Friday, March 30, 2007

How To Judge a Beauty by Her Cover

According to the Prophet (saw), there are four reasons to marry a woman: "her wealth, her lineage, her beauty or her religion. When it comes down to decision time, he (saw) has advised, "choose the one who is religious, may your hands be rubbed with dust!"

Of all the things, I find the beauty deal to be a bit puzzling. (relax: Im not questioning, Im merely stating my confusion) First of all, Muslimahs are to be covered from non-mehram men (men to whom one can possibly be married) at all times from head to toe. Second of all, you are allowed one look and one look only. Thirdly, and this is the funniest, what business does a bearded, namazi-parhaiz (punctual prayee), humble man have checking out a woman? Eyes to the floor all of you!

So, based on that, how do you judge a beauty by her cover?

Allow me, please.

Could it be that beauty truly is skin deep? Could it be that the beauty the Prophet (saw) is speaking of is none other than human decency under an alias? Is it sharam? Is it adab? When is a woman more beautiful than when she is speaking of Allah (swt) with compassion in her heart and tears in her eyes? What about the widowed young woman with four young sons who brings them to the masjid for Jummah herself because she has no male who will do it for her? How beautiful is the woman who, for the sake of Allah (swt) and Islam, quits her high paying job to do pro bono work in South Africa?

A friend once said to his brothers, "The most beautiful girl in the world, will look hideous to you when she dishonors you. You won't want to even lay a finger on her. And the average girl will look gorgeous, when she honors you and syncs with you, and you will find that is the beauty that lasts a life time."

No one said it was easy. The task is a difficult one. But it is not impossible. It shouldn't take all day, to recogize sunshine, and insha'Allah, if you allow yourself to recognize beauty, you will see it in places you never would have imagined. Think and see. You may surprise yourself once you realize the covered ones have nothing to hide, while the ones not covered could you some layering.
I pray that whatever it is you find beauty in, remains beautiful to you beyond forever, iA. and that you are not blind-sighted by your own greed or ignorance.
Note: blind-sighted (not blind-sided) is my own word. It means to have blind sight. Yes, its a bit of an oxymoron, but when you think about it, it means unguided sight, or ignorance.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

You are The Star - Personality Test

Hope, expectation, Bright promises.

The Star is one of the great cards of faith, dreams realised
The Star is a card that looks to the future. It does not predict any immediate or powerful change, but it does predict hope and healing. This card suggests clarity of vision, spiritual insight. And, most importantly, that unexpected help will be coming, with water to quench your thirst, with a guiding light to the future. They might say you're a dreamer, but you're not the only one.
What Tarot Card are You?

Does Your Beard Hang Low, Does it Wobble to the Flo?

So today was not my needle day (for those who know me and what I do -- you know that I have procedures to go on during my needle day to different sites to analyze biopsy material.) but I ended up taking a needle today because I was the backup person since I was on yesterday.

So Im up at this one site and theres this one kid (ok guy) who always without fail has something to say to me along the lines of, you're beautiful, you look nice today (If he sniffs me, I'm gone and taking his head with me and mounting it on my wall -- just kidding -- thats a throwback joke from one of my earlier posts -- wait... who'm I kidding, OF COURSE you read that one, too!). I am on a rotation for needles, sometimes he's not there or I get off easy and dont have to go to this one site. I wasnt so lucky today (so much for knocking on wood!).

He comes over to me with the surgical instrument, same old line. But this time, as Im about to leave he comes back out and says, "When can I take you out?" Is this cat for real? I've been there/done that with the whole, "I'm Muslim, I dont date casually." song and dance to which he replied, "Im Muslim, too Asalaam Alaykum." I swallowed my urge to retort, HA, so instead I said, "Wa laikum salaam." So maybe he is. Who am I to say, right?

I'm standing there, a 27 year old woman, with the voices in my head, my blood and my bones screaming, "My parents dont allow me to date." and yet my ego's ego will not let my lips form the words. I laugh, rather nervously, which is odd because Im rarely ever nervous on the spot. And now Im angry at being cornered.

I try and find a happy place and all I can do is think of all the times stuff got complicated after I turned someone down in high school. Friendships ruined, feelings hurt, my license plates missing, prank calls. I work with this person. I hate nothing more than that awkward silence between two people like, "Oh, hey, um, what's up? Sorry for poisoning your cat and peeing on your zinnias. We're ready for our next patient."


How many minutes has it been? 2 Seconds? Oh dear God. I cant think of anything to say. Farah is speechless. I am so sick and tired of being a magnet to all the wrong people. DAMN ALL YOU SINGLE AVAILABLE DESI MEN! If I was married, I wouldnt be going through this. Im soo damn sick and tired I once told a guy I was gay and he smiled and said, "Cool!". Cool? No its not cool you jackass!

Him: Just dinner and a movie

(see now guys have gotten slicker over the years. If he would have said the movie title, I'd have laughed and said I'd already seen it.)

Me: um, uh. um.
Him: Here's my number. Just dinner and a movie.

I love how he says, JUST DINNER AND A MOVIE, as if to imply that he's letting me off easy, as if Im the one looking for more.

What am I supposed to do? I'm tired of making excuses, I cant blame my parents anymore, I cant tell him Im grounded, I cant tell him I dont watch movies, I cant tell him Im married...........or can I?

Thats it. I'll just tell him I'm already talking to someone. Its not a lie, I talk to several people all day long. Its not lying.....its just not telling the whole story. But who cares for the whole story, didnt everyone just read Cliff's notes anyway?

I love how my parents now, after years of shunning us from the opposite sex, have the audacity to ask, "So, have you met anyone?" No, I'm scarred for life with all the images you planted in my head of what they would have done to them if I ever did meet anyone!

He's not Muslim. I know he's not. He doesnt have a Muslim name. He's the say anything do anything to get you to talk type of guy. Ok, fine. Maybe he's Muslim. He's just not my type.

Wow. Did I just say that? He's not my type. Is that what this is all about? If he were cute, would I be flattered? I'd like to think Im not that shallow. Haha, ok wait, I knowww Im not that shallow cuz I've turned away PLENTY of hot guys. (and if my diary ever went public, you'd see)

If he was desi, would I consider? Hes not my type. So what is?

I once had a friend ask me awhile back whether or not I would consider wearing hijab. I remember being offended. If someone wants to change you, then its not you they like, was my thinking. Besides, I hate it when guys put conditions on a girl for marriage as if they are so perfect themselves to have a reason to demand anything. Most of these men, sadly, dont see themselves as walking examples of Islam enough to believe they have people watching them and looking up to them. They dont believe in their ability to practice enough to instill religious principles and traditional values in the next generation.

Ive never cared what a guy made financially. Ever. I always told myself that I would make sure I could support a family, comfortably, by myself. Whatever a guy made was great, but in case it ever came down to me working, we'd still be ok. But religion is different: I need someone to walk the same path with me to Jannah. He doesnt have to be more, necessarily, but complimentary, patient and kind. I have enough religious stories in me from Madressa to tell my children bedtime stories every night without repitition until they're 18. But I need someone else to be there as a pillar, an example, flexible but not breakable.

I once had someone tell me, "I'd rather break than bend." Meaning, if you're going to do wrong, then wrong completely knowingly. Don't try and make excuses in the name of religion.

I agree, but sometimes you have to bend, or duck, to stay alive.

I had a rishta once and the mother asked my mom nothing other than whether or not I wore hijab. Not in a good way, but rather, "Oh as long as she doesnt wear hijab, its ok." Honestly, I was disgusted and even more offended than the other friend who asked about my hijab. Marriage to me is more than just living with someone legally and having children. I want to build a better life for myself, and my family. It will be the end of an era, but it will be the beginning of a beautiful world, one iA that will lead to a nice place in the Hereafter iA.

I want someone religious, thats always been. But, now I find myself asking, Does he have a beard?, Does he go to Jummah in the masjid?, Is he humble?, Does he laugh?, Would he swear on everything he knows to be pure and true to protect me and his family from everything that is evil and impure?

I plan to tell this guy tomorrow everything, straight up. No excuses, no jokes, no awkward silences. I work with you, I respect you, I am not into casual dating, I have no interest in it now and never will. We cannot be anything more.

Any questions, comments, criticisms, or concerns?

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

When Workers Get Bored...

(click on photo to make larger)

a Khizzle Dizzle production

OMG-- Old Pakistani Song

Apparently this is an old Pakistani song, according to my cousin.

Check it out:

sutta means cigarette butt

Cruel Siblings/Good Times -- Its all LOVE

Now unless you're an only child, you'll completely understand this post.

For those of us who have younger siblings, call it a right of passage, call it DUES, or what have you -- but we've all made them PAY the price for dethrowning us from being the spoiled, bratty, youngest.

In our house, its no different. It doesnt help that they grew up with me and my wicked sense of humor.

One summer night, my khala's family was visiting. After dinner, everyone went upstairs leaving me and my cousin downstairs in the family room playing video games. (yeah obviously this is from eons ago) Dude was annoying the hell outta me, not becausing he was winning. He was just being obnoxious for no reason. He gets up for water and pours himself a glass from the pitcher on the table. The pitcher was one of these old, silver containers Ma got from Pakistan to remind herself she was Pakistani (?!?!?) or something. (I'm sure if you're Indian/Pakistani Im sure you've seen one of these before)

Me: What did you do?

Him: got some water

Me: From where?

Him: (only half paying attention to me) the jug on the table

Me: Why?

Him: (eyes snap over to me) What do you mean why?

Me: Thats not drinking water. Thats snake slime.

Him: What?

Me: Snake slime. OhmyGOD, you drank some? How much?!

Him: A whole glass. What is it?!

Me: Didnt I ever tell you about my mom?

Him: No.

Me: Billoo Khala's a witch.

Him: What?!

Me: Yeah, she doesnt like boys, so she mixes this stuff up to turn boys into girls.

Him: No way! How do you know that?

Me: Yeah haan, why do you think she only has GIRLS?? You're going to become a girl.

He started to cry. Like taking candy from a baby, he started to cry on demand. Its an inside joke now.

My eldest sister once says to me: Farah, want some chocolate.

(HELL YEAH I want some chocolate!) She says its crushed. And we're supposed to put it in milk and stir it up like chocolate milk. She says its better if you eat it straight from the can. She grabs a spoon and spoons it out. She hands it to me.

All I can think is, Wow, I woulda never looked in the spices rack for chocolate -- Ma hid that well, as I close my eyes and wait for that sweet chocolate flavor to tickle my buds.

EYES FLY OPEN, in a choking fit I spit out the grainy contents of... COFFEE CRYSTALS. yuckk! naturally history repeated itself with my younger sister. She fell for it, too. Why do these little people trust us so?? I cant wait to have children, iA!!

My mom, who is 12 years elder to her youngest bro, once got so annoyed by him while ironing she went to tease him with the hot iron saying she was going to stick it on him when he moved (as frisky toddlers do) and she ended up synging the top of his left foot. The skin all came off. Ok that was wayyy cruel and unusual (and its a wonder we survived).
One friend told his sister that the supermarket scanners had aliens in them, running faster than the speed of light back and forth to do price checks. The red lights were just what was left behind from them going back and forth so fast. He said they were mean and they would go through you and take bits of your soul with them if you got in their way. She was sad once and he told her they stole her "happy" away. Cruel, soo cruel. But she NEVER wanted to work in a grocery store after that. And her parents, not knowing the cruel joke, would always say, "If you dont get good grades in school, you'll end up working in a grocery store." She actually used that in her Med School application essay.
Its not all for nothing. We do it with love. And its all for the better. The coffee incident kept me away from coffee for the longest time. Until I came to the big city and noticed coffeehouses everywhere that is.

Why I dont Eat Cauliflower (Gobi)

As we age, tastes mature and somehow we start liking things that used to make us gag. Taking my food post from before one step further, I shall tell the tale of why its been nearly 12 years since I ate cauliflower.

One very hot summer my cousins had come to visit us. Even with limited resources, we somehow managed to find entertainment in everything. It was about high noon and we had just come inside from the pool and Ma had lunch waiting for us: gobi aloo with naan. We all ate. My mother left to go to some Auntie's house and left us children at home. My youngest sister began to feel a little queasy (could it be that she was doing jumping jacks while she was eating after having gone swimming all morning -- ya think???) She vomitted. EVERYWHERE. And I kid you not what came out has scarred me for life: aloo gobi ulti.

Now, my favorite question of my mother has always been: How in the world do you women not cringe when your child tosses up his cookies. The response has always been, "Beta, your child is the most important thing to you. Its part of you. When you seem them in pain or trouble you forget everything else. When you're a mother, you'll know."

Well inshallah CUBED to that one, cuz so far: it aint happening. And it didnt happen that day either. My eldest sister runs over to my youngest sister and goes down for the count after she gets a whiff. I pysche myself up, I can do this, I can do this. As Im saying the words, I taste bile and its OVER before it even begins. I have a SERIOUSLY disturbed gag reflex comparable to non-existence.

And yes, I puked aloo gobi. And might I add (for effect, especially for those of you who loveeee aloo gobi): It looked the same as it did when it went down.

Now, a little over ten years later I think to myself: I can do it. I can eat aloo gobi. I called my Khala over the weekend for tips on cooking cauliflower. Convo went a little something like this:

Me: Baba Khala, I want to make gobi but Ive never done it before and Ma's busy. Should I get fresh gobi or buy it frozen?
BK: Gobi? Are you sure?
Me: Yeah. Ok, no, but I have a friend who's vegetarian and I think she's had enough of my aloo palak. Its for her.
BK: Yeah, I didnt think you were that brave.


Now, as if the thought of gobi ulti wasnt enough to put me off it for life, in my field of work people make analogies for things they see. What do they liken everything to? Food. HPV genital warts -- I kid you NOT, ask me for a pic -- look like a head of cauliflower. Spaghetti and meatballs: trichomonads and leptothrix (STD), sheesh kabab: the effect of candida albicans on squamous cells.

The day something reminds someone of chocolate, I QUIT!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Monday, March 26, 2007

To Eat or Not to Eat: That is the Question

We had people over for dinner over the weekend and we had to decide on a menu and it struck me just how complicated it is deciding what to prepare. Nowadays people have soo many dietary restrictions: vegan, zabiha, non-dairy, no seafood, chicken only, no carbs, cabbage soup, etc. I thought to myself, This is how the top of the food chain eats?

I started thinking of the number of people who dont get proper nutrition and thought, Im soo not picky. And then my mom snapped me out of my thoughts with a dunda to the head -- I made it tough for her when I was living at home. There wasnt a thing she cooked that I wanted to eat. If we had daal (lentils), I'd ask if we were poor. If she made meat, it had to be chicken only. If she made fruit chaat and used mangos, I'd pick the mangos out... start to eat... be able to smell the mango... develop a rash and run off crying. I liked my curry with no pakoras. And dishes had to be served sans tarka.

I feel like crying thinking back to all those days Mom had dinner waiting and I was too busy to come down. I wish someone would cook for me now. I have since apologized to her. Being on your own, you really cherish home cooking. And of course the one who makes it for you, so you dont have to.

Of course, some things will never change. There is a growing list of things I will not eat, come what may. Here are a few items:

1.) Mangos
2.) Goat
3.) Rabbit aka Thumper
4.) Deer aka Bambi
5.) Frog aka Kermit
6.) Snake
7.) Alligator
8.) Kalayji -- chicken liver. And if you do and you're reading this-- we are no longer friends. GROSS!
9.) People -- hahaha. No its not a Freudian slip.
10.) Pork products, obviously.
11.) Rodent anything. (mice, muskrat, possum, whatewer)
12.) Dolphin
13.) Im still not a daal fan. Im becoming a vegetable fan -- so Ma's happy.
14.) Cow tongue
15.) Grapes

I think that about covers it. Back up off my blog if you're upset starburst isnt up there. =)

Almost Getting Arrested.... Again

Yesterday, Im with a friend rollin' down Rt. 1. We come upon this cop car infront of us with lights on. The cop car was parked but it was parked perpendicular to us (so it looked like it was going to the right). We couldnt decide if it was turning, pulling the car infront of it over, blocking traffic, or what. So we decided it was going right and I went around the car. I make it to the next light and notice a fire truck and another cop. This one was out directing traffic. Made sense to be ushering us to a detour route. I look in my mirror, thinking, Oh God, I was supposed to take a turn. But I kid you not, it really looked like there was no way to turn. Usually cops are OUTSIDE directing traffic.

I get pulled over. TWO, yes TWO officers step out and over to my car. Ok - lets stop here for a second: I realize Philly has a lot of crime, but why is it that ONLY the innocent are targeted? TWO COPS coming after me and my friend in a sentra. Believe me, we didnt look suspicious. Ok so she was wearing hijab. Ok so what my tags were from Maryland. And my wheel covers are missing. (DAMN -- How the hell did I NOT get pulled over sooner?! jk)

Lady Officer: I KNOW you saw my flashing lights and you have the nerve to go around me?? LICENSE AND REGISTRATION AND INSURANCE.
Me: I didnt know which way you were headed. You were in the middle. No direction signs. We both thought about which way you were going and decided you were turning right instead of blocking the way.
LO: You saw other cars turning.
Me: (looking over at my friend) No there were no cars for us to follow their lead.

I cant believe I was able to locate all important documents. I hand them to her. The two go back. On their way back they met all these motorists passing by just like we did. Pshh, some ROAD block they had going. The LO stops to chat with one of the other motorists. Yeah, ok, if it was that big of a deal.. why come after us? Secondly, why wasnt her lazy behind up and out of the car directing traffic? You cant just sit in your car and expect motorists to know whats going on. And up ahead there was another LO who was doing just that!

She comes back with my stuff.

LO: This is just a verbal warning. Next time you see a block you stop. Its a $170 fine.

Now I was going to argue, but I know enough to know when to shut up. Had I said something, Im sure she would have found something to ticket me for. So I let it go.

Confessions Pt. II

(me, Monday mornings) continuing on, I confess...

1.) I miss the mountains. Even though I spent only a year in Western Maryland, there was just something about being cuddled in a valley surrounded by rock that was oddly comforting. I suppose its a middle children thing -- gotta be between at all times.

2.) I hate whisperers...especially when they're whispering about me. Even more so when they're wrong. Its funny, if they'd ask I'd tell them. Im pretty much an open book -- its not my fault you cant read at my level!

3.) I shopped til I absolutely dropped yesterday. It was soo funny, towards the end, I was annoyed with myself for buying so much because I had to CARRY my own damn bags out to my car, then into my apartment. (But I bought an awesome pair of BCBG shoes!!!)

4.) I know I said I'd be open about all thats going on in my life -- but I suppose when stuff gets personally personal (more than personal if you will) Im not sure Im comfortable with sharing. So for those who know me well, you'll find out. For the rest of you, it will remain a mystery. Im a sucker for a good storyline... so I know you'll be interested as well, but in time.. all shall be revealed.
I had a really nice weekend, Alhamdullilah. Got to spend time with family -- the best part was early early Saturday morning, me and my ladiez discussing life. Family is what you live for, candid moments like that are what keep you going.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Blog Open Mon-Fri?

I realized a trend: My blog only gets updates M-F.

I cant have that now can I? Its totally unacceptable. So I shall post today on the juicy details of my weekend. Although they're not that juicy really: just lots of travel, giving blood, and staying up late. And of course, knowing me so well by now you guys should have known, cleaning.

OK confession time: I know I said I was only supposed to read my books on the train, but it is DAMN near KILLING me. The Kite Runner is getting reallly really good and it sucks to only get to read it 1 hr each day on the train every third day.

Ive been lounging around all day, but I have to get up, get ready and head out.

I cant concentrate on blog posts from home -- I dnt know why. So for now, this will have to do and I will either come back tonight to post more or post Monday instead.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Pearls Before Swine

(click to enlarge)


10.Pass My Shotgun
9. Psychotic Mood Shift
8. Permanent Menstrual Syndrome
7. Perpetual Munching Spree
6. Puffy Mid-Section
5. Provide Me with Sweets
4. Pardon My Sobbing
3. Pass My Sweatpants
2. Pissy Mood Syndrome
1. Plainly Men Suck


10. "You've Got Veil"
9. "There's Sanctions Against Mary"
8. "Honey, I Martyred the Kids"
7. "I Still Know What You Did Last Ramadan"
6. "How Saddam Hussein Got His Chemical Weapons Back"
5. "Kurdz"
4. "Arranged Bride of Chucky"
3. "Patch Saddams"
2. "Turban Cowboy"
1. "The Waterboy"

Open Mouth, Insert Foot

I have never been sooooooo ashamed of my big mouth in my LIFE!

Yesterday afternoon at work:
Laur: Wanna go to MAC tonight, cuz I have to swing by Tiffanys. I got my boyfriend cuff-links and had them engraved. He's wearing them at the cruise dinner this weekend.
Me: He's wearing a tux?
Laur: Yeah. Want to go?
Me: yeah sure.

After work:

Laur: Oh, [boyfriend] is here.
Me: He's coming, too? (said with a "there's no more cookies left in the world at all???" tone)
Laur: Yeah, its ok. Its not a couple's thing. He'll just come with us. He's here early.

We meet [boyfriend] and head down to MAC. On the way there:
[boyfriend]: Im just wearing a suit (tot he cruise)
Me: Wait, she got you Tiffany cuff-links (mofo) you gotta wear a tux with those.(disclaimer: mofo is a term of endearment, Laur, cuz I really approve of this guy, its all love... in a we-shared-the-same-womb-at-one-point kind of way.)

(one mississippi, two mississippi, three mississippi -- queer awkward silence and not just cuz we're in the gayborhood)
Laur: no i didnt.
[boyfriend]: (puzzled)

Ohhhhhhhhhhh snap! Yeah. You guessed right. I gave away her $200-I-love-you-so-hard-engraved-Tiffany-surprise!

(...and I still gotta go shopping with these two, mind you. I couldnt just bounce.)

I couldnt apologize enough. I really couldnt. And there I was, looking for eyeliner half angry, half wanting to cry, SHE NEVER SAID IT WAS A SURPRISE. Thats my story and Im stickin' to it. I swear she made it sound like homeboy knew he was wearin' a tux. And at the moment he said he was suitin' it to the cruise, Im like, "How typical?", and so I had to tell 'em something.....and I ended up saying too much.

Its not the first's definitely not the last: To love me is to hate me. To hate me is to know me. To know me is to accept me. To accept me is to wish you'd never met me.


Thursday, March 22, 2007


I really liked the comment on yesterday's post about how we are Allahs (swt) most critically acclaimed creation, yet there is soo much wonder in all the world(s).

Im in rare mood today. Pumped. Happy. High on something and its not caffeine.

Can I take a moment to say how absolutely beautiful my life is and how much my family means to me? Can I say how comforting it is to know that they back me up on every decision, and they care about where I am always. I have never been forced to do anything against my will and I have NEVER wanted anything that I didnt get right away Alhamdullilah. Im not saying whether it was good for me or not, but the little things, sacrifices my parents make/do for the sake of us, their children, is a blessing that can only come from Allah. And for me to take notice and be humbled is, also, from Allah only.

I will never be able to repay my parents for all they have done, but I can pray for them and iA hope that I will make wonderful parents like them one day.

(thats from the heart.......) onto stuff thats sittin on my mind:

I get it now. I GET IT, and I totally take back everything I said about the guy who sniffed my hair. THIS MORNING: Im on the train, reading, not taking notice of anything else. Until we stop. We stopped and I looked up from my book to this lady's head infront of me....... ok it wasnt too remarkable, but the one thing that fascinated me was the DEPTH her hair had at the crown. It was like.. behive style, but not that tall. I had the sudden, irrepressable URGE, URGEEE I TELL YOU, to poke her head.


I wanted to poke her hair.

....well i didnt of course because I have just enough chromosomes to maintain my decorum and sanity. Thats not to say one of them doesnt get lost from the pack on some days, but Alhamdullilah, it manages to find its way back.

So I didnt touch her hair. But I wanted to. All is forgiven as well as forgotten.

So of course Im sure you all have read into my posts by now that I'm being set-up with someone for a "meeting" (I use quotes because the occasion is more like a military tribunal deciding my fate -- panchayt is the punjabi word -- every once and awhile we like to remind ourselves that our ancestors swung from trees and re-invented the wheel, over and over and over again...etc)

Yes, thats this weekend. If it works out, Allahu alim, I will tell him one day that he kept me from going to Bhangra Blowout weekend one more year!

Im excited. Im excited in a "yes, let's douse ourselves with gasoline and light ourselves on fire" kind of way. Im anxious. Im nervous, slightly. My nervousness is a marvelous entity, recognized by me and me alone. Everyone elses response: wow, you pulled that off so nicely. Werent you nervous?

So... to humor you all further.. (and myself of course.. otherwise there is no point to this whole blog) I shall recount tales of others who have crossed the burning sands so to speak...and their Battlewounds: scars from those gone and past who intended to hurt but left us stronger than before.

Nashi: we should get purple hearts for what we've been through

Indeed, indeed.

This ones my favorite: The Hair today, Gone in 60 seconds.
During a conversation the guy's mother says "My son has a hairloss disease." Girl, being kind-hearted person that we all are, gives him a chance. They find out how tall she is and the mother almost hung up.

One friend was rejected because she was too tall for him. And I dont mean height. She was an educated lawyer from Stanford. He owned gas stations run by illegal aliens. That really wouldnt have worked.

One girl was rejected because she smiled too much. The trophy wife is always angry and scowling.

One girl had a guy come clean to her about his shady past. (Think Pakis in Confessional Booths Part XXIII -- seen them ALL myself) She chose to let bygones be bygones and forgive, for in fact forgiveness is a Godly attribute. She was rejected because -- well there were several reasons this relationship was doomed but the guy specifically said, "I have nothing to teach you but everything to learn." What the hell? In short: he knew he wasnt good enough.

How about the bride whose groom never showed up for the wedding because her family wasnt wealthy? (She's now married, happily, with three children mA, by the way)

How about (another favorite) the divorcee who passes up a one-of-a-kind divorcee because she'd been married before. Duh, so had he?!

Ohh ohh, how about the time the guy with the huge ass nose said no to the girl with the cute button nose and huge ass.

Or the time when the guy with a sister who walked with a limp from polio said no to the girl who walked funny in heals?

Girl's father funds boy's education and living expenses in US. Boy graduates and is never seen or heard from again.

The funniest one of all to me: The logistical nightmare rishta: Rich family doesnt want boy to leave the US for a girl in Pakistan, gets DEPORTED (ie KICKED out of the US) ends up in Pakistan, with no job, no house, and no girl.

The moral is the same: Allah (swt) knows best what is best for us. But be careful of what you put out, because everything comes back... times 2.

Or you end up like my friend: He just wanted the prettiest, most beautiful, absolutely undeniable perfect girl ever. I think Muslim was in there somewhere... did you see it? No? OK, well I guess thats not a big deal for some. :P
He marries this Grecian goddess who he found somewhere (in the jungles of Punjab, reciting a Robert Frost poem from memory, while cooking and cleaning simultaneously). It was love at first sight he tells me. (WHAT A MORON!) I kid you not 10 days later he was cooking, cleaning and I think he might have been pregnant too... or if nothing else.. retaining water. He was beyond miserable. But he made his bed, and now she's lying in it. And he sleeps on the floor.

Where do people come off thinking they can have these harsh harsh standards, as if they themselves arent flawed?

Scars heal, eventually, but ignorance lasts forever.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

How Cute Is This?!

Creationism 101

I suppose you have three dreams one night and the next night nothing. I was really anxious to go to sleep and dream last night, but I didnt dream at all. My mom and sis are staying with me this week -- sis is on spring break. I soo didnt want to get up from my warm warm bed. The worst is seeing everyone else still asleep and cozy. Makes it even that much harder to get up and go to work.

Me: ok, ok, two more minutes

Ma: you know, there are some women who quit their jobs and stay ho--

I was up and in the shower before she could finish. Hey, I like staying home just as much as the next person, but come every other Thursday, I like getting a paycheck too, jazak'Allah for His kindness.

I was talking to someone I know yesterday and the topic of galaxies and solar systems came up. There was this video that I saw, a sort of 1 minute eye opener to all else that is out there that we do not know but Hubble sees. Got me thinking. Now, this is not absolute backed by Islam truth, but I thought I had read that Earth was the only planet capable of sustaining life.

Could there be other worlds that Allah (swt) has created? Allah (swt) is "lord of the worlds", how many others are there? By 'worlds' is it implied the Earth and Heavens? Scientifically, it is stated that life could not exist in the conditions found on other planets, but thats life as we know it. What if other life forms could only exist in those adverse conditions? What about Jinn? They are unseen. What if Jinn live on another galaxy other than the Milky Way?

I am not sure what Islam says about this, so I shall do my research and find out. If anyone has any thoughts, ideas, opinions, please share them with me. Also, always a suckkker for books, if you have any good books for me to check out please let me know.


Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Airplane, a grizzly bear, and the stranger (oh my!)

Living at home alone has its glorifying moments: be as messy as you want, come and go as you like, sleep in whichever room you want, etc. BUT, after a while waking up in awkward positions on the living room sofa, tv blaring, all the lights on gets a bit old. I fell asleep last night after Prison Break (yes its back!!) and I woke up and went to my bedroom probably around 4am. Between 4 am and 5am when my alarm was to go off I had a string of crazy weird dreams.

One dream that I remember, my elder sister and I in my younger sisters bedroom at my parents house. She turns to me and says, "You have nice teeth."

Second dream, my cubby-buddy and I are seated at a bar. We are meeting up with my cubby-buddy's boyfriend. This random guy hops up to the bar and plops down next to the boyfriend. The bartender asks him if he wants anything. The guy says, "Hell no". As if to imply theres nothing good enough looking to hit on at this bar. He leans over and gets a glimpse of me and my cubby buddy and says something along the lines of....... I just found one, or now I have a reason. He tries to chat us up by sending over drinks which we refuse of course and the dream ends there.

Third dream and MOST bizarre dream: Im in a plane on the runway. Next to me is the ocean/bay. There is a bear that has washed up on the shore, lying motionless. I notice the bear but am not sure if anyone else notices, because no one seems afraid. Suddenly the bear comes to life and starts to make his way over towards us. Now people see the bear and I cant remember if anyone is afraid or screaming. I dont think I was afraid... I cant remember. The bear comes up to the side window and you can see his sharp teeth and snarl. It hits the plane and the plane shifts a little. Someone screams. I cant remember if Im screaming or worried or scared. All I remember thinking is... knowing someone was on his way to save me. He was driving, down this one windy road and I couldnt see him, but whoever it was he was on his way to find me.

According to, to see an airplane in your dream, indicates that you will overcome your obstacles and rise above to a new level of prominence and status. You may experience a higher consciousness, new-found freedom and greater awareness.

To dream that you are being pursued or attacked by a bear, denotes aggression, overwhelming obstacles and competition. You may find yourself in a threatening situation. Alternatively, bears symbolize the cycle of life and death and renewal. It may signal of period of introspection and thinking. The dream may also be a pun on "bare". Perhaps you need to bare your soul and let everything out into the open.

To see a stranger in your dream, symbolizes the part of yourself that is repressed and hidden.

You can take dreams as a literal proposition or you can find the hidden meaning behind the symbols. Dreams can be used as tools our soul uses to communicate with us. We try and hold on to the messages as much as we can, but much is lost.

What I am getting from all of this is that I am being faced with a multitude of challenges or "obstacles" if you will, that are difficult because I am being forced to "bare" all and come clean about my wants, desires, and hidden hurts in my life. It all makes sense.

One of the biggest questions plaguing me for a while now has been the identity of the one I will marry, and I have realized that all the analysing and all the overthinking and searching in the world will not help. The only place I have not looked is inside my heart. I dont know who I am barely enough to be able to figure out who could possibly be my counterpart.

Its like being robbed. I dont know what was there, so how could I possibly know what was taken?

The thing about me is that I am very hidden and guarded, from myself especially. Most people are able to let their parents, friends, family pick someone for them because these people know everything there is to know about them. Its hard for me to open up. Its hard for me to trust people. But I need to open up to myself....... and trust myself and Allah (swt), and know that iA I will find myself and He will guide me to the one Im bound to spend all forever and a day with.


Monday, March 19, 2007

Whats up with tomorrow?

Tomorrow's horoscope - A project you have been working on for quite some time will suddenly seem nowhere near completion. Despite the setback, life goes on - a once in a lifetime opportunity for a soulmate union will occur this afternoon.

The biggest project that I've been working on to date is the blood drive; and yes thats nowhere near completion courtesy of PUNCTUAL Muslims. :)

Secondly, Im curious to see who this soulmate is that I am to meet tomorrow afternoon. My family is coming to visit, iA!!!! Yay. Sister's on spring break so I get to be with her all week.. woo frigggin hoo.. South Street anyone?! lol

Horror-scopes are wicked weird. Dont believe in them........just like to read them.

Soooo dont want to be here.

Days off from work are ok, but then eventually you have to go back. THATS the suckky part. I had off Friday, but coming to work today seemed like a huge ordeal. Not only because its Monday (yuck) but because its been three days of no work and all of a sudden Ive forgotten what its like to be at work.

Anyway, the weekend was really nice. Met lots of family. Busy week ahead. Lots to do. Cant think.........I cant think.....Im soo sorry this post is ridiculous but I came back to an almost empty office and so I have a ton of work on my desk.. and Im on needles today so I have no time.........and I hate doing hurried posts cuz I like to take my time and absorb myself in my writing.

I leave you with things I am currently reading:

"The Kite Runner"
Glamour Magazine
My horoscope
An esophageal brushing

One last thought: It just occured to me that I have nothing to bitch about. Either that or I have no time. Some of my best posts are DIRECTLY related to crabby days, issues I cant control, or the actions of others that tick me off. So today is a good day? If I keep busy, I will complain less?

.....OMG. I have found a cure for my mood swings. Im bored! Wait, no thats ridiculous: Im just too damn tired to write more. :)

I'll be back to finish my incomplete thought of a post..

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Top 5 Ways We Know Allah (swt) is NOT Male

(Disclaimer: Put down your weapons! I didnt say Allah (swt) is female; I said He isnt male)

5.) The world is created with too much detail: everything matches and makes sense.

4.) You cant always see Allah (swt), but you know He's there. You can see a man but know for sure he's not all there.

3.) Allah (swt) can handle the truth. Men loathe it.
Vietnam war veteran, lost his left eye and left leg in war, finds out his wife's home-made upside down pineapple cake is a Betty Crocker original and cries for two whole days. THE MAN FOUGHT IN A WAR! ...couldnt handle the truth.

2.) Allah (swt)'s world will end one day iA. A man's world ends often, particularly after football season and having to eat leftovers.

1.) Allah (swt) created a world that still works. Practically everything that is man-made has been recalled at one point or another.


Lies, all lies! Why?! Why did she have to tell me??
( I know the brothers are listening too!)

This girl on the train this morning was applying her makeup. She looked so ridiculous. She was breaking an unspoken code amongst women. She was letting guys in on the secret that some women need makeup to look good. Why on God's green earth would any woman give herself up like that?

Over the weekend I had a group of girls over and we were discussing this topic. Some things are best kept secret from fathers, brothers, husbands, etc. One friend disagreed and said the facade would wear off eventually and thats just a fact of life.

I think women should remain mysterious to their spouses at all times. Guys are simple, keeping them in the dark is not a huge, impossible feat. Allow them to believe you always smell like vanilla and spice and everything nice, always.

The guy sitting next to the girl on the train had this total look of disgust on his face. I couldnt tell if he was her boyfriend or not, but at that moment he looked soo turned off by her he could have passed for her gay best friend. He looked like a child on Christmas morning who just found out Santa Claus isnt real and he has no presents because his father is in jail.

Men cannot handle the truth when it comes to their spouses' looks. I realize that eventually everything gets old and he will ultimately find out your eyes are not grey, so my friends and I came up with the happy medium solution to give it your all for ATLEAST the first 2 years of marriage. After that, homeboy's on his own. He'll just have to get over it.

So back to "show-and-tell-all" girl, she kept applying coat after coat after coat of mascara (she even switched tubes. How she STILL didnt have noticeable lashes after that is beyond me.) The guy next to her turned out to be her boyfriend. The girl's friend seated across the isle outed the guy by saying, "Jill, Im sure Greg is grossed out by this." (of course she noticed it, too, everyone on the train did. He's not blind.) Greg puts his arm around Jill's shoulders and gives her a hug, but the hug was so much more of a "Hey buddy, don't sweat it. We'll make it to the playoffs next year." type of a hug that lead me to believe there are just some things best kept secret from men.

Ladies, what a man doesnt know wont hurt him; what you tell him will most surely kill him!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Socha Nahin Tha - Kaante

Socha nahin tha taqdeer yahan laayegi
Manzil pe aate hi jaan chali jaayegi
O, yeh to Sikandar ne bhi nahin tha socha
Aane se pehle khushi laut jaayegi
Humne socha tha kya, aur kya se kya hua
Jaa rahe hai aaj yeh zamaane ko bataake

Yeh kya ho gaya rama re,
yeh kya ho gaya maula re

Tera qusoor tha ya mera qusoor tha
Tera guroor tha ya mera guroor tha
Rabba main itna bura nahin hota
Tu agar bewafa nahin hota
Itna bata mujhe, kya mila tujhe
Gham ke yeh kaante meri raahon mein bichhaake

Yeh kya ho gaya rama re,
yeh kya ho gaya maula re

March of Dimes - Walk America 2007

"Every year, half a million babies in the U.S. are born prematurely. Premature birth is the leading cause of newborn death and many life long disabilities. The funds we raise in WalkAmerica support research that saves babies' lives.
Our mission is to improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth, and infant mortality." - March of Dimes, Saving babies, together.

I am participating in this years Walk America 2007. Please visit my personal page and sponsor me to help me reach my goal of $200.

Walk Information 4/29/2007
9:00 AM Philadelphia Museum of Art
26th Street & Benjamin Franklin Parkway
Philadelphia, PA
Walk Site Details

Thank you! :P

Friday, March 09, 2007

hyPATHETICal situations

فرح نواز

Im changing shampoos. Homegirl behind me in line at Starbucks sniffed my hair. Yeah it was funny how I caught her: I turned around and she was leaning in eyes closed and I look at her and she opened her eyes and blinked. I just laughed and turned back around.

Friday - finally. I am going to watch "300" tonight and I cant wait! The movie can be summed up in two words: TESTOSTERONE-OVERDOSE! 117 minutes of Dominic West and sweaty, dirty, muscular men in little to no clothing, graphic fighting scenes and piles of men on top of each other (like after the last snap of a tie-breaking game on the 1 yard line -- yes Im battling football withdrawal). Once will not be enough, I shall be back.

This past week has gone by pretty fast. The week had a recurrent theme: weird dreams, and since I am very fascinated in dream interpretation (and quite good if I may say so) everyone kept passing along their dreams to me to interpret. I was so busy (im such a good friend) that I completely neglected my own dream and was reminded of it last night while I was reading. My book was too interesting so I didnt blog it right away. I neglected my dreams and they went away. Yes, the past TWO nights I have been dreamless. Isnt that soo sad? How do you not dream? I know we all dream and it is possible that I may have dreamt and it was in a stage of sleep so deep that I dont remember it. (You did know there were different stages of sleep, right? 5 basic stages including REM sleep) We have several dreams every night; however, most only remember the last dream they have before waking, or the dream that startles them awake.

So, two nights ago I had this dream of being trapped in an old house from which I could not escape. The strange thing was that I had been trapped in the house before and had managed to flee and in my dream I was looking for the exact same escape route but to no avail. So according to literature, to feel trapped signifies that you are feeling confined and restricted in your job, career, health, or a personal relationship. You may be in a rut or tired of the same daily monotony. No surprises, there.

A house signifies your soul and self. The house was old and this represents old beliefs, attitudes and how you used to think or feel. It could mean a situation in your current life may be bringing about those same old attitudes and feelings. Alternatively, the old house may symbolize your need to update your mode of thinking.

Why is it that we know things to be true, but dont believe it until we hear someone else (or in this case an interpretation) tell us? This all makes sense. My life is a constant dynamic and Ive been flexible in the past. So why now is it so hard to shake fears, and nagging feelings that lurk in the background forcing their way front and center? Perhaps the more years we age, the older our past gets and as with anything you keep for a long time we grow more attached to it day in and day out.

Ma has a way of keeping me in the dark forever and then immediately switching on the light and blinding me with her words. Her trick is to catch me off guard, like in the morning while Im getting ready for work so Im distracted by other things and what she says doesnt quite sink in but I agree to it. So Im being set-up, yet again, God only knows how this will turn out. But I agreed to it, unknowingly, and now I cant back out.

I shall promise to remain guarded and optimistic at all times until I find the one key to unlock the one place in my heart where no man has been allowed to enter.

All hearts are locked, all locks have keys. Some hearts are broken into and robbed, unfortunately. Some locks get keyed and forced to fit a key that otherwise would be no match at all. Some hearts have state-of-the-art alarm systems. Some intruders set-off all alarms which we choose to ignore, while others are immediatly recognized as false alarms and dismissed. Sometimes we hold people hostage in our heart, as POWs. Sometimes SWAT must come in and clean-up. Our hearts are always being renovated to accomodate people, even temporary tenants that cause mass destruction, forcing us to keep their security deposit as ransom (rings, t-shirts, sweatshirts, hair?).

We're looking for keys to open our locks, but what we dont realize is that we have keys, too. We can unlock our hearts at will for family, friends, and even strangers. We make duplicate keys; some get lost, some we demand they give back. If not, we just change the locks.

Marriage is a 50/50 crapshoot; but we hold the dice. Let go of your inhibitions and just roll.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Flower Show 2007 -- a few pics

This was on water.


I must confess I had absolutely ZERO intentions of coming to work this morning. You ever have a day when you just say, "I'm not going in. Im not. Im just not. Im so not going to even bother."? Well, its snowy outside, so I would have had a valid excuse. I took my time getting ready, still, as I debated pros/cons of staying home. Because I took my time to get ready, I actually put on makeup and did my hair and in lieu of not wanting the effort to go to waste, I decided to go to work.

I get into a not so crowded train and find my seat, and I feel something near my hair and I freeze, my mind racing "OHMAGOD, OHMAGOD did he just sniff my hair??? WTF? Eww creepy guy just sniffed my hair!?" The guy behind me quickly mutters an apology. I extirpate my urge to turn around and BITCHSLAP the bastard by telling myself it was an obvious mistake. As we reach Market East station, Im gathering my things and this guy immediately jumps up in line and I remember thinking, "Chivalry is so dead!", cuz usually people wait for you to clear out first. Headphones on I can hear an old Santa Claus of a man say something, so I take them off and he says, "Your hair is very beautiful" OHMIGOD! He did. HE DID SNIFF MY HAIR. Shaky Santa Claus sniffed my hair. Are you kidding me with this?!

Me: Thank you.
Santa Claus: Ive been sitting behind you admiring it and I wanted to get a look from the front.
Me: (NOTHING. I SAID NOTHING. I COULD THINK OF NOTHING. At this point Im not even smiling. Im thoroughly disgusted. I feel chunks of Bumblebee tuna from my last nights dinner about to make an appearance.)
SC: You have really nice hair.
Me: (Jazak'Allah mofo! ...And we've now got an audience. My cheeks flush and I start to wonder if he took the wrong pill this morning)
Me: THANK YOU! (theres my voice! finally...)

Santa Claus turns around in line as I suddenly find my bag to be the most interesting thing as if Im seeing it for the first time. Then I hear shaky compliment another woman and I feel sad for assuming the worst. Maybe he just really likes pretty things. (...and yes, I laugh at this last statement of mine uncontrollably)


Tuesday, March 06, 2007


Click to enlarge!

Monday, March 05, 2007

I dream in Chocolate

This weekend was loads of fun complete with a visit from my 2 favorite women, cranium, cake, and crazies!

Friday -- My mom tells me in the morning that they're going to be coming up to visit. She says this while Im inside my apartment dodging and jumping over junk just spilling out everywhere! My entire apartment is my closet -- clothes everywhere -- everywhere but hanging in closets. First things first, when I came home from work I went straight to the store and picked up cleaning supplies -- my faveeeeeee job ever! --- I bought a Mr. Clean mop which is a 3-in-1 miracle for bathrooms, dish detergent, and lip gloss. Im a sucker for shiny glittery lip gloss. I cleaned my bathroom from top to bottom -- floor and tub, tiles and toilet plus the sink. Next up, I mopped the kitchen floor, straightened my closets and vacuumed the whole place. The only thing left was the oodles of dishes spilling up and out of the sink. My sister and mother came bearing gifts -- yay! Valentines Day goodies, only 2 weeks late but thats ok I dont get to see them very often -- atleast they remembered!

Saturday -- We all slept on my bed in my room and how odd is it that the smallest of all, my sister, took up the largest amount of space?? We woke up pretty early -- my mother and I -- and so we took advantage of the time to chat which was the best. I had an early meeting in Center City so we decided to go out to Panera for breakfast, Mom really likes Panera. Just sitting with both of them and talking, I didnt want the moment to end. But, sadly, we parted ways and they went to my sisters house in DE.

Saturday night was a blast! I went to a friend's party, met a lot of cool people, played cranium for the first time (our team won!), and came back at almost 2am. Die-hard partying! LOL! Ive never been much on going out -- but finally Ive found Muslim friends to hang out with and it was a lottttttttt of fun!

Sunday -- I was home all day, putting things away, fixing things -- My hallway full-length mirror came crashing down one day last week by itself and hit a box of metal frames and broke, not in a million pieces thank God, but its got to be trashed. My first thought: Do I really need 7 more years of bad luck?

Last night apparently was the night of bad dreams. I was reading and fell asleep on my couch. The craziest thing: all the lights were on -- my tv was on but I woke up, startled, and I remember looking around and it was COMPLETELY dark and I looked over at the hallway to the back of the house and thought to get up and go to my room but for some reason I was too afraid to move. I thought I saw something in the hallway and I was either too tired or too scared but I went back to sleep -- I WOKE UP... TWO MINUTES LATER.. I swear to you it had to have been two minutes later and ALL MY LIGHTS WERE ON and MY TV WAS BLARING. Apparently, we had a power outage or surge or whatever because my microwave had no time where the clock is supposed to be. It just read "0". And the other really creepy thing: as I was telling my friend about my dream online I got this phone call on my cell phone from a number I didnt recognize. The number? 000-000-0000.

LOL. I googled it and apparently some people that call using Skype sometimes have this number come up on ids instead of their real one.

So Ive had two friends today come up to me and tell me about their crazy dreams -- one where I was being extremely annoying because Id gotten a promotion and it turns out Im (or they think Im) out of control (haha) and the other where a friend was lost in DC pushing around a laundry basket. Strangely, the basket pushing friend has a very very concise message in her dream: MOVE ON!


So for all the people emailing me to TELL me my blog hasnt been updated -- BITE ME. I had a very good weekend! :)

Friday, March 02, 2007

mAd libs

I run you.
You have nice socks.
You make me smack.
You should eat.
Someday I will kick.
You + me = serendipitious
If I saw you now I'd kiss
I want to gnaw you.
I would build clowns just for you.
If I could sing you any song it would be kuch kuch hota hai.
We could think under the stars.

(P.S. What did I ever do to you?)

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Top 38 Islamic Pick-up Lines - Very Funny

1. "OH MY GOSH! I just saw part of your hair, now you're obliged to marry me." 2. "I'd like to be more than just your brother in Islam."
3. "To watch you pray is a sin of its own."
4."Will my platinum VISA cover your dowry?"
5."You can't play basketball with a jilbab on, marry me, and we will go one-on-one our entire life."
6."Muslims are supposed to have many children, and I am willing to do my part..."
7."Assalamualaikum, so what time does a Hoor Al-3ayn like you have to be back in Jannah?"
8. So, read any good Surahs lately?
9. Do you believe in the hereafter? Oh you do? Then you know what I'm hereafter.
10. Lets get married so I don’t have to lower my gaze every time you walk in the room
11. I've had to fast every day since the day that I first saw you.
12. Do you work for the FBI ? Because you've just abducted my heart.
13. Your father must be a terrorist, because you're da BOMB!
14. Would you like to help me wake up for Fajr?
15.. Are you a Shiite? Because when I saw you, I said to myself, "She aiight".
16. Do you wanna date? I bought a box full when I went to Madinah.
17. Girl, you fine. I see praying five times a day has paid off.
18. That's a nice burqa. Can I talk you out of it?
19. I need to break my fast. Can I have a date?
20. I didn’t trip over my robe, I fell for you.
21. I know Halal meat does a body good, but damn, how much you been eatin' 22. Wanna pray in jamaat, shoulder to shoulder, feet to feet?
23. "*guy looks under girls hijab* "sorry, i was looking for the made in jannah tag"
24. "After seeing you, the first thing I said was Mashallah. The next was Inshallah!"
25. "Are those legs halal?"
26. "Baby, someone needs to chop off your right hand because you stole my heart."
27. I'm new here, can you take me to the closest masjid?
28. I'm not staring, I'm just enjoying my first and only allowed look.
29. "Girl you fine, TAKBEER"
30. Can i have a picture of you so I can show my daddy what I want for Eid! 31."Girl if lookin at you is gunnah then I don't want to get any sawab"
32. "Sister, you make a bad brother wanna be good..and a good brother wanna be bad"
33. "Hey I'm a nice muslim boy and you seem like a nice muslim girl, so what do you say we make a halal match?"
34. Hey, you free this weekend? I got two tickets to Jannah...wanna come with?35. 'Nice ankles. Very nice.'
36. I'm not staring, I'm just enjoying my first andonly allowed look.'
37. 'You make me realise why we're asked to lower ourgaze so much'
38. If i become a shaheed i will get 72 of you!
(authors unknown)

March is National Caffeine Awareness Month

Date: 3/1/2007
Time: Morning
Location: Worldwide
Category: Health/Wellness

Summary: National Caffeine Awareness Month is an annual observance that encourages local communities to focus on caffeine dependency and caffeine-related issues. The campaign calls attention to the risk associated with caffeinism and caffeine withdrawal syndrome, a disorder recognized by the psychiatric community. Several states and cities across America celebrate this event in March.

Details: The Caffeine Awareness Alliance, a non-profit organization, is committed to the physical, mental, and emotional wellness of the public whose lives have been affected by their misuse of, or dependency on caffeine. Our mission is to provide objective,evidence-based information and advice to help reduce the health, social, and economic harm associated with caffeine abuse and addiction.

Telephone: 815-572-8007
Website: Caffeine Awareness Alliance

Anyone got a pen?!


March 1st

The first of the month is always like a breath of fresh air, like the first sip of water after a day of fasting, like waking up after a full night's sleep. Today will be a good day.

Yesterday was awful. It started out good but then by about 10 am the jackhammer in my head was back constantly pounding away at my delicate brain matter. It was my needle day, too, so I was on back-2-back procedures and what should have been easy procedures were chaotic and hectic because of unforseen patient complications.

So apparently, kicking one addiction always leads to another: dieters kick eating by starting to smoke, chocoholics start having sex, and heroine addicts attack chocolate and orange juice. Oddly, my new addiction is orange juice and sudoku. According to most of the people I have talked to who have given up coffee, all of them agreed the headache was the worst of it all. One friend's headaches lasted 6 days. She said motrin worked a little, but otherwise, no medication came close. I cant take my migraine medicine because, duh, that has caffeine in it. Day 4 -- I'll make it, iA.

Im surprised by all the answers I got from people taking my quiz! Most all got my birthday correct and that I search for cancer in my profession. But then, some people thought I was born in Lahore, that I was the only girl child, and that my favorite color was pink!? Pink?!?

I saw two --- EWWW! --- much better -- I saw two women knitting on the train and it reminded me of how many unfinished knitting projects I have. I start and then my ADD kicks in and I never finish. Now that Ive given up caffeine maybe I will be more able to concentrate better and actually finish up the scarf I promised Pa three years ago! :P I suppose itd be the nice thing to do; he's already thanked me for it!

FOR THE LOVE OF GOD -- will someone school me on why HYDERAbarBADI people come off thinking their biryani is good?????

If you're local and you think your biryani is the shittttttt -- come out and support CAMP-PHILADELPHIA'S 1st EVER BIRYANI BASH!

Bring it --- Eat it --- Judge it

I'm not entering mine in the competition because, let's face it, my biryani is the competition and we're trying to keep things fair. I have a bumper sticker that reads: MY BIRYANI KNOCKED THE TASTE OUTTA YOUR BIRYANI!
