Sunday, March 12, 2006


FINALLY! I've entered blog-dom! I guess its better than boredom! But now I have nothing to say, I mean write/express. Its 9p and Im waiting for Grey's Anatomy to come on. My weekend started off great, henna party for my friend on Friday with family - Mom, Khala, sister and cousin came too. But then Saturday I came down with this excrutiatingly painful migraine and was in bed basically the whole day. This morning wasnt any better, but then I took some Excedrin Migraine medicine and I felt a lot better.

...and basically that was all the excitement from this weekend.


SabilaK said...

FARAH! Hope you're feeling better babe! I didn't know you were a Grey's Anatomy fan!

Nefertiti said...

zomig is like gold to me when i get a migraine. i feel ya.

The Brown Girl said...

thanks wrongdoerz. I guess i should talk to my doctor about stronger medicine.