Monday, June 19, 2006


I was driving back from my parents home late last night and this one radio station was playing "old" songs, or rather rock songs from the 90s. I recognized the tune of this one song immediately and instantaneously I was transported back in time. The song is "Come As You Are" by Nirvana.

As you are
As you were
As I want you to be
As a friend
As a friend
As a known memory
Take your time
Hurry up
The choice is your
Dont’ be late
Take a rest
As a friend
As a known memory

Doused in mud
Cept in bleach
As I want you to be
As a trend
A a friend
As a known memory

Several thoughts ran through my head all at once. Youth, innocence, the life ahead, we had it all! Why were we so eager to grow up? I live in a very small suburban town and a lot has changed over the past ten years since we graduated from high school, but somehow some stuff still managed to stay the same. I suppose I feel this way only at the eve of upcoming milestones in my life. My life is about to change drastically. I suppose reflection is a good thing. I am open to change, but it saddens me still.

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