Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Ok so three days just isnt enough to do Chicago thoroughly, but Im so glad I got the opportunity to visit with my two friends this past weekend. Its been forever since going back (I was born in Chicago but left for the east coast in the mid-80s because of Papa's job -- Maryland doesnt really compare and for that matter neither does Philly now). Its surreal being in places you don't remember but have only seen in pictures. Though I left early on in life, Chicago certainly left its mark on my life noticeable in my love for tall buildings, fountains and ketchup-less hot dogs (aka Chicago-style)!

In the three days, we managed to do most all touristy spots necessary: Sears Tower, Lake Shore Drive, Wrigley Field, Buckingham fountain, Soldier Stadium, museums, Navy Pier and of course Devon St. aka lil Pakistan!

I was so surprised to see such polite people in the city, drivers included. The mid-west is so chill and laid back. Ive never seen so many closed restaurants in a MAJOR city!! I miss it though...a lot. I picked up a packet of postcards from the Sears Tower tourist shop and I plan to send my parents one every other day with the same message: WHY DID WE LEAVE????????????? :(

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