Friday, February 23, 2007


Coffee is not the only part of my morning routine. After screening my morning cases, I like to take a few minutes going over headlines from a variety of different websites, including news, sports and of course Hollywood/Bollywood gossip. Below, a few of the ones that caught my eye:

U.S. soldier gets 100 years for Iraq rape, killings
Sgt. Paul E. Cortez, 24, was sentenced to 100 years in prison Thursday for the gang rape and murder of an Iraqi girl and her family last year. He tearfully entered a plea agreement, pleading guilty to four counts of felony murder, rape and conspiracy to rape in a case considered among the worst atrocities by U.S. military personnel in Iraq. He received a dishonorable discharge and the plea agreement qualifies him for possible parole in 10 years.

He had this to say: "I don't know why. I wish I hadn't. The lives of four innocent people were taken. I want to apologize for all of the pain and suffering I have caused the al-Janabi family."

Psychologist Charles Figley testified that Cortez and the other soldiers likely suffered stress brought on by fatigue and trauma. "It eats you up," Figley said. "It's a horrible thing. This is not unique. We've seen this in other wars."

I've never been on a battlefield during war but I dont think there is a person in this world who hasnt suffered from stress brought on by 'fatigue and trauma'. They just dont resort to rape/physical violence. They go to Krispy Kreme. Thats it: Charles Figley should have suggested THAT.

Obama/Clinton: I dont know what's worse, Clinton crying for Obama to return campaign money, or the fact that Hollywood movie mogul David Geffen only donated $2300. Perhaps it was a typo, I havent found the amount anywhere else, but according to the METRO it was only $2300. Could it all be a publicity stunt, a diversion tactic if you will? A diversion from the fact that Republicans believe Clinton is the easiest candidate to beat.... like ever, for sure ya know.

It will be interesting though to see who the Democratic population is more comfortable with having in office out of the two minority candidates: An African American male, or a Caucasian female (with a penis larger than her husband.) And if by chance Clinton does win...would that make Mr. Clinton firsty lady? :P

Are you tired of hearing about Anna Nicole Smith yet? The issue of custody over her body, and her as well, is finally laid to rest and up pops the next episode: custody battle over her baby girl. Im only more fed up with Britney, but ANS is a close second.


Anonymous said...

Oh that story BURNED me up. I read the details into how her family was killed while she was raped and I cannot fathom this poor child being raped and knowing her family had been killed or the family knowing they were about to die while their daughter was being raped. I pray hard for them and for justice. I was crying for hours when I read the story.

Anonymous said...

I happened to meet a TV reporter from local news channel tonight and we discussed how commercial this industry is as compared to, lets say BBC. Its riduculous (and funny) to see how gossips get more coverage than most other imporant subjects. Have you seen Larry King lately?

Its sad the way she died but there are more important things happening in the world, so get over it! s Ana after her death:
Jesus: Welcome Anna!
ANS: Oh Thanks. Do I know you?
J: argh...never mind. You know why you re here, right?
ANS: Are there any press or cameras?
J: No, they're all in hell.
ANS: Thank God. I have no makeup on.
J: np. so who's the father?
ANS: Don't know. I kinda lost count of men I've slept with!
J: Crap!
ANS: So where am I going?
J: Well, since you re a Playmate, you really havent done anything right or wrong on your own. So you choose.
ANS: omg.
J: yea?
ANS: Where's Howard, my ex husband?
J: He s in hell too. He operates the oil rig inside and supplies fuel to burn others
ANS: Wow. Did I tell you I'm in love with him?
J: I think so. You mentioned it once in the church.
ANS: Get me to hell. I'll make sure to win the lawsuit seamlessly this time.

Q: Why did Britney Spears shave her hair?
A: Because Anna Nicole stole the headlines by dying

Peace out!

Sikki said...

Tonight was a waste of time.

Are you awake?

Sikki said...

Wake up

Huda said...

I'm not in any way defending the guy, and I think he deserves every day of that sentence... but I think the fatigue the psychologist was referring to is specifically related to the military service. Sometimes vets suffer from an extreme version of PTSD, so if this guy had been on tour for a long time, or had had two long consecutive tours... My point being, I blame him, and I blame the people who put him there in the first place. And I HATE that only he gets punished.

As for the Geffen donation, isn't there some kind of cap on donations to campaigns?

The Brown Girl said...

Huda -

there is a cap on donations; however I cannot find the exact dollar amount. I would like to think its more than $2300

And you're right: the soldiers suffer and die for a war that is not their own.