Wednesday, July 11, 2007


It must be the heat because I dont remember coming across any mushrooms on my way back to my apartment. I had the most bizarre night full of strange dreams. The dream that actually woke me up, or that I remember the most vividly is the dream where I got a rejection email from a guy. I kid you not I remember the who the what and his why completely. It woke me up because it cracked me up. It was a total "WHAT THE HELL???" dream. In my tranquil lucidity I remember specifically reading:

"I dont think this is going to work out. We're just not the same people. We're not on the same level. I dont know how else to say this."

HAHAHAHAHAHA. CRACKED.MYSELF.UP! I hope my landlady didnt hear my screams of laughter. These dreams I like. You wake up in side stitches from rolling on the floor laughing. It was just really cute. Im not laughing at the guy, honestly, he's a great guy but Im laughing at my subconscience coming to such a decision on his behalf. I mean how or why my inner being thought of this is truly beyond me. Can subconsciences talk to other subconsciences? Could it be that my subconscience visited him and invaded his thoughts? Of course I dont know if my inner subconscience embellished or not but the dream was cute nonetheless.

But thinking about it more I wonder, how much of how we really feel is relayed in our dreams? We cant control what we dream about so in essence maybe we should look for clues in them to unlock the mystery behind what we're afraid to admit to during our awake hours? But then one can argue it would be different if he had the dream in which he emailed me the rejection letter. That would signify that he was afraid to admit it. But because I had the dream, could it mean that Im insecure and reluctant to follow through forcing a guy to have to email me a rejection letter in his own blood?! :P Yeah right. Pshh.. (yikes)

Someone asked me recently if I was talking to anyone or if I was considering anyone and I could not with a straight face come up with an answer. I cant stand talking to anyone and thats the God's honest truth. Dont come at me with slick talk, sly, coy, I-think-I-dig you attitude. Its all been done before and it all fades.

I think at this point I can honestly say the one I marry I will marry in blind faith. BLIND-FOLDED FAITH. Guys are all the same. Out of all rishtas in the past it all starts the same and ends the same.

Don't bother talking to the cashier, apply with the manager, aka the Rents. They're the ones who will hire you if you're worthy. Apparently, I just work here. :D


Anonymous said...

I think you shouldnt make assumptions on his behalf. If the dream is based on a tiff, try talking to him about it. Believing in dreams would only weaken your real life relationship.

The Brown Girl said...

OMG OMG OMG! Heres what the dream dictionary had to say:

To dream that you are being rejected, signifies a lack of self-worth and alienation of others.

soooo wierd thats exactly what i came up with too on my own.