Friday, July 20, 2007


Is it just me, or is anyone else noticing how Lady Liberty looks like she's sportin' a sari with a lit diya in her hand? With a huge percentage of jobs being outsourced to India, are we surprised? (click on the pic to enlarge it and you can see I added a tika and a nose ring!)

Not for nothing Im not knockin on India at all. Im saying whenever you take jobs away from the US, from US citizens, and give it to someone on the outside you hurt the economy. Sure, you can pay someone less on the outside, but the consequences are dire in house. That one job that goes outside causes a man to have to possibly relocate his family to find income elsewhere, or even have to move into subsidized housing, or worse on the street.

It trickles down and affects everyone because that man who used to have a job is now homeless, most likely stealing to make ends meet which puts everyone on the street with him at the same time any given day at risk.

If this country is built on the middle class's dollar and we're now becoming jobless, then who will eventually have to pick up the tab?


Anonymous said...

Salaam Farah,


Just a clarification that what mostly is outsourced to India and China is hardcore service support and not the strategy and development design in the most companies. As an investor, if the company's Earning per share does not reflect any growth that shares will be dump. In other words, if there are any services for which the cost can be achieved at or even below the marginal level resulting in profitability and growth, that is what all the investors are concerned. I know that is one sided and selfish characteristics but that is how the capitalistic markets are run and sustained.

As much as I don't like it, from the corporate strategic goals perspective it does make an innovative cost cutting transformation initiative.


Anonymous said...

There's a fast food restaurant somewhere in the East Coast if I'm not mistaken that has went as far as outsourcing their staff for the 'drive-thru' window. Can you imagine that? Sandeep Singh, the guy taking your order is sitting at his desk on a computer somewhere in Calcutta?