Tuesday, July 25, 2006

For the first time in my life like EVER...

I was called paste-y and in need of some sun.


okay, so i've lived at the beach all my life and I used to play outdoors a lot when I was younger... but I NEVER once thought my skin color was the affect of all that.... but rather due to my "ethnicity", whatever it is nowadays.

...Ok, so ever since becoming a MOUNTAIN DWELLER, I have noticed...


So, my gut reaction was: Who you callin' pasty, whitey?! hehe im kidding

But I held back.. and thought.. AWWW HELLLLLLL NAWWWW!!!! We cant have me lookin' pasty... (quick Sarah, grab my Banana Boat Tanning Oil and I'll meet you on the front steps of the house!)

...I of all people know the dangers of skin cancer being in the Pathology field. I, also, know the fear of moles changing, having gone through a mole biopsy just a few months back... so I dont want to go crazy and hit up tanning salons... but I ammmm crazy wanting to go to the beach... I need the salty water, the sand between my toes, the sun's heat on my skin..... its like a heating pad.. only better.

...I have vacation from Aug. 21-25th. soo far away .....

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