Thursday, March 22, 2007


I really liked the comment on yesterday's post about how we are Allahs (swt) most critically acclaimed creation, yet there is soo much wonder in all the world(s).

Im in rare mood today. Pumped. Happy. High on something and its not caffeine.

Can I take a moment to say how absolutely beautiful my life is and how much my family means to me? Can I say how comforting it is to know that they back me up on every decision, and they care about where I am always. I have never been forced to do anything against my will and I have NEVER wanted anything that I didnt get right away Alhamdullilah. Im not saying whether it was good for me or not, but the little things, sacrifices my parents make/do for the sake of us, their children, is a blessing that can only come from Allah. And for me to take notice and be humbled is, also, from Allah only.

I will never be able to repay my parents for all they have done, but I can pray for them and iA hope that I will make wonderful parents like them one day.

(thats from the heart.......) onto stuff thats sittin on my mind:

I get it now. I GET IT, and I totally take back everything I said about the guy who sniffed my hair. THIS MORNING: Im on the train, reading, not taking notice of anything else. Until we stop. We stopped and I looked up from my book to this lady's head infront of me....... ok it wasnt too remarkable, but the one thing that fascinated me was the DEPTH her hair had at the crown. It was like.. behive style, but not that tall. I had the sudden, irrepressable URGE, URGEEE I TELL YOU, to poke her head.


I wanted to poke her hair.

....well i didnt of course because I have just enough chromosomes to maintain my decorum and sanity. Thats not to say one of them doesnt get lost from the pack on some days, but Alhamdullilah, it manages to find its way back.

So I didnt touch her hair. But I wanted to. All is forgiven as well as forgotten.

So of course Im sure you all have read into my posts by now that I'm being set-up with someone for a "meeting" (I use quotes because the occasion is more like a military tribunal deciding my fate -- panchayt is the punjabi word -- every once and awhile we like to remind ourselves that our ancestors swung from trees and re-invented the wheel, over and over and over again...etc)

Yes, thats this weekend. If it works out, Allahu alim, I will tell him one day that he kept me from going to Bhangra Blowout weekend one more year!

Im excited. Im excited in a "yes, let's douse ourselves with gasoline and light ourselves on fire" kind of way. Im anxious. Im nervous, slightly. My nervousness is a marvelous entity, recognized by me and me alone. Everyone elses response: wow, you pulled that off so nicely. Werent you nervous?

So... to humor you all further.. (and myself of course.. otherwise there is no point to this whole blog) I shall recount tales of others who have crossed the burning sands so to speak...and their Battlewounds: scars from those gone and past who intended to hurt but left us stronger than before.

Nashi: we should get purple hearts for what we've been through

Indeed, indeed.

This ones my favorite: The Hair today, Gone in 60 seconds.
During a conversation the guy's mother says "My son has a hairloss disease." Girl, being kind-hearted person that we all are, gives him a chance. They find out how tall she is and the mother almost hung up.

One friend was rejected because she was too tall for him. And I dont mean height. She was an educated lawyer from Stanford. He owned gas stations run by illegal aliens. That really wouldnt have worked.

One girl was rejected because she smiled too much. The trophy wife is always angry and scowling.

One girl had a guy come clean to her about his shady past. (Think Pakis in Confessional Booths Part XXIII -- seen them ALL myself) She chose to let bygones be bygones and forgive, for in fact forgiveness is a Godly attribute. She was rejected because -- well there were several reasons this relationship was doomed but the guy specifically said, "I have nothing to teach you but everything to learn." What the hell? In short: he knew he wasnt good enough.

How about the bride whose groom never showed up for the wedding because her family wasnt wealthy? (She's now married, happily, with three children mA, by the way)

How about (another favorite) the divorcee who passes up a one-of-a-kind divorcee because she'd been married before. Duh, so had he?!

Ohh ohh, how about the time the guy with the huge ass nose said no to the girl with the cute button nose and huge ass.

Or the time when the guy with a sister who walked with a limp from polio said no to the girl who walked funny in heals?

Girl's father funds boy's education and living expenses in US. Boy graduates and is never seen or heard from again.

The funniest one of all to me: The logistical nightmare rishta: Rich family doesnt want boy to leave the US for a girl in Pakistan, gets DEPORTED (ie KICKED out of the US) ends up in Pakistan, with no job, no house, and no girl.

The moral is the same: Allah (swt) knows best what is best for us. But be careful of what you put out, because everything comes back... times 2.

Or you end up like my friend: He just wanted the prettiest, most beautiful, absolutely undeniable perfect girl ever. I think Muslim was in there somewhere... did you see it? No? OK, well I guess thats not a big deal for some. :P
He marries this Grecian goddess who he found somewhere (in the jungles of Punjab, reciting a Robert Frost poem from memory, while cooking and cleaning simultaneously). It was love at first sight he tells me. (WHAT A MORON!) I kid you not 10 days later he was cooking, cleaning and I think he might have been pregnant too... or if nothing else.. retaining water. He was beyond miserable. But he made his bed, and now she's lying in it. And he sleeps on the floor.

Where do people come off thinking they can have these harsh harsh standards, as if they themselves arent flawed?

Scars heal, eventually, but ignorance lasts forever.

1 comment:

~eysheikah said...

Hello Farah,

Nice & interesting post!!! Few comments:
1. Inshallah, you will make a wonderful parent. Mark my word..
2. Stuggling to understand your obsession with hairs. had an urge to poke her head. Girl!!! I am sorry, you need to get back to caffeine right away...Lolol!!!
3. For this weekend meeting, as simply put it, consider it a "free entertainment without a ticket". Good luck!!! will be fine...though more listening and less talking strategy is more practical, esp. in the first meeting. An update is much appreciated...
4. You said, "Scars heal, eventually, but ignorance lasts forever"...instead of ignorance should it be memories???...
