Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Inquiry Ordered In Iraq Rape Claim

Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki ordered an investigation yesterday regarding a 20 year old married Sunni woman's claims that she was raped by members of a Shiite-dominated police force.

The 20 year old goes on videotape to recount the horrible acts of violence committed against her on account of her allegedly "cooking for Sunni insurgents".

A neighbor hears of the attack and alerts U.S. soldiers and the woman is released.

Tensions between Sunnis and Shiites are longstanding, but the explosive allegations occur at a time of rising tension between Shiites and Sunnis as the US tries to restore peace to the capital.

The Sunnis claim that the crackdown is targetting their neighborhoods and leaving Shiite militia unaffected. The Shiite-dominated police force is often accused by Sunnis of using excessive force and brutality in arresting and torturing prisoners.

The kicker: Deputy Interior Minister Hussein Ali Kamal dismissed the allegation as unlikely stating, "something like this could not happen because Iraqi forces are operating with U.S. forces at all time." (AP)

Um, yeah, the US soldiers who have been in that area for an ungodly long time, not really knowing why theyre there, are tired and angry but remain on their best behavior at all times and are present 24/7 and would NEVER allow the torture of or partake in heinous acts of violence against women ergo the 20 year old married woman who has nothing to gain from proclaiming she was raped is obviously lying and trying to get media attention and notoriety. Why not just shave her head bald?

What will it take for brothers, fathers, sons, uncles, cousins, husbands to realize they're related to woman everywhere somehow and that the only thing a woman has sacred to her is her honor and once that light is gone she is reduced to nothing? Its not about Sunnis, Shiites, religion, oil, or what have you.

I feel for women suffering all over the world. I am blessed that the women in my life, who mean the most to me are safe. Women are supposed to be protected, not in a dominating way, but in a way where she is respected.

I went to see V-Day Monologues with my co-workers last night. Yes, the pieces are not for the light-hearted. The human interest pieces make you cry, while the witty make me laugh til you cry. This is my second time seeing the show, and I remember being skeptical at first but the message is clear: We are women. We should be proud of who we are, were and will be.

This year the theme was reclaiming peace. There was a segment on the acid throwing trend of rural Punjab which is becoming increasing popular. The one time I was ashamed of my heritage. And of course there is always a piece on female genital mutilation.

Its scary how when you think of war -- you think of men going into battle. But what you dont see is the aftermath and the strength of women being tried when men come back incapable of adjusting in society again. What you dont see is how women have to step up and become bread-winners, go out into the community and form organizations and networks of hope and comfort.

Women are dynamic. Women are strong. Women can adapt. Women can feel sympathy for people who have hurt them and/or their family. Women can forgive.

Women can and do, especially when men cannot and dont.

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