Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Creationism 101

I suppose you have three dreams one night and the next night nothing. I was really anxious to go to sleep and dream last night, but I didnt dream at all. My mom and sis are staying with me this week -- sis is on spring break. I soo didnt want to get up from my warm warm bed. The worst is seeing everyone else still asleep and cozy. Makes it even that much harder to get up and go to work.

Me: ok, ok, two more minutes

Ma: you know, there are some women who quit their jobs and stay ho--

I was up and in the shower before she could finish. Hey, I like staying home just as much as the next person, but come every other Thursday, I like getting a paycheck too, jazak'Allah for His kindness.

I was talking to someone I know yesterday and the topic of galaxies and solar systems came up. There was this video that I saw, a sort of 1 minute eye opener to all else that is out there that we do not know but Hubble sees. Got me thinking. Now, this is not absolute backed by Islam truth, but I thought I had read that Earth was the only planet capable of sustaining life.

Could there be other worlds that Allah (swt) has created? Allah (swt) is "lord of the worlds", how many others are there? By 'worlds' is it implied the Earth and Heavens? Scientifically, it is stated that life could not exist in the conditions found on other planets, but thats life as we know it. What if other life forms could only exist in those adverse conditions? What about Jinn? They are unseen. What if Jinn live on another galaxy other than the Milky Way?

I am not sure what Islam says about this, so I shall do my research and find out. If anyone has any thoughts, ideas, opinions, please share them with me. Also, always a suckkker for books, if you have any good books for me to check out please let me know.



Anonymous said...

Regardless of whether other life is out there or not (which I believe there is, in some form), you can't help but marvel at Allah's(swt) masterpiece. It is naiive to think the complexity of this universe is by mere chance, that an engineer didn't build it, an architect didn't construct it, an artist didn't paint it.

And then we look at the shere magnitude of the universe and are tempted to feel belittled at how insignificant we are in the scale of the worlds. It is only through Allah's(swt) grace that (in comparison to the rest of the universe and the unknown) we are loved by Him so much, entrusted with such a large responsibility of spreading His message, and still looked upon by Him as his most wondrous creation.

You can immerse yourself in this world as much as you want, and no matter how fascinated you are by everything else in the universe, to know that you are His most cherished and loved is truly a blessing.

To end it with a visual aid - Here is the largest star known to astronomers today. Look at it in its original size if you want to be truly marveled.


En said...

Have you heard of the "saat aasmaan" (Seven skies)? I don't really have anything to back this up (I'm sure there is stuff on this online). But from what I have heard, there are seven skies/universe. What we see (i.e. planets etc) is just one of the seven layers those that only Allah SWT knows about.

The Nebula is also mentioned in the Quraan as well. (

And I have also heard of Jinns some that share this world with us and others that we can't see (kinda creepy but facinating)

P.S. didn't they find life on Mars? They Allah only let's you see what He wants you to see. Maybe there really is life on the other planets and we're just not able to 'see' it yet?

Anonymous said...

There are Jinn in this world, in the bathrooms for example. That's why there is a du'a where you ask Allah (swt) to guard you from wicked spirits when you enter one.

Concerning the recent events on Mars, possible signs of life were discovered, nothing concrete yet as far as I know. Depending on which studies you choose to believe, they say that most likely (at some point in time), there was self sustaining life (simple organisms), but no evidence of current life on the planet

The Brown Girl said...

yes, i have heard of the seven skies theory and of course a God so great is capable of creating and sustaining life wherever He wills it.

I believe I mispoke before. I did not mean there were no other worlds other than ours, I meant that none will come after us.

Of course as with anything, its all about the source.