Tuesday, May 15, 2007

All Those Tired of Being Lectured To Scream I

Me: Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!

Ok so I agree I've been on a religious rant for the past few days. I've even been reduced to being NICE in my posts. WHAT?! We cant have that. Im ready to make a super long overdue comeback to Lala land.

Now, you all know I dont have a car due to some idiot in an SUV who likes to cut corners and rip bumpers off innocent, happy-go-lucky, slate-blue-not-purple, adorable, little cars. Ive been walking to and from the station everyday.

Day 1: 7am. Im on the phone with Ma... this isnt so bad. Its actually kind of nice. Oh, look, trees. Trees with nice blossoms. Blossoms with a bugs in them.. AUGH! Mental note to self: Thats the last time I EVER stop to smell the flowers. The walk is uphill a bit, levels off, then downhill a bit.
Me: I should do this everyday. The weather is so nice. Im getting my exercise in. Oh, and I dont have to worry about whether or not I have change for the parking box. Im going to do this even after I get my car.
Ma: Really?
Me: Yeah, it'll save me a dollar.
Ma: (this is where I dont get parents sometimes) Its a DOLLAR! Big deal. Shut up and drive.
Me: Arent you always trying to get me to save..
Ma: ...so stop buying DVDs!
Me: Wait, if I buy something I have something to show for it. Parking is a waste of money, I dont see any return.
Ma: You're not a penny-pincher.
Me: I am one now, thanks to YOU!

I have no idea why --- but I swear to GOD the return walk was like 3 times as long as the one in the morning. It was like..92 and hot, Im tired from working all day, I got so frustrated at cars that were zipping by, I really thought I saw myself in one of them oblivious of the ones walking, and it was like the walk that never ended. Finally after getting smacked in the face by two tree branches, THEY CAME OUTTA NOWHERE REALLY!, almost stepping in dog poop, swallowing my heart at almost being followed -- turned out to be some old dude, being barked at by this stupid mut, I get home and Im exhausted. I literally collapse in my papasan and I stay put til the sweat dries. It was really hot outside, heat does that to muscles. I think its because I was really tired. And hot. I dont take heat very well. Actually, more so I dont take being annoyed very well.

Right before I started walking I had talked to the insurance company and it turns out the freak who was supposed to call me didnt. He took a statement from the other lady and that was it. I guess it makes sense some how because the claim is against her insurance policy since she hit me. I called in a claim too but apparently wasnt supposed to. Silly me.

Anyway, so I have no car still. Day 2 wasnt bad at all -- so far. But Im such a morning person anyway. No coffee and Im more alive than ever before. The walk helps clear my head.

Laur: Can I just have a 1/3 of your energy. I'll be fine with just that.

Anyway, here's to hoping the freak will call me today iA with good news.

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