Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Busy Day

I should have blogged last night. I have two posts that Im working on, but we're short-staffed at work this week, plus I have halaqa this week and a study session tonight so Im not sure if I'll be able to post soon. I didnt want you all to not have something to read so I posted this little update. I shall leave you with a Persian joke from the book Im reading "Veil of Roses" and a picture of my momz -- multi-taskin' it.

A Persian man says to his mother, "I want to see if you can guess which girl I have decided to marry. I will bring three girls to the house later on tonight." The mother accepts the challenge and at night he comes home with three very beautiful girls. Conversation is flowing. The man asks his mother which girl she thinks is the one for him. She says, "The one on the far right." Her son exclaims, "Yes! She is the one. How did you know?" The mother replies: "Because she's the one I dont like."

She really wasnt reading and talking on the phone at the same time; she was merely marking her space with her finger.

Reading Qur'an, talking on the phone and eating pancakes that were obviously made by her youngest daughter because they're burned. Bechari Ma will be nice and make them seem like the best pancakes in the world. Now had I been the one to make them, they'd never make it to a plate! :)


Anonymous said...

Mimi: Honestly Farah, some Auntie was talking to ma and ma was moving her finger (meaning, she was reading!!!) HAHAHA and i could hear the lady talking on the phone!! Ma did a good job though, she was reading quran and every 5 seconds she would reply "ohh achaa?!?", "aahoo" or laugh on the phone! hahahaha it was funny! And YES i did make pancakes this morning...and NO they were not burnt!!! "they-saymayzzz- geeeed"!!!! hahaha IDREES!!!

The Brown Girl said...

Ma is so funny like that... she does such a good job of playing interested. I catch on though so now when she does that to me Im like... OMG just hang up woman!

Speaking of pancakes.. this marathon grill place just opened up 10th & walnut and OMG they ahve dark chocolate chip cookie dough pancakes... yumness!

Anonymous said...

Salaam Farah,

Thank you for picture introduction to your momz.

Not a physician but raised up in a house of a physician (my dad), let me give and share my intellect twist to this picture: From the picture it seems like she is reading Qur’an and at the same time answering phone (Of course, you did mentioned too). Medically, the way the brain is structured, the front part of the brain (Frontal Lobe) is configured to perform activities such as, Behavior, Abstract thought processes, Problem solving, Attention, Creative thought, Some emotion, Intellect, Sense of smell, Muscle movements, Skilled movements, Physical reaction, etc. Whereas, the vision and reading is controlled by another part of the brain (Occipital Lobe).

So technically, the brain has a capacity to work for multiple tasking at the same time. This picture is a clear example of this theory as she is using two different parts of the brain to execute two different task. FYI, I only mentioned two parts of the brain out of few others (Parietal Lobe, Temporal Lobe, Right Hemisphere, Left Hemisphere, etc….) which have their unique characteristics.

All in all, I see a proud mother engaged in multitasking…
