Monday, March 19, 2007

Soooo dont want to be here.

Days off from work are ok, but then eventually you have to go back. THATS the suckky part. I had off Friday, but coming to work today seemed like a huge ordeal. Not only because its Monday (yuck) but because its been three days of no work and all of a sudden Ive forgotten what its like to be at work.

Anyway, the weekend was really nice. Met lots of family. Busy week ahead. Lots to do. Cant think.........I cant think.....Im soo sorry this post is ridiculous but I came back to an almost empty office and so I have a ton of work on my desk.. and Im on needles today so I have no time.........and I hate doing hurried posts cuz I like to take my time and absorb myself in my writing.

I leave you with things I am currently reading:

"The Kite Runner"
Glamour Magazine
My horoscope
An esophageal brushing

One last thought: It just occured to me that I have nothing to bitch about. Either that or I have no time. Some of my best posts are DIRECTLY related to crabby days, issues I cant control, or the actions of others that tick me off. So today is a good day? If I keep busy, I will complain less?

.....OMG. I have found a cure for my mood swings. Im bored! Wait, no thats ridiculous: Im just too damn tired to write more. :)

I'll be back to finish my incomplete thought of a post..


Stargazer said...

I hate Monday's too, and the thought of Monday's make Sunday's awful as well. It;s the anticipation of going back to work.

I think I want to be a housewife, so I dont have to deal with it. A housewife with no children!

~eysheikah said...

Hello Farah....

The Kite Runner is well written and described...worth reading it!!!

Can you please elaborate the cure for mood swings???.... I need it badly too???



The Brown Girl said...

Astagfirallah gazer!!!! children are gifts from Allah (swt). LOL!

Ahsan -- keepin' busy is the best cure for mood swings -- leaves no time for anything else :)