Monday, March 26, 2007

Confessions Pt. II

(me, Monday mornings) continuing on, I confess...

1.) I miss the mountains. Even though I spent only a year in Western Maryland, there was just something about being cuddled in a valley surrounded by rock that was oddly comforting. I suppose its a middle children thing -- gotta be between at all times.

2.) I hate whisperers...especially when they're whispering about me. Even more so when they're wrong. Its funny, if they'd ask I'd tell them. Im pretty much an open book -- its not my fault you cant read at my level!

3.) I shopped til I absolutely dropped yesterday. It was soo funny, towards the end, I was annoyed with myself for buying so much because I had to CARRY my own damn bags out to my car, then into my apartment. (But I bought an awesome pair of BCBG shoes!!!)

4.) I know I said I'd be open about all thats going on in my life -- but I suppose when stuff gets personally personal (more than personal if you will) Im not sure Im comfortable with sharing. So for those who know me well, you'll find out. For the rest of you, it will remain a mystery. Im a sucker for a good storyline... so I know you'll be interested as well, but in time.. all shall be revealed.
I had a really nice weekend, Alhamdullilah. Got to spend time with family -- the best part was early early Saturday morning, me and my ladiez discussing life. Family is what you live for, candid moments like that are what keep you going.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's a big worry (fear?) of mine. If I ever leave So Cal (as terrible as this place is), I really don't know how well I'd adjust should I end up somewhere distant from the mountains. There's something humbling about glancing outside and always being reminded of Allah's (swt) presence - looking at such marvelous structures, which regretably seem to be forgotten - we tend to admire man-made architecture (which takes what? five to ten years and a giant checkbook?) more than we do something sculpted by God Himself, who could have made such masterpieces in fractions of a second, but decided they were worth spending millions of years to sculpt.

OC already has less (visibility) of hills and mountains than the San Fernando Valley (which I find even MORE bothersome than OC -- [despite being the epitome of White America], yet still long for them from time to time.)