Saturday, November 29, 2008

Pirate's Booty

OK so I'll admit: I LOATHE black Friday. I avoid malls, outlets, and the like altogether if its possible. I cant say why. I honestly dont know why. This year I had a few items on my list that made it worth my while to step out and shop for. I had two things to check off: a.) a GPS navigation system, and b.) a memory stick for my camera.

I went to Circuit City (Best Buy is so played out haha) and bought the new TomTom navie. Its apparently wonderfully incredible though I have yet to try it out, and I bought an 8GB memory stick which promises to be able to take a million and one pics. I plan to take the navie out for a test run as soon as my migraine passes. Maybe tomorrow iA. The memory stick I tested out yesternight at the mehndi I went to.


Thanksgiving weekend is notorious for turkey, family, and football. Recently, its fast-becoming a popular wedding weekend, too. Especially if you're of the south asian heritage. For us, weddings are not just limited to one day. We have traditionally a whole week's worth of festivities leading up to the final rukhsati, bride's departure from her family. Many in the US only practice three: the henna, the nikkah/rukhsati, and the walima (dinner thrown by guy's family in recognition of the consummation of marriage union).

Me? Im just glad Im home. With family. Surrounded by friends. Its a really crazy weekend and Im battling a cold thats lasted over two weeks. It's tough to switch gears at first. Living alone makes you really cage-y sometimes. You get easily frazzled by seeing soo many people all at once in one place. Still, its times like this that one misses when one goes back to the mundane, regular, day-to-day everyday grind.

In short: I dont want this weekend to end. :)

Friday, November 28, 2008

Breaking News

He made fun of me. Im still laughing.

I must really like him.


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Newsday Tuesday

Judge overturns Florida ban on Adoption by Gays (CNN) -- A Florida circuit judge Tuesday struck down a 31-year-old state law that prevents gays and lesbians from adopting children, allowing a North Miami man to adopt two half-brothers he and his partner have raised as foster children since 2004.

Dad raped daughters
for 27 years (CNN) -- A British man was jailed Tuesday for raping two of his daughters and fathering nine children over 27 years, a case with echoes of Austria's Josef Fritzl. The two daughters were made pregnant 19 times; there were nine births, five miscarriages and five terminations. Seven of the children are alive but suffer genetic deformities. The father, who cannot be named for legal reasons banning the identification of his victims and the surviving children, pleaded guilty Tuesday at Sheffield Crown Court, northern England, and was sentenced to serve 25 life sentences to run concurrently.

McNabb's Benching Could Signal End of Turbulent Era in Philly (NFL) - That life preserver Andy Reid just tossed might have helped keep the quarterback afloat if it were equipped with a couple of vibrant receivers, steadfast pass protection and a commitment to balance the Eagles offense. It was not. So, the McNabb trek will likely pick up where it left off with this quarterback in a state of football flux -- his team, too -- spiraling downward and steaming toward a split. Soon. Very soon.It is nearly impossible to imagine that McNabb is going to be the Eagles quarterback beyond these five games remaining. It's likely he will be pulled again, benched again, before the Eagles exit this middling, 5-5-1 season full of broken promise and hope. Reid explained that he benched McNabb after the first half on Sunday against the Ravens to light a spark. When McNabb left, the Eagles trailed, 10-7. In his absence, the score was 26-0 Ravens. The 36-7 drubbing was beyond a wakeup call for the Eagles. McNabb will start on Thursday.

Dubai's sex-on-beach couple Escape Jail Term (CNN) -- A British couple convicted for having sex on a public beach in Dubai will not face jail after a judge suspended their prison sentences, their lawyer said Tuesday. The couple, Michelle Palmer and Vincent Acors, had faced a three-month sentence, but they were freed on bail in October pending an appeal. Hassan Mattar, one of their lawyers, said he was trying to get permission for Palmer -- who worked in Dubai -- to stay in the United Arab Emirates, and for Acors to travel back to Britain. Acors had been on a business trip to Dubai when he was arrested. The United Arab Emirates, where Dubai is located, is home to thousands of expatriates and is among the most moderate Gulf states. Still, the oil-rich kingdom adheres to certain Islamic rules.

Teacher Accused of Punching Student, Police Say (CNN) - An elementary school teacher was arrested for punching an 8-year-old student in the face this month, Fort Lauderdale police said Tuesday. David Adam Grant is accused of striking an 8-year-old student at a Fort Lauderdale, Florida, school. David Adam Grant, 36, an art teacher at Sunland Elementary School, turned himself in to police Tuesday in connection with the November 5 incident, authorities said in a written statement.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Weekend Update

Ugh. Busy times. I missed thirsty thursday in its second installment on my blog. :(

AND i missed fashionista friday! :( :(

Where to start? I saw the Twilight movie. *yay* It was really really amazing. What was most incredible was seeing characters from a book come to life. For the past few months Id had an image in my mind of the town, the main characters, etc and its neat to see that I wasnt too far off from what the movie writers/director/producer came up with. Oh! And Im totally in love with Robert Pattinson (Cedric from Harry Potter)!! I shall dub him McVampy! :P I wish he'd bite me. ;)

Saturday night I went to a young professionals' potluck dinner. Met lots of cool people. Saw a lot of them again on Sunday at my very first book club meeting. We read "Madras on Rainy Days" by Samina Ali. The author even conferenced in to discuss the book with us, answer questions and shed some light on themes in the book. As an inspiring writer I held onto every word she said and I was impressed when she chose not to define certain character traits in the book. She left a lot up to us readers to figure out. A lot of times its easy in writing to want to say everything/give too much away. But she didnt. She left some stuff for us to come to as we see fit.

I cant wait til the day I become a published writer iA and have people discussing my books.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Andy Warhol Who? :)

It looks cooler on facebook.

Words of the Day Wednesday

Today's theme: unique words

(#1 sent in by Khizzle from CA.)
1.) callipygian adj. - having well-shaped buttocks.

2.) epicure n. - a person who cultivates a delicate taste for eating and drinking.

3.) hoodwink v. - to deceive.

4.) maudlin adj. - tearfully or weakly emotional, foolishly sentimental.

5.) opprobrium n. - the disgrace or the reproach incurred by conduct considered outrageously shameful; infamy.

TWILIGHT 11.21.08 - Cant Wait!!

If you don't know, you better ask somebody!


I was 110% THAT girl today. THAT girl who sees broken glass and instead of steering clear says, Ooo, let me touch!!!! One of the cabinets in our office had the glass shatter and form like a mosaic design. I thought it looked so cool I HAD to touch it (a force greater than me compelled me). Just as I was running my hand down along the surface, my Oooo became OWWW!!!! My secretary looked up just in time to hear me say, "Dumbass move!!!" and rush towards the sink dripping blood. I had sliced my finger open. Because it felt like a shard of glass was still sticking in my finger I kept squeezing to try to get it out while running it under water, a combination that not only BURNED but also produced more blood from the wound, naturally.

Did I mention I hadnt eaten all day and am prone to blackout spells? Just as the room began to spin my secretary rushed over and helped me with paper towels applying pressure on the cut.

The funniest thing was when my other secretary got wind of situation, she laughed at me and said our third secretary --- one I teasingly call an airhead -- had done the same thing yesterday and gotten hurt as well. We are now, lovingly, labeled Dumb & Dumber in our department. My supervisor found out and says, "You, too?? I'm going to call and have them come fix it." I told her to get on it because I couldnt guarantee I wouldnt do it was too pretty to pass up! In my defense, even my ATTENDING touched it!! But she didnt get hurt.

Above is the pic of my hand. Dull, throbbing ache the rest of the day. Not fun.

Ok, so I know today is newsday tuesday but Im still sick. I came home and took alka seltzer cough and cold medicine which knocked me out and I fell asleep for five hours. I just woke up. I'll post tomorrow because there were some interesting stories I came across, just dont have the strength to post on them right now. I will comment on the economy and how falling prices are WONDERFUL for shoppers: I finally bought my first pair of tall boots. Its hard to be worried about the future when you buy TWO pairs of tall boots for UNDER $100!!!! It was really was fun trying on hundreds of different pairs and snapping pics to send my sis and friends for their opinions. I finally decided on this pair below and a pair of black ones.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Cough Day Monday

Blahhhhhhhh. I hate being sick. I hate coughing. I hate taking medicine. I hate being cold. I cant be funny when Im coughing. I fell asleep when I came back from work in a frantic attempt to do ANYTHING that made me instantly warm. Now, Im up like its 12p.

I fasted today. BIG MISTAKE! Do you know how hard it is cough all day without water?! Impossibly hard. Not fasting tomorrow. Even though fasting right now is soooo easy -- sun sets ten minutes after it rises. :) Piece of cake.

Sunday, November 16, 2008


So for the longest time now Ive been neglecting certain homely chores and one of them includes laundry. I usually go home to my parents' with bags and bags but lately every time Ive been home I've either been in a rush and didnt load up my car or went home to Bmore and honestly was too busy to be bothered by laundry. Ok confession: I seriously dont know where my parents' laundry room is. Oh wait! I know, I know: its in the basement in a room off the rec area with the huge pool table that I cant seem to strip myself away from long enough... yeah that sounds more "Farah-ish".

It takes me from 6 in the morn til 12p to gather all my laundry, sorted too of course but you'd think it was sorted by color the way it took so much time. 12-1p I coughed. Stupid itchy throat. I kept complaining Friday that this tickle in my throat had me dry-coughing like crazy. My chest didnt start hurting until midday and I realized I would soon get my wish of asking for a reason to cough. Today is the worst. Chest and throat hurt. And yeah, no more dry cough. I coughed up ... "stuff" from 12-1p.

Then the game started: Eagles/Bengals. Have you noticed just how ugly the bright orange and black combo is?? No? Checkout Bengals players. Gross.

Finally made it out to the laundromat. The first three machines I use are broken. Not funny when youve already loaded up clothes and detergent... and quarters. :( Yeah, that experience had me wanting to scream! Or call Papa crying so he feels bad and buys me a dryer.

See, I have a washer in apt, but the dryer broke before I got here and was taken out. I realize dryers are awful for the environment but my loveeeeee of fluffy towels has me saying, "Let the next gen. deal with it!!!" :D

Im home now, for the next hour. Wanted to catch the end of the game, hang up the clothes in the washer so they can dry, and make myself a very much needed and well deserved steamy cup of chai with honey. Yum!

Go Green!!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Fashionista Friday

...spilling into why-did-i-stay-up-so-late-last night???-Saturday morning! Attempting to post before my much needed steamy cup of coffee. See, last Saturday I nearly passed out when I attempted a four mile run pre-coffee/liquids/breakfast. Im not running yet, just posting. We'll see how far I get.

F A S H I O N I S T A F R I D A Y!! woohoo!

Ok so you dont have to be a fashion fanatic to notice trends these days. With all the magazines bunching out of racks at checkout lines with tips and pics (even magazines for petlovers) its hard to miss the trends. Ok, not to mention that once theyre public knowledge, all you see everywhere is people going overboard with every single trend on their person. That... is not healthy.

First things first, where would we be without rules? Im a stickler for lists. Its the Virgo curse. Outlined neatly by WikiHow is a world of information on becoming a fashionista.

Words of advice: Don't go balls to the wall. Go slow, find yourself, do what feels comfortable to you, always. Confidence is the key to rocking out any outfit and fashion trend. When we feel comfortable, we really shine. So follow the rules with a level-head. Breathe in, exhale slowly, repeat three times. Hope this helps:

How to Become a Fashionista

To be a Fashionista you need to be up to date and find something that looks great on you. Follow these simple steps and find the stylish diva in you.

1. The first thing to do is your homework. Not for school, I mean study up on fashion. Start with the magazines lying around your house. As long as they are from this year or some what current, they are a good place to start. Find tips on what is new and what staples from your own closet you can use. Look for the pieces that you see multiple times, because then you will know they are in style. Another place to look is on-line. A great site is called Hel-looks. It shows street styles from Helsinki, Finland. Street style is a great place to find inspiration. Even if you just type in Street Style in google you can find some good sites, like the cool hunter. Finally, watch shows on TV that are based on fashion. Shows on the Style channel are good, but they can sometimes be geared towards older women so be careful.
2. While you are doing your "homework" keep a journal with all of the looks and clothes that you like. Jot down pieces of clothing, colors and outfits that you like. Separate them into things that you own and things that you want to add to your wardrobe. Use pictures from magazines or words. This will be where you base your new look.
3. The next thing to do is check out what you already have and see if there is anything that you can use. Keep in mind that you cannot change you style over night. Also, you want to incorporate you personal stlye into what is in fashion. If you are "preppy" mix your blazer or polo with a funky skirt . If you wear a plain T-shirt every day, try to layer them with a cardigan or add some cool jewelry.
4. Now you are on your way towards great style. The next thing to do is go out and find some new pieces to add to your closet. Here, you have to take into account your financial situation. If you can't or are not willing to spend a lot on clothes, then thrift stores like Goodwill or Plato's Closet, or stores like Target are a great places to get started. When shopping second hand try to find clothes that are in good condition and are good quality. Also, keep in mind you can alter a long dress and make it a fun mini just by hemming it. So, if you find something you like have a open mind ans you can always alter it. If you are willing to spend a lot more, try out Urban Outfitters or Antropologie. Ask some whose style you admire where they shop and if you are friendly with them see if they could help you with your new look. A common love of fashion is a great way to make new friends. If money is of no concern to you, then what are you doing reading this, go get a stylist. There is no need to splurge all on one outing. Keep your eyes out for pieces you need and you will begin to accumulate some great clothes.
5. Now to put every thing together. Go back to the journal you made earlier and try to put together some new looks. Find a fill length mirror and just try on lots of things until you find some outfits you like. Don't be afraid to step out of the box fashion is all about doing something new and being the first to try something.
6. Now that you are a fashionista, keep up with the trends but remember to always be you!


* If you feel good in it and you like it then you will most likely look great in it. It is all about the attitude you have. While clothes may make you look better, the most important part is that you feel better.
* Don't forget to accessorize. A great necklace can complete a look. Before going out ask yourself whether your outfit is missing something or if there is too much. Also, shoes can complete change your outfit, so make sure you look put together with a great pair of flats, flip- flops, or heels. If heels scare you, try a low espadrille, because they will stay on and usually are pretty comfortable.
* Feeling good in your clothes is extremely important. If some thing is in style, but it doesn't work on you or you feel uncomfortable in it, just try something else. Also, you can be stylish at any age or with any body, just find what works for you.
* Skinny jeans, Skinny jeans, Skinny jeans. They will always be in style. and they even out a flowing top and look great with heels. If in doubt cinch at the waist. Get something tailored to fit you, don't wear something the wrong size.
* Remember that a fashionista is not a fashion victim, as most magazines try to emphasize. A fashionista is a woman who has found her own individual style and knows how to mix it with what's trendy at the moment. "This or that item is a must have for any fashionista" is a phrase often used in the magazines. Ignore it; only buy something if it fits your style.


* Don't splurge on one thing, because you will feel pressured to wear it when it might not work.
* If people at your school or work all wear the same thing, then you need to make a positive change and be unique. Do not be afraid that some one else won't like what you wear, because if you are confident in it, they will notice you before they notice what you are wearing.
* Never wear running sneakers unless you are running or at the gym.
* Never wear Uggs Everyday! its very very bad for an attempting fashionista.
* Use jeans as your fall back, do not wear them more that four times in a week unless they are very different colors or styles.

Im on step 3 currently. Im in the process of going through all my clothing and finally parting with crap I know I will never wear and every now and then I come across something and think, "OMG thats so in today. I can pair that with..."

ACCESORIZE!! My fave! This seems like fashion's pinch hitter. You can wear plain nothingness but if you use big bold accessorize, your outfit can warp into fabulous in no time!! Accessories include: hats, belts, jewelry, gloves, bags, sunglasses, flowers & feathers. Pretty much you can consider anything thats not part of your original outfit an accessory.


Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Great Stem Cell Debate

In the upcoming weeks as President-Elect Obama's transition takes place, the words stem cell research will be thrown around more frequently and I decided to use this as my first Thirst-For-Knowledge-Thursdays topic. First and foremost I will describe what SCs are., what their purpose is, where they come from, how they will be useful in curing certain illnesses. Then, I will lead into the controversy surrounding the use of ESCs in research, arguments for and against, and finally pros and cons. I will also try and impart some religious perspective on the matter as well, mainly Islamic and Roman Catholic.

First and foremost, stem cells are cells that have not gone through differentiation and are capable of producing cells from all over the body: liver cells, blood cells, brain cells, heart muscle cells etc. After fertilization occurs, sperm and egg uniting, within the first five days, as the cells divide they are each capable of becoming a complete human being. As time goes on, however, the cells specialize and they pass the point of totipotency -- ability to differentiate into any cells.

Where do stem cells come from? Because its crucial that stem cells be totipotent, the sources for stem cells are limited. One source is from embryos. Embryos created during in-vitro fertilization, a process in which egg and sperm are united outside of the body in a lab plate and allowed to grow. After the union, the embryos are implanted into the uterus. Because the chances of in-vitro fertilization working are slim, several embryos are created and frozen or destroyed afterwards when not needed. Researchers learned that embryos were a fabulous source for stem cells. The embryos that do not make it to the uterus have these cells extracted from them. Stem cells are also found in adults and umbilical cord blood.

The good news? Stem cells can be used to produce specialized cells in patients with illnesses where human cells are attacked or destroyed. In the case of liver disease, stem cells can be used to produce an entire organ, thus bypassing the need for donors and possible transplant rejections. In Alzheimer's patients, stem cells can be used to produce more brain cells. In diabetics, stem cells can create cells that produce insulin.

With proper research, stem cells can revolutionize medicine.

But with research comes funding and with funding comes controversy over who pays the bill. President Bush claims he never was against stem cell research, just the notion that stem cell research is something the government should pay for.

Here comes the controversy: staunch pro-lifers and conservatives and Roman catholics alike, all have serious issues with where the stem cells are obtained, particularly embryos. The Vatican already has voiced its concern to Obama as a warning for his plans to overturn Bush's policies on federal restrictions against stem cell research mainly for the reason that creating life -- be it outside of a body -- for the sole purpose of getting cells for research, then destroying the embryos is unethical and uncalled for. The Vatican urges scientists to dapple in the other avenues for obtaining stem cells such as adult stem cells and umbilical cord blood as a ways and means of obtaining de-differentiated cells. It will not support the killing of embryos for the sake of scientific research, especially where all other avenues have not been fully exhausted.

Islam has a slightly differing view on ESCs based on the Islamic perspective on what is considered a human being and what is not. If conception occurs outside of the human body through in-vitro methods, the embryo is not a human until it is implanted into a womb. Any and all embryos that are destroyed are not termed as infanticide. Therefore making ESCR Shari'ah compliant.

While there are other avenues, experts in the field agree that the stem cells from adults are not capable of specializing into a multitude of cells as much as ESCs and there is a greater potential for finding cures with using ESCs. Islam is so wonderfully constructed and designed that it makes me proud to further note that Islam encourages those practices and activities which will relieve human disease and suffering. It is not only allowed but considered fard kifayah to pursue this research by all means necessary.

Insha'Allah may we uncover great things as a result.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Ahem, so about those paper gowns in doc's offices that leave everything exposed...

...the gown was cotton. I tied it in the back. How I managed to get everything covered is beyond me. Wrapped all tight like a mummy.

It could ONLY happen to me, seriously, the doc left me in the room to change back and meet her outside and I get STUCK in my goddamn goddamn gown! YES! I pulled the wrong string and instead of having the tie open, it further tightened into a KNOT!!

WHT?! Why me? Seriously? Why me?? After struggling and stretching so far back to make yogis everywhere proud of me for a good five minutes I finally managed to untie the top tie and then let the gown slide down.

Yes, Im THAT girl.. THAT girl who got stuck in her hospital gown.

Words-of-the-Day Wednesday

The point of this is ideally to have me increase my vocabulary and the best way to do this is to read the newspaper, listen to conversations (dont eavesdrop just keep an ear out) for juicy words that stick out that I might not know. But, I didnt have any today so I've compiled a generic list going through a word list of ones I found interesting.

1.) discursive (adj.) rambling, lacking order (The professor’s discursive lectures seemed to be about every subject except the one initially described.)

rambling...kinda like my rants!! :D

2.) nefarious (adj.) heinously villainous (Although Dr. Meanman’s nefarious plot to melt the polar icecaps was terrifying, it was so impractical that nobody really worried about it.)

ok honestly this is not falling off a list of top 5 words to describe Farah...

3.) quagmire (n.) a difficult situation (We’d all like to avoid the kind of military quagmire characterized by the Vietnam War.)

kind of like being between a rock and a hard place. I hope you Family Guy fans didnt think I was talking about one of the show's characters. :D no judgement, really.

4.) stolid (adj.) expressing little sensibility, unemotional (Charles’s stolid reaction to his wife’s funeral differed from the passion he showed at the time of her death.)

no comment.

5.) upbraid (v.) to criticize or scold severely (The last thing Lindsay wanted was for Lisa to upbraid her again about missing the rent payment.)

oh crap!! I knew I forgot something! thank God Im certain Dr. D would never upbraid me for late rent. sooo absentminded!! :(

Learn them for the first time, or again, but use them as much as you can throughout the week.


Dreaded Appointment

Ick. I hate doctor's appointments, I hate the stupid paper gowns that leave EVERYTHING exposed. I hate the lighting. I hate the smell of a doctor's office -- you know what I mean -- seriously if it smelled like a bakery I'd never leave. I hate the nurses who always blow up the blood pressure cuff too tight making your eyes bulge out of their sockets. I hate HATE HATE peeing in a cup -- I can NEVER pee on demand. I hate the table they make you lie on. And dont even get me started on the fit of giggles that rack my body as she asks, "Does this hurt?" No its just uncomfortable ho, shouldnt you buy me dinner first????


4:15p today.


I'll be back for words-of-the-day-Wednesday!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Newsday Tuesday

I got up earlier than usual today to check out local, national and international headlines on news desks this Veteran's Day morning.

Locally, here in Philly, its all about shootings (surprise surprise), the South St. bridge reconstruction and shutdown for 2 years, and an odd burglary story. A couple called the police to report a burglary in their home in Upper Darby only to be arrested themselves for allegedly growing marijuana! You would think if they knew police were on their way that they would try some way to hide the, uh, evidence.

Top Headlines in national news:
1.) President Bush invites President-Elect Obama and family to the White House. Bush and Obama spoke for an hour and a half most likely discussing foreign policy and the economy. One of Bush's major policies Obama plans to reverse: the federal restrictions on embryonic stem cell research. YAY! Other items on the agenda: cutting funding for troops and closing the US prison camp at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
2.) Stock market continues to fall -- gas prices have fallen further as well.
3.) St. Johns, AZ - the 8 year old boy who shot and killed his father and father's friend goes to court today. Its obvious he shot the two, but whats not clear is why. There are whispers of the killing being a retaliation for abuse.
4.) Phoenix Mars Lander's mission ends. The lander, which started its mission in the end of May of this year, has been silent since Nov. 2nd. Phoenix conducted five months of research on soil samples for analysis with onboard scientific instruments. Scientists have learned a lot about the chemistry of the clumpy, clay-like soil which contains perchlorates, toxic to humans, but a possible source of energy for some microbes.
5.) America's top 5 healthiest grocery stores: a. Whole foods, b. Safeway, c. Harris Teeter, d. Trader Joe's. and e. Hannaford

Bonus: I have to add Palin blames GOP for the loss in the election.

A convoy carrying water tank trailers and two humvees to troops in Afghanistan is attacked in northwestern Pakistan. A moderate earthquake shakes northwest China. Bombings in Iraq and Pakistan. 4,300 year old pyramid discovered in Egypt.

I really enjoyed reading all of these stories all day and comparing them to differences in reporting by different news sources. For the most part, the news was consistent. Made for a lot
of interesting talk today. My only concern is that my blog post didnt get published til late (i was out with friends) and also that I wish I had more time to write more than just headlines and few lines.

I'll have to work on this section. I learned a lot today and Im thinking I might just make news part of my everyday routine as opposed to just a Tuesday item.

The One That Lived

Not many things in my life are a given, but one thing is for sure: I kill any and all plant life that enters my home. How, then, is it that the orchid continues to thrive? Believe it or not its sprouting buds that promise flowers again soon, iA. I had the orchid delivered to me on my birthday back in September and everyone told me they are the hardest thing to care for even though they require little water and a moderate amount of sunlight.

Flowers are the go-to-gift choice of most men for women. I believe chocolates are a close second. The thing about flowers, however, is that they die eventually which can be a bummer. The good thing: Most relationships outlast a bouquet of flowers.

My advice to the fellas: Go with a flowering plant instead of cut flowers. This way the plant can continue to grow along with your relationship, if you're lucky. The only risk you run is having the plant outlive your relationship. Hehe.

I swear Im not above giving it dirty looks but I really love it. Besides, Im just tickled that its still alive and doing well mA.

One out of two ain't bad. :D

Monday, November 10, 2008

Alhamdullilah for Nephews and Getting Punk'd by God

"deer farah khala i love you very very much but i just cant come to your house love idrees"

Thats an actual text message that my five year old nephew sent me himself. Cute is definitely an understatement mA. I miss him so much. His birthday is coming up this weekend. He'll be six iA on Saturday. My sis and I are taking him and princess Fatima to see Madagascar 2. The first one is his fave. I have to admit its one of my faves, too. He's seen it more than a million times and can quote most of it. This really brightened up my day.

So this whole rishta thing has been on everyone's mind lately. If you're not single yourself, you know of someone who is and somehow theyve asked you to help them so its your problem as well. Having had one end for pretty much no reason at all other than divine intervention -- not really blaming God but stating its His way or no way at all in this world and He just wasnt satisfied with the way things were -- things have been a bit raw lately when the topic of marriage comes around.

Yesterday was especially tough. I usually leave Sundays to make calls to family members, catch up with lengthy conversations about what ever is going on with each. Post-relationship Sundays are the hardest. Everyone wants to know what happened or what didnt and why. The "why" makes me cringe because I dont have the answer sometimes.

Well, anyway, so yesterday I had tried my bestest to keep my optimism and by the time I reached out to my eldest sister there was no more left. She got the Farah who was basically giving up -- I know it sounded much worse than I felt because I was on my way to Jersey, traffic sucked, I was hungry and late so I was already irritable.

NO ONE'S GETTING MARRIED ANYMORE!! I screamed at her. Its all just bullshit. I just found out of ANOTHER wedding thats been cancelled. This sucks big time. I just want to forget about rishtas for ONE day. I want to go hang out with my friends and have a nice time and not be bothered by all this mess.

I get to my friends house and one of my other friends there was having a real life rishta talk happen with her family and the lucky guy. I was faced with one of THOSE situations... those I-want-to-run-but-cant-go-anywhere situations. The rishta, iA if Allah (swt) has meant for it to be, will be perfect. The guy and girl are simply made for each other, in my honest opinion.

It was really cute and sweet to witness... once I managed to swallow the lump in my throat --- with a spoonful of biryani. :D I wish the "couple" all the best in finalizing the biggest deal of their life. I just thought it was so ironic for God to have me witness the traditional planning of a rishta just as I was swearing it all off altogether. Makes you just silly enough to hope and pray, again, that you have it the same way, too. And iA in time, may we all be as lucky.