Monday, July 16, 2007

You Don't Know Scary Like I Know Scary

Have you ever thought horror flick after horror flick, scary book after scary book, flop after freakkin flop that either something's wrong with you or scary just isnt scary enough anymore?

If so I challenge you to write your own scary story. Unleash the horrors in the deepest, darkest realms of your imagination and put your own fears into words and I guarantee you'll sleep with the light on for a very long time... that is if you're even able to start writing let alone finish.

I thought about all the greatest horror authors of our times and I wondered, Did they ever write anything that they found truly frightening? I know enough about all the true stories in my life that made my skin crawl and my own jinn stories that stole my own breath away to know that if I were to write a story, I'd most likely never be able to read it myself.

Our ideas and our own fears are like our own fingerprints, or identity. They are a part of us like nothing else and so they affect us more so than others. Our minds have a way of sugarcoating things we read or see and downplaying them into something thats not reality, yet when we ourselves are the authors, and the fears are products of our own minds its harder to get that same mind to believe its not real. The line between reality and make believe get switched or erased altogether.

I'd love to be able to hand someone the greatest horror their life has ever known, or their mind will ever conceive, but not at the expense of my own sanity.

SO check this out. Theres a movie called "The Jinn" already. A group of 20-something year olds in an unknown area being attacked by jinn or something like that. Here's the website:

They stole my idea -- grrr!! Well, they stole the idea of my story, and my title but their plot stinks. I could have done much better, but Im too afraid to write haha. If I would, Id hire a TEAM of people to do dhikr around the compound non-stop. You rememeber what happened to the Poltergiest crew right? People dropping dead left and right like flies.

May Allah (swt) protect us from those we cannot see who may wish to harm us for our very nature of being a more superior creation. Ameen.

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