shirt and this is how the conversation went:

Janzi: Idrees, only girls like the Eagles. Are you are girl?
Idrees: Nah unh, Sarah Khala likes the Eagles!
Janzi: Um, yeah. Sarah Khala is a girl!

Ok here's the thing: psychologically little children think of their loved ones as being genderless, especially when they begin to realize that members of the opposite gender have cooties. He's always jumping on Sarah Khala, hugging on her, playing around, tackle-tickle, etc. How could his beloved Sarah Khala possibly be a girl?

Harsh realities sink in, but Idrees is no loser and he's not about to let someone get one by him...

Idrees: So. You look like a girl because only girls have PONYS!

(Note: my bro -- God love him -- is letting his hair grow out and he wears it in a low ponytail)

NICE COMEBACK KIDDO!! much love...

A picture of Janzi Mamoo with Idrees

Thursday, December 28, 2006



Thursday, December 28, 2006
Your home is again the center of attention. The rest of the world gives you a lot less comfort these days. Recharge your personal energy by lounging around the house for as long as you are able.

...this is true. I lurrrvee my apartment and its making me such a homebody. People say its very warm and inviting. You'd know, too, if you visited. I mean if I invited you. :P

Friday, December 29, 2006
If you feel more alive today, thank the stars. Getting what you want is suddenly easier by asking rather than by pursuing a detailed strategy that verges on conspiracy. Focus on the simple.

Ok, honestly, I can tell ya one thing: stars aint got shit to do with feeling more alive -- its called TWILIGHT RUNNING aka running when all the world is asleep, my own damn shadow wont even accompany me!

Conspiracy?... me?? Nooo...

*chalaki kuri 24/7*

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Cutie Patootie =o>

Cutie cutie nephew sportin' his Eagles pride! You'd never know his father was a HUGE Cowboys' fan!

It could ONLY happen to me...

Last night I had a friend from home come up to visit me. She is off from work the rest of the week and she decided to spend the night. I still had to go to work in the morning, so I told her to rest and stay as long as she needed. I remember her mentioning the situation with my front door but I dismissed it by saying, "Its ok. Just leave the deadbolt unlocked when you leave". But, when I left in the morning, I locked the bottom lock and threw the deadbolt on as well thinking she would just unlock it from the inside and lock up after she left.

WRONG-O! I have a double safety deadbolt, it only locks (and opens) with a key from both the outside AND inside. It wasnt until 11am that I realized what I had done: I had locked my friend inside my apartment with NO way to get out!

Almost an hour (with traffic) away from home I panicked and began pacing. My friend had a cellphone, but cellphones dont work, much, in my apartment and she wouldnt have answered my landline. I couldnt get up with her. I called my professor's house and hoped that my professor's mother would climb down and unlock the top lock.

Long story short: my professor's mother saved the day. All's well that ends well.... only now Im being mocked by everyone as the friend-monster who has to lock people in her apartment to get people to stay.


The dumb things I do I tell ya --- anything for a laugh.......its ok; its allright!

Tuesday, December 26, 2006


This article so far has been published in AltMuslim [11.21.06], The American Muslim [11.23.06], OpEdNews [11.23.06], The Daily Times [11.24.06], and Middle East Online [11.26.06]. I saw it on Dr. Khan's Globalog blog.

Many Muslim cab drivers in Minneapolis are refusing to allow passengers carrying alcohol in their cabs, saying it is against the Islamic Shariah [law] to do so. More than half the taxi drivers on the airport are Muslims, and as soon as they got a majority, they have resorted to imposing their beliefs on others.

Imagine if you have just flown in from Baghdad after a long flight, you can’t wait to get home, reconnect with your family, and share a glass of some exotic alcoholic drink that you purchased on Dubai airport [a Muslim country] with your wife to celebrate your return home alive from Iraq. It is 2.00 AM but your reunion is delayed because cab after cab, driven by Muslims, refuses to take you home once they spot you carrying alcohol.

Sounds crazy, but sadly it is true. As a Muslim I am both ashamed and shocked at this strange conduct of my coreligionists. In principle Islam does not advocate imposition of Islamic values on others; there are several injunctions in Islamic sources which make this clear. Are we here to give our families a better life or are we here to convert America into an Afghanistan under the Taliban? Do we want to use American freedoms to learn about Islam and practice it in an intimidation free environment, or use it to spread the disease of religious intolerance? Will Muslim presence in America strengthen it or subvert it?

My response:

I say it is up to cab drivers to decide who they allow in their cabs and who they do not. Its more of a safety issue, than a religious one. Would you let someone in your cab who was carrying a loaded weapon? If restaurants can prohibit smoking/drinking, then why cant cab drivers ask for the same courtesy? Why must every issue be a religious issue? Why must people make Islam out to be the big bad wolf when really its common sense? If a Muslim person tries to incorporate traditional, cultural rules in his life, why do other Muslims identify him as a fundamentalist? Do we see him as a threat? Or does his compulsion force us to see our own shortcomings in practicing?

Cabs are privately owned. Their productivity is directly proportional to the number of rides offered. The cab driver is willing to sacrifice income for his cause, doesnt that say something?

Friday, December 22, 2006

A Girl and Her Kite

A little girl lost her kite in the wind.

Who's at fault? The wind, the kite, or the girl?

The wind was fierce, knocking down everything that got caught in it.

The kite was weak, the string snapped in half.

The girl had soul, but should have known better than to fly her kite in stormy weather.

Who am I? The wind that keeps blowing her chances away? The kite thats not built strong enough to stand its own ground? Or am I the little girl with heart and soul whose just silly enough to take chances?

Thursday, December 21, 2006

The Story of Hajj

My close friends, Noreen and Jim, leave today to start their journey to Mecca for Hajj, mA. I hope, insha'Allah, that their Hajj is accepted and their prayers are answered. I shall preface the story of Hajj with a conversation between Noreen and I from yesterday.

NGil: Any special duas for you? I have the obvious
NGil: you know...sleeping in the back room....a working oven....
me: funnier friends
My du'a is for a stronger and more united Muslim Ummah to step up and end the suffering and oppression Muslims everywhere from the West, Shaitan, and most importantly from themselves and of course the safe return of my friends from a successful Hajj, Ameen.

The Story of Hajj
by: Maulana Wahiduddin Khan

Long ago about 5000 years ago, in a faraway place called Ur in Iraq, a child was born whose name was Abraham or Ibrahim. He was so gracious, tender-hearted and of pure in faith that Allah gave him wisdom when he was still a child. Allah was so pleased with him that he made him His best friend.

When Abraham grew up, he became a great prophet, and preached the truth and God’s message in his country. Later he traveled to Syria, Palestine and Egypt.

When a beautiful son was born to his wife Hagar, he was ordered by Allah to travel towards Mecca along with his wife and the little child, whose name was Ishmael or Ismail. They all traveled for a long time till they reached a lonely, barren valley, near two small hills called Safa and Marwa. Abraham asked his wife to stay near one of the hills along with the little Ishmael, and started to go away. But his wife protested "Why are you leaving us alone here? Are you leaving us here to die?" But Abraham replied, "My Lord has commanded me to do this." Then Hagar, breathing a sigh of relief, said: "If Allah has ordered you to do so, then He will not let us die."

After a while, baby Ishmael began to cry for want of water. But there was not a single drop of water to drink. Hagar ran helplessly from one hill to another, but there was no water, nor any human being to give her water. As the baby was crying desperately with thirst and the mother was running from one mountain to another, Allah caused a miracle—a spring gushed forth beneath the feet of Ishmael. When Hagar saw this from a distance, she shouted "Zam-zam (stay, stay!)." Hagar came running and gave some fresh spring water to the thirsty child to drink. And so his life was saved. This spring later on became famous as Zamzam.

Ishmael and his mother begin to live in the valley and because of the Zamzam spring more people gradually came to settle in the valley, slowly building up a small town, which was later called Mecca.From time to time Abraham would visit Mecca to meet his family, especially to see his young Ishmael, growing up in the beautiful surroundings of nature—in a lovely valley surrounded by hills, away from the crowded city—away from people of the city who at that time were mostly idol-worshippers.

One night, Abraham dreamt that he was sacrificing his son, Ishmael. This was an order from his Lord. His son was still a child, but Abraham told him about his dream. Ishmael was a brave boy. He was ready to obey the command of God, who had created him. So, without hesitating, he said to his father, "Do what you are commanded, father. Godwilling, you will find me one of the steadfast."

Abraham took his son away to sacrifice him. As he reached a place, which is now known as Mina—a valley near Mecca—Satan appeared and tried to dissuade him. Abraham picked up a few small stones and threw them at Satan. And little Ishmael and his mother did likewise.

As Abraham took a knife to sacrifice Ishmael, Allah sent the angel Gabriel (Jibril) with a ram. "Sacrifice this ram. Do not sacrifice Ishmael," said Gabriel to Abraham. Allah was so pleased with this act—the readiness of Abraham to sacrifice his beloved son, that He commanded the believers to observe this day as Id al-Adha, or the Feast of Sacrifice. Every year Muslims sacrifice an animal in remembrance of the great act of Abraham.

Ishmael grew up a strong and loving youth. Abraham and Ishmael were ordered by Allah to build the House of God—the Kabah in Mecca. Both took stones from the nearby hills and started building the Kabah. As they laid the foundation, they prayed, "Our Lord, accept this from us! You are the All-hearing, the All-seeing." They also prayed for a prophet to be born in their family who would teach wisdom to the people and purify their faith. Their prayer was answered many years later, when the Prophet Muhammad was born to their descendants.

Abraham was ordered by God to clean the Kabah for those who come there to pray, and to call people to Hajj: "Call all people to make the Pilgrimage, they shall come to you on foot and on the backs of swift camels; they shall come from every deep ravine."

And so Allah made it obligatory for every Muslim male and female to go for Hajj once in a lifetime, provided their means and health permitted. Since then believers from every part of the world go to perform Hajj to fulfill the command of their Lord and to remember the great act of the Prophet Abraham.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Morning Musings -- Random Thoughts

If you're looking for a diamond in the rough, you've most likely missed it.
If you think everything qualifies, get your head examined. Not everything that shines is a diamond.
If you are able to find true beauty where you'd least expect to find it, then you are King/Queen of the World! (for a day, then you have to give me my seat back!)

Staring at my makeup closet (yeah it started out as a bag...) I come up with slogans you'll never see in print: GOD didnt, MAC can! GOD created, MAC perfected! MAC 2 in 1 liner and lipstick - GOD was in a hurry too! GOD's ballpark is a scary place, MACs got bases covered!

Coming south on 95 in the morning just in time to see the sunrise its a wonderous sight. Two different worlds, ghetto Camden - Center City Philly, joined by a bridge. I think to myself, We dont need politicians, just social engineers.

Have you ever randomly waved to drivers? I did this morning. I waved at the gentleman in the next lane turning left. It startled him, he dropped his coffee and missed his arrow. Sometimes even good intentions have bad consequences.

(as a hijab covered sister steps out infront of me)I think...
If I wore hijab, I'd never ever have another bad hair day again...

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

And just like that...

...we're back online, Blogger and I!!!

I shall celebrate my posting the cutest image in the world!

the superific, funtastic kiddies, Idrees "the Reese I love to pieces" and Fatima who just learned how to say No! -- sleepy angels back from pakistan...everyone: AWWWWW!!

(convo with my elder sister last night)
Hanna: Fatima just learned how to say no. She says no to everything.
me: apparently it gives them power and they like seeing a reaction
Hanna: Fatima, you want to go to school?
Fatima: (quickly) NO
Hanna: you want to go outside?
Fatima: NO
me: Fatima you want candy?
Fatima: Candy, yes!

Mama didnt raise no fool! good girl!

She even makes stuff up now in order to get attention.
Fatima: Mama, Idrees (her bro) pusha-meee. (pushed me)
Shahab Bhai (my bro-in-law): No way, Idrees was no where near her.

Papa: she's like you... drama queen.
me: I am not a drama queen. I am a drama MAGNET!
Papa: can you be a job magnet and stick to something?
me: leave a message after the (beep)
Papa: Aww Poootri (yes, the name has stuck. He calls all his daughters pootri and somehow has managed to make one word sound like three different names --- its like a derivative of the word putar, meaning son. Dont ask!) I called you to tell you there are people who love you and want to hear your voice and it'd be nice to hear from you once in awhile
(guilty as charged -- Im such a horrible daughter I cant even counter_
me: Well you know how you only remember God in rough times? Im sure you'll hear from me, eventually, unfortunately it will be when I need something.
Papa: you dont even do that anymore...
me: ...dont open up a can of worms
Papa: are you okay?

Now, PARENTS, why do you do this? We're direct descendents of you..... why in hell would you get an idea that we could possibly be okay??? Why do you even bother? You dont want to know........ you really dont want to know...

me: Allhamdullilah, Papa.

NICE SAVE! Ive learned that arabic words are great for avoiding saying how you truly feel. Its just the perfect amount of vagueness. Enough to mean.. its God's will. Doesnt mean youre happy and it doesnt mean you're screwed. It just means however the hell you are......... its meant to be.....and you'll deal with it. Oh, and adding a "Masha'Allah" for effect is brilliant!

To the Left, To the Left

...everything I fear in a box, to the left.

I realized yesterday why I've moved so much in the past two years: packing everything away and fleeing the scene of the crime has become my MO. I've been using it as a crutch for a lot longer. Everytime I move, I acquire more useless shit and each time Ive moved there has been one box Ive failed to unpack. Its in my closet. I'm afraid to open it. I keep adding to it, but I've never get to the bottom and unloaded it. In high school I had a diary and it amazes me how honest I used to be with myself back then. Its a true account of EVERYTHING I felt, the good, the dark and the heinous. But nothing is hidden.

As we get older, why do we have a more of a tendency to let things slide? Why do we lie to ourselves and pretend its all okay? Why do we not let ourselves start over? I should force myself to go through it and address its contents. I used to think the past was something to move away from, and its true, you shouldnt let your past occlude your future, but when dealing with mistakes -- your past is a key tool in helping you figure and sort stuff out, like house cleaning for your soul.

We all have an unpacked box to the left of somewhere. In due time, in due time...

Whats with the nativity story? Every year during Christmas, like the Ten Commandments during Easter, the Nativity Story gets re-made. Im not hating, for the sake of religious acceptance, it is a nice story. What I want to know is... How come there is no Hajj story? Wait, backup Muslims!, do you even know the story of Hajj?? There are tons of stories we learned as young children -- bedtime stories if you will -- and I was thinking the other day how we need to look into making a movie about Hajj. (Yeah, its brewing with all the other project ideas in my head) If not a full-fledged movie, it would be nice if children from an Islamic School could do a play on the story of Hajj. Of course, I say this with an "american" upbringing, and Im not sure if Islamically we are allowed to portray these stories or not. I know we are not allowed to put a face to the Prophet Muhammad (saw), but I'll have to check to see if we can portray other key characters or not and get their points across. I think around this time its especially crucial for Muslims to give insight to who Jesus, Prophet Isa (pbuh) is to us. Religion for thought on a Tuesday morning with wet hair waiting to be blown dry.

Its 7am...and I have to drive. I must cut this entry short for now. I shall add more tonight.

Friday, December 15, 2006


I am no longer able to access blogger through my job network. So I cant post to my website from work, but I can see my page, which totally stinks cuz my best material comes to me when im at work...........screening is like salat... you remember EVERYTHING under the sun while you're doing it.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Chicago Bears

In lieu of the Bears winning last night and clinching the first round play-off bye, I figured I'd bring back the 1985 Bears' Shuffle...

(btw: I totally dont remember this, Jon was the one who brought it to my attn)

Monday, December 11, 2006

Speaking of painting...

I went to a friend's house Saturday and I never knew she was the decorator type. I mean shes a good girl and all, but I didnt expect to see so many "homey" touches. I almost took out a pen/pad to jot everything down. My newest project now is to paint my apartment. Yes, Im stealing her idea, but she said its ok. =)

So Ive been at my new job for exactly three months now, today. woohoo. September 11th seems so far away. I suppose thats a good thing.

Pa: I suppose this means its time for you to move on.

Am I really that flighty?? Again, its ALL my brothers fault! COMPLETELY. He's jinxed me for life, complaining about how he couldnt understand how I worked at the mall in the same store for 7 yrs during high school and college.

..and now I cant last more than a YEAR in a single place. I intend to stay at this current job, however, even while Im in school... whenever I go back.

OMG. OMG. OMG. Remember back to something from your childhood that scared you, or made you disgusted, or just something that plain as day made your life unbearable to stand... THEN.. imagine walking down the street to work and seeing that person/thing.

YES. I ran into Lucifer himself this morning crossing the street. She looked exactly like PsychoBitch from my previous job -- enough to jar me from my thoughts and coffee moment. My skin began to crawl, breathing stopped, legs froze all in a Philly-second (which measures 2.5 seconds exactly haha).

Then I laughed it off, completely, making a quick phone call to the ladies back in Htown (who still work with her) to tell them.

Apparently, it wasnt personal: shes got a personal vendetta against anyone who seems to be happier than she. Misery loveeeeeeees company. And miserable she is.

I dont get it. People keep commenting today on my hair, even my director noticed. I dont remember doing anything different to it (except brushing it ahaha.. ). I suppose Ive finally mastered the technique of a blowout. That and the fact that my hair is straighter than ... than the most straightest thing in the world (I couldnt think of anything straight...........I can think of crooked things though *evil, evil, girl*)

OK, so Saturday I had the opportunity to be one of the guys on a trip to the Jersey shore. Three dicks and a chick. And hearing them talk about relationships was an eye opener. Apparently, some guys are just out for a good time, some are looking for a down-to-earth girl, and some love to doctor up and dote on girls. Yes, they do talk about things JUST AS MUCH as we do. Oh and by the way... they do have feelings too. Or maybe I just have really cool guy friends.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Blank Canvas Awaiting Strokes of Life

I find myself seeing my life as a blank canvas today. Its blank because I had it whitewashed - fresh to start again. It signifies rebirth, exciting opportunities, and unchartered territory. A full-fledged Crayola Convention swarming my thoughts: radical reds, juicy oranges, fertile greens, lemon yellows, and clear-sky blues.

Its my painting; I'll color outside the lines if I want to.

The hardest part: deciding what color to use first.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Where do they come up with this?

You Are An ISFP

The Artist

You are a gifted artist or musician (though your talents may be dormant right now).
You enjoy spending your free time in nature, and you are good with animals and children.
Simply put, you enjoy bueaty in all its forms and live for the simple pleasures in life.
Gentle, sensitive, and compassionate - you are good at recognizing people's unspoken needs.

You would make a good veterinarian, pediatrician, or composer.

They Don't Blame God

There are two kinds of bad people in this world: the openly, morally corrupt bad and the religious with corrupt undertones bad.

The openly and morally corrupt person has one thing going for them: they dont blame God. They know their faults and mistakes are a direct connection to their wicked lifestyle. You know their mistakes and could have spotted this sinner in utero. They will, eventually, reform themselves, but overcoming temptation and having freed themselves of their former self they will not cheapen their accomplishment by hiding the facts.

There is no refuge from the 'religious with corrupt undertones', unless you are fortunate to catch them chewing (mouth-open) on a hypocritical statement. To them, it's all God's plan. You cant run, and if you run - where will you hide? Checks and balances to them is making the fact that they pray five times a day an excuse to let some things slide. Worst of all, they'll never tell you "the whole truth and nothing but the truth" so help YOU God!

Wallahi, I prefer the openly and morally corrupt over the latter because these people are atleast honest. The religious people take everything as a sign from God -- if God wanted you to know, He would have told ya!.

Its okay to make mistakes if you know you made them. Mistakes are a huge part of learning. If you dont know you made a mistake, you cant learn from it. Its worse than denial -- it's an incredible combination of arrogance and ignorance leading to blindness. Yes, lying to yourself will make you go blind, amongst other things.

Pakistan is the largest exporter of these religious with corrupt undertones! (theres that joke Noreen!!) If you're laughing, you know its true. If you're angry, its 'coz Im talking about you!

What would you rather prefer: Buying a used car that you KNOW pulled to the left at one point or paying full price for a mid-sized, fully-loaded, lemon?

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Ode to Moi

Some think they know me. Some want to know me. Some will never know me. Ma and Pa wish they didnt know me. (<3) My sisters think Im adopted. My closest friends know me too well. Know this: You'll never forget me. ;) You think you know, but you have NO idea. Rejecting the obvious, embracing individuality, defying authority = me. Living my life in a manner that lands my biography on the Top 10 Best Seller List.

Interesting people find me interesting. Boring people find me complicated. Angry people find me PMSing. Neat people find me cluttered. Simple people find me scary. Religious people call me confused. Conservatives call me a Democrat. Look beneath the surface, without any expectations, without your prejudices, and you'll find me as me. Then I'll call you lucky.

Life is music to my ears. Everything has a sound especially emotions. Every sound has a purpose. The things you hear loud and clear dont require ears or audio devices. Listen with your heart, listen with your soul, listen with all your senses, and you will hear life, too, iA.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Pecan Brain

Pecans look just like the brain when whole. Did you know?

Easily Amused

Wah jee wah!!

Monday, December 04, 2006

the Weekend and thus far

I had an awesomeeee weekend. Noreen came up to visit from Maryland. She hadnt been to my apartment since we, initially, had come up to see the place. We shopped, laughed til we cried, stayed up really really late -- til my 'narcoleptic tendencies' got the best of me. She really really liked my apartment, mA, and Im glad a level-headed person agreed with me: my apartment is too home-y to want to leave it and go out!! *yay* Its so true. I have the hardest time trying to get myself to go to work in the morning because I actually like my apartment and want to stay home! We went shopping and I bought curtains, finally, for my two back rooms. AND, of course, we each bought shoes too! -- still looking for a work bag --

My Monday was great -- Eagles won against the most hated PANTHERS (reference: 14-3 from 2004) AND My Sinners made it to the playoffs, a second yr in a row, woohoo. My season record: 7-6.... not bad. Two rounds of semi-finals.... then finals, which I will not make it to .. basically I want to just make it to the finals...thats it. How odd would it be to have a girl beat a team full of veteran fantasy footballers??

HELLA FUNNNY! ahahah.. im evil I know. but why be nice -- its just not as entertaining!

Im finished with my cases from all my needles Im basically wasting time away checkin' out all kinds of nothings on ebay.

FOR THE LOVE OF GOD if someone's listening who has a really chic work leather.. I dont care how much it costs.......get at me plz with details on where you got it. At this rate, I'll be retired before I find a bag of my liking...

Jim: Did you see the cat?
Noreen: No, she ended up not getting it. Her 'committment phobia' got the best of her -
Jim: She cant commit to a haircolor, how can she commit to a cat!

HAHAHAHA.... I heard that! Whats it called when your friends get to know you too well? Oh yeah.. SCARY! i cant commit to a BAG either -- ive bought three since I started working -- its getting better with each one that I get.. so Im hoping, in the essence of saving time ... that this next one is the one!'d think it was a guy. haha..

Friday, December 01, 2006


Me: Its going to be really stormy tonight, rain, thunder, lightning...
Ma: What are you doing?
Me: driving into work
Ma: ..and you're my smart child, right?

Yeah so I dont know why I did, but I decided to drive to work. It must be a Friday thing bc Im noticing a pattern. Anyways, on the highway I notice this license plate infront of me spelled BADSHAH. And I thought it was neat so I tried to snap a pic of it from my cellphone. After two failed attempts it occurred to me that "Badshah" might be able to see me and I didnt want him thinking I was a crazy "stalker", especially if he was hot. My curiosity got the better of me, wanting to know Badshah's identity, I changed lanes and passed him slowly. Picture this: Uncle Jee dude, square mustache, big dark glasses.

Sarah: is he hot?
Me: (described the above)
Sarah: HA! Its still a hot license plate. Maybe its his son's car?
Me: Not likely. Im sure his son would have more sense of style than to put BADSHAH on a Ford Tempo!

Whats in a name?? Ok, Im seriously tired of people, upon hearing my name, thinking I was named after Farrah Fawcett. Yes, my orthodox Muslim parents named their daughter after a blonde bimbo! I was up on a procedure yesterday and people asked. I said no. And then someone casually mentioned that Farrah now has anal carcinoma. Ahem, lifestyles of the rich and SHAMELESS!!!!! But, but, where and when did I EVER say I wanted to know that???? I'd like to know what vibe I sent out so I can have it fixed.

Im really pissed off because I have a CAMP newsletter that I was working on at home that needs to be finished ASAP and I meant to email it to myself from my laptop so I could work on it during downtime at work --- Ive been in downtime since 10am but I forgot to email now I have to blog about it bc I cant finish it here. Total waste, total waste.

(just now..)
Laur: Do you ever shut your brain off?
Farah: Why?? Do I talk too much?
Laur: You think too much.
Farah: hahahaha
Laur: You're getting better though.
me: (ouch)
Laur: You only over-think a few things now.

Wow. Maybe I do live in my head too much. But Im a virgo for cripe's sake. Overanalytical is my middle name. Lauren, however, is referring to me yesterday pondering about the drug of choice of this addict. I agree I was profiling a little when I said the patient looked like a meth user bc her teeth were missing (????)!

Its been awhile since I had a heart to heart with my blog, err heart-to-umm.. whats a good substitution for heart for a blog -- OH MY GOD --- im doing it again!!

Ok so anyway, I'll stick to the facts from now on. Noreen's coming over tonight to spend the weekend with me. It'll be the first time she's been to my place since our initial visit back in September. Our itinerary is already filling up with all kinds of cool things to do in the city --- definitely SHOPPING, HOOKAH-ING, and CRAFT-ING.
I want to finally get curtains up in my place -- shades scream pseudo-nursing home environment to me.

Work is Allhamdullilah going well. My anxiety has all but faded away.

OMG get this: One of our secretaries over lunch came through and mentioned a priest coming to her house soon. She told us about her dream the other night in which the devil was in her house. FUNNIEST THING: I left Surah Baqarah playing in my apartment this morning -- not because of the devil --- but just because its supposed to bring angels to the house and of course that adds to barqat. Isnt that so cute??? I just picture a bunch of angels sitting around, like KG-storytime, listening to the recitation.

Anyway back to Suze.. she's having her house blessed. She said shes been spooked ever since and she has a rosary that shes been praying on -- isnt that neat how all religions have their own ways of quelling evil???? In her dream, she never sees the devil, but feels his presence AND being the supermom that she is she ATTACKS it head on but then wakes up before anything happens. Good for her!! The devil was HIDING from her in a closet... maybe he's gay? OK STOP! Gosh.. Im so bad. Its not a matter of turning it on or off --- I think extra brain activity is a GOOD thing --- it keeps synapses firing mA. :)

Where was I? Haan, Jinns. My mom and sis and I were having this discussion on possesion. Ma said that people in Pakistan, in order to keep their children from going out and odd hours, would warn them of Jinn. Of course possession is reality -- but someone said it occurs very infrequently in this country. Like they have statistical analysis on this?? IT WASNT ME! :P

Anyway, my sisters friend's momz was saying how Jinn can become attracted to a girl/woman's beauty and that this one village girl got possessed.

Ok, but honestly, Jinn do exist. They are unseen to us -- unless they choose not to be -- and we should respect their space on this earth.

We do have ways to "arm" ourselves, of course our biggest weapon being Allah (swt). My cousin in Canada had a friend who got possessed and ended up in a pysch ward. She went to the hospital to see her friend. Her friend, who is Guyanese, told her Jinn were bothering her all the time, making her think bad thoughts and that they were in the room at that moment. My cousin said "A'uzu billahi minashaitanir rajim" quietly to herself, and all of a sudden the girl sat up in her bed and asked, "What did you say??? They're gone but I can still hear them. Theyre angry." They left, angrily, and never came back until my cousin left.

Strong stuff. I dont think my place is possessed, I just left the recitation playing to allow for more barqat since I am the only one living there and Im hardly home enough.

It will be neat to see the feeling I get when I enter later on tonight, iA.

What is it with us not being able to leave well enough alone? There's something wrong with people that dont have time in this world to just do NOTHING because theyre too busy doing EVERYTHING else! I got an email from a friend about wanting to change the color of kitchen cabinets (mA they just recently moved into their new home). Halfway through painting they realize they dont like the color and would rather just stain the cabinets. Two busted stain cans (shes married to Mr. Bean and I mean that with love bc my family calls me Bean all the time for being narcoleptic and a like recognizes like.. haha) and hours of stripping later there's still a lot more work left. Sobz and Gul bhai -- if it isnt broke, don't fix it! =) Can I come sniff your paint??

Ok -- to all my knocked up friends who made me sit through their baby showers -- I've got TONS of Muslim Baby Names websites (we had to go through them when we were naming my neph) but just to name a few of my faves:

For boys: Benjamin-Yousaf (yeah thats TAKEN so you cant use it!), Shareef, Imran, Zakariyya, Yaqub, Isa, Yunus, Kareem, Aryan

For girlies: Amira, Reham, Sadiqa, Mariam, Hooriya

Remember to give your children names that are easy to pronounce here so substitie teachers dont pause when its their turn in role call.

I LOWE it!

...and a totally insufficient dowry! HAHAHHHA... cute.