Monday, July 17, 2006

Long Weekend

I highly recommend taking off a Friday and travelling to another city and staying for the weekend! I had an amazing time and I feel totally refreshed coming back to work today. I suppose mini vacations are always better than long, drawn out, week or two week long vacations.

I went to Philly with Christiana. Got all my paperwork done for my new job and also got to look at an apartment in the Ben Franklin House. At this point, Im seriously considering living on my own, just for when family comes to visit, and also because I've got way too much stuff. If I have to rent movers and a truck to move up most of my stuff, then I might as well take it all and move into my OWN place. Im not picky - but when Im paying an arm and a leg for just a room -- why not pay an arm and a leg and a toe and get your OWN place? Right? Well, I still have a lot to consider at this point so I will take my time and hopefully make the absolute best decision.

After we finished with Philly, we went to Atlantic City! Woohoo! Ok yes I gambled but before you comdemn me to eternal damnation hear me out! I only took out $100 and playing poker was able to turn that $100 into $300. As I started winning, I took my $100 and put it away. So basically I didnt gamble with my money. I only gambled with winnings. I didnt lose anything. Ok fine.. its not wrong but its not completely right either. :P

My father is now staying with me because he transferred his job to my area, but my sister and mother have come to visit so its nice for all of us to be together in the same place, again, like old times, even though this time we're fighting for the last towel and who gets to sleep on the bigger sofa! :) They're currently shopping for houses and iA I hope they find one they like. I really don't want them to sell the Bury home, because we feel we can use that as a vacation home or if anything atleast until Sarah comes to college across the bay.

What else happened? Other than the hottie, Latino dealer who kept trying to hit on me, or the Arab brothers who considered me family... or the time I spent an hour and a half trying to pee in a cup. IT WAS A THREE HOUR DRIVE! I emptied my bladder the minute we parked! Four cups of water and three handwashings under hot water later I finally went. I have problems peeing on demand. I think I overthink the situation. lol.

Other than that it was a pretty chill, laid back weekend... lots of driving. I'll have to go back soon to look at other places.

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