Thursday, May 31, 2007

Out to Lunch

Some conversations are just not ever to be spoken to anyone ever again... but of course yours truly cannot hold back. Over lunch, Indian of course, the ladies and I got into a bit of the funnies... here's a bit of what was said...look to the unedited/MA rated DVD for the rest.

On religion:
Auntie: I am tolerant of everyone's religion, not just Christianity.
Laur: Oh yeah, you gotta be respectful.
Me: [to Auntie] I really like the way your house is decorated, its very tasteful..Lady Fatima, Jesus. Not too over the top. Being in [the other Auntie]'s house was like being at an evangelical convention! Christian propaganda everywhere. So many Jesus and Mother Mary pictures
Auntie: Yeah, its very dark...
Me: ...very dark, and blue. Very blue.
Laur: [to me] But see you're a virgin so its ok. The pictures shine on you. I would walk-in and they'd growl! I'd be like 'Oh my God, did they just hiss at me?'
Me: Hahahaha... you'd be like.. "who spit on me?!"
Auntie: ...even in her bedroom. There is a big picture of Jesus hanging.
Laur: Now, see, thats what I dont understand. How do you have sex with Jesus watching?!
Me: Oh we go
Laur: No Im serious. Im not very religious. But the only time I remember God is in the bedroom.... 'Oh God, OH GOD'.

side-stitching humor... gotta love Laur.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

thanks, now everyone can picture my "O" face. :P