Thursday, June 15, 2006

Got RC Cola?

One night, 11:30pm-ish, Im sitting in my apartment and I get this intense craving for soda. NOT just any soda, but RC Cola soda. RC COLA? I havent had RC Cola since, what?, '86? Pouring rain outside, in my comfy pants and adidas slippers, (who do I know 'round here anyway???)Im out looking for soda that no one carries anymore. Why I couldnt just 'Wanna Fanta' is beyond me!

Finally, I find a store that carries it at almost 1am in the morning and I dont even want the soda at this point. Of course I feel I have to explain my appearance to the cashier and bagger and oddly enough, to my disbelief and amazement, they were both hitting on me.

I suppose even in my grungiest, MUST-HAVE-RC-COLA state of mind, I'm still good looking.

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