Thursday, March 01, 2007


March 1st

The first of the month is always like a breath of fresh air, like the first sip of water after a day of fasting, like waking up after a full night's sleep. Today will be a good day.

Yesterday was awful. It started out good but then by about 10 am the jackhammer in my head was back constantly pounding away at my delicate brain matter. It was my needle day, too, so I was on back-2-back procedures and what should have been easy procedures were chaotic and hectic because of unforseen patient complications.

So apparently, kicking one addiction always leads to another: dieters kick eating by starting to smoke, chocoholics start having sex, and heroine addicts attack chocolate and orange juice. Oddly, my new addiction is orange juice and sudoku. According to most of the people I have talked to who have given up coffee, all of them agreed the headache was the worst of it all. One friend's headaches lasted 6 days. She said motrin worked a little, but otherwise, no medication came close. I cant take my migraine medicine because, duh, that has caffeine in it. Day 4 -- I'll make it, iA.

Im surprised by all the answers I got from people taking my quiz! Most all got my birthday correct and that I search for cancer in my profession. But then, some people thought I was born in Lahore, that I was the only girl child, and that my favorite color was pink!? Pink?!?

I saw two --- EWWW! --- much better -- I saw two women knitting on the train and it reminded me of how many unfinished knitting projects I have. I start and then my ADD kicks in and I never finish. Now that Ive given up caffeine maybe I will be more able to concentrate better and actually finish up the scarf I promised Pa three years ago! :P I suppose itd be the nice thing to do; he's already thanked me for it!

FOR THE LOVE OF GOD -- will someone school me on why HYDERAbarBADI people come off thinking their biryani is good?????

If you're local and you think your biryani is the shittttttt -- come out and support CAMP-PHILADELPHIA'S 1st EVER BIRYANI BASH!

Bring it --- Eat it --- Judge it

I'm not entering mine in the competition because, let's face it, my biryani is the competition and we're trying to keep things fair. I have a bumper sticker that reads: MY BIRYANI KNOCKED THE TASTE OUTTA YOUR BIRYANI!



Anonymous said...

So wait, why are you giving up caffeine?

I made lamb korma last night. Yes. I cooked. I had the lamb and the sauce and the almonds and the raisins and I rock. :)

Except I'll probably never make it for you 'cause I bet you'd mock me.

It's not restaurant-worthy at all but given that it's homemade, it's pretty awesome. :)


The Brown Girl said...

i was giving up caffeine because im addicted -- and I dont like being controlled (except for divine intervention of course) Look at my new post -- march is national caffeine awareness month. odd, huh? I didnt plan it like that at all.

Lamb korma, huh? Im sure it was good. I dont eat lamb. That is the one meat I will not eat... goat or lamb.

Anonymous said...

Just as an FYI on caffeine, my headaches lasted for two weeks. But it was worth it!! I completely support you on giving up on'll feel the difference .


The Brown Girl said...

Thanks for the heads up. Im headache free for today so far.. Im going to call the number on the last post (Awareness) anyway. :)