Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Domesticated Professional

Dr. Lucy Carmichael, from the Rugrats. A Harvard-educated "wonder mom"; she does things like pilot commercial jets, make replica Tiffany lamps (which even fooled Tiffany) and conduct heart surgery.

Recently, I've been experimenting a lot with cooking and trying new dishes that Ive never made before with different vegetables. Always being a meat-eater, my cullinary skills were limited to meat dishes. Having a vegan friend is forcing me to venture out beyond my comfort zone and in doing so I must say I've truly been missing out by skipping out on vegetarian dishes. Perhaps its also a maturity thing; my tastes are directly proportional to my age and so the more sophisticated my preferences become.

I'm getting quite comfortable now with dinner parties, but I had yet to experiment with spur-of-the-moment guests. Last night I put my plan into action, and invited over a friend for dinner. I had bought eggplant last week and I really wanted to make it before it went bad.

I went to the grocery store straight from work and picked up a few necessities, then I went home and began prepping for the dish. It was perfect timing: by the time my friend arrived, I had just finished the salad, my table was set, and my eggplant and potato dish was warming on the stove.

It turned out amazingly well. And now when Farah compliments a vegetable dish, even if it is her own, the claim sticks because I so dont eat veggies. Oh, and my friend said it was really good.

Mission accomplished. After working an 8 hr day, which with getting up and to and from work turns out to be like a 12 ordeal, I was able to come home and get dinner started from scratch.

Now here's my question ladies: mothers, aunts, sisters, etc. WHY THE DRAMA? It was NOTHING! No work at all I tell ya. Fellas, if a woman gives you grief over slaving over a hot stove you tell her to suck it up or pack it up!

Do women complain for attention? What's the deal? Why all the bitching and moaning?

Ma: Ek dish kya banaa li, qayamat agai? Now YOU'RE the expert?
Me: Qayamat nahi Eid ho gai! Look, I cooked after having worked. I wasnt complaining. Women sit at home all damn day long, what are they grumpy about??
Ma: ONE TIME! You did it one time!
Me: Ek baar ya hazar baar, mera kya gaya?
Ma: Did she like it?
Me: Of course!
Ma: Did she thank you for going out of your way?
Me: (I'm not stupid. I see where she's going with this, but Im not about to let her have my cake and eat it, too.) Yeah...?
Ma: She was grateful you---
Me: Oh come on! I appreciate you too!
Ma: How many times did you eat MY bengan aloo? Thumhay tho yaad nahi uski shakal kaisi lagti hai when its done.
Me: So? I forgot..
Ma: Wah! Mubarak thumhay yeh dinn. I hope your dish is always well received.
Me: Toknay k liaye shukariya. Its what your love comes bundled with. I'm GRATEFUL for THAT, too!
Ma: Duffa.

But its true! If I can do it, so can all women! I swear we got epidemic levels of single men sitting around knee deep in their own sweat thinking about these kinds of women and reasoning theyre better off single!

On the flip side, cuz you know I can flip the script whenever I want, my friend was grateful. Oh, and she bought me a present, too! Is it too much to ask to be appreciated every once in a while? Bring your wife some flowers next time you go home, jackass. Its the least you can do for all that she does! :)


Anonymous said...

Aww, such an inspiring post...well....was. Thanks for the bitter ending. :{ I should have stopped half way :}

Eggplant is so delicious though. I asked my mom to make eggplant last weekend, and she asked if I wanted it in a yogurt curry or something else. I said yogurt, and sat anxiously at the table to eat kalayji and eggplant...but what my mom DIDN'T tell me was she was going to blend the eggplant in the food processor! Half the fun in eating eggplant is the texture of it all. I don't want to eat my eggplant like it's hummus!

Bah! Humbug! I was not impressed :(

Anyways, I'm not calling myself a chef -- I could burn cereal and undercook canned tuna, but you're right about one thing: cooking is not as difficult as it's made out to be. I think the problem people have isn't that they're really too tired to do it, but if you don't enjoy it it's going to suck. I know I'm hitting up my brother all the time if I don't feel like making food. (his wife LOVES to cook, I'm sure she doesn't demand flowers from him either.)

It's really cool you're hitting up the vegetable dishes, but your vegan friend needs to wo-"man up" a bit. Hey, you'd be a good tutor for that, right?

Just kidding :p

Obligatory offensive joke!

Why did the woman cross the road?

Who cares! As long as dinner's read by 7.

The Brown Girl said...

likewise with your comment. Could have gone without seeing the last part. I thought we were friends... last I checked.

Cream of eggplant or anything is not fun.

Burn cereal? LOL. You needa man up and get married already.

Anonymous said...

Mash'allah Farah. I saw the picture for aloogobhi and it looked delicious. I am sure the eggplant came out equally good. Whats next? Paneer?