Thursday, February 28, 2008

Generation I(nternet): Talk to the Wall

I had the pleasure of going through my high school yearbooks this time when I went home to my parents' home. I was closed up for hours in my room going through page after page, picture after picture. I have this box that holds all of my memories from high school: every note I ever passed back and forth to a friend, report cards, slumber party invitations, my soccer letter, academic pins, souvenirs from dances, napkins with phone numbers, programs, and the like.

Going through the box, as tears of nostalgia ran down my cheeks, I wondered to myself, What will this generation remember of their youth? Everything is electronic. What will the children pass along to their children? How will they be able to look back on a facebook invite or an evite and remember the feeling of joy running down to the mailbox and seeing an invitation to the hottest party, like, ever fo sho?!

Yes, internet is a great tool. Yes, its a great way to communicate and spread ideas, network, etc. But, somehow, I get the feeling we're cheating ourselves; of the value of talking to people face to face, touching, feeling, seeing. How many senses are really involved in cyberspace?

I cannot help but laugh at how ridiculous we've made our world and I'm convinced God thinks we're retarded. We've given stalking a whole other meaning by having multiple, stalker facebook personalities (MFPS - multiple facebook personality syndrome) in different area codes and networks. And you thought Schizophrenics had it bad? We've evolved from playboy guys adding one more notch in their belts to adding one more person to their facebook circle. 'The one with the most friends wins nukaaa!!!' Oh and please don't make me get started on the auntie-ji and uncle-jis who want to add you online to 'do the chatting' and facebook status messages that bring up horrible nightmares of AIM away message wars!!

How safe is it to give someone a glimpse into your world? How well DO you know that person? What are you networking on?!?! Why does your child minimize their screen the minute you walk into the room?? For God's sake TALK to the person in the next cubicle instead of instant messaging!!! Why is it that men have so many communication tools at their disposal and still have problems telling you how they feel?!

What happened to the world where people didnt need online dating services? What happened to the break-up conversation before facebook made it so easy to change your status to single? What happened to privacy? What's the point of adding someone you have no intention of talking EVER? Berlin Wall, Great Wall of China, Facebook walls?? I'd love for a kid to answer that as a response to a history question. And, seriously, what is up with the hooch brigade that congregates like maggots to rotten meat all over a guy's wall?

We can make this world safe if we want. It's all up to us. Oh, by the way, I'd really appreciate you all to call me with your response to this note, or just stop over for chai. ;o)


Anonymous said...

can I put link to this on my blog. Its an important theme to share !!

The Brown Girl said...

you sure can. thanks! :D

lost bedouin said...

Sometimes, I wonder about life before the internet, having grown up in came quite late into my life..but now...Its taken over my life...seriously. Its awful.

My friends and I make it a point to turn off cell phones, PDAs, laptops, tvs, everything...when we are together. Its amazing though how many actual mechanisms we have to turn off to just be able to have a cup of chai in peace.

The world is not only getting scarier, its becoming very isolating.

Defkhan said...

"But, somehow, I get the feeling we're cheating ourselves; of the value of talking to people face to face, touching, feeling, seeing."