Monday, April 09, 2007

5 Things About Me You Probably Didnt Know...

1.) I'm considering making hijab part of my daily wardrobe. Well, not just hijab, but jilbab. Something happens to me everytime I see a covered sister. Insha'Allah, it is my intention, I hope my courage wont fail me. I find it odd when you mention a test to family and friends they wish you good luck, yet when the test is from Allah (swt) you get weird stares at preparing to ace it.

2.) I sucked my thumb (left) for the longest time and then one day I quit cold turkey. I completely gave it up and never looked back. All other times I tried to quit it didnt work, and my parents were skeptical. I had to get braces and before I got them my parents said to me if I was not going to stop then it would be a waste of money. I looked them in the eyes and told them I stopped. They have never questioned me since that day, something about my manner made them trust me. I've never gone back on my word.

3.) I've started a Qur'an club on 30 people reading 30 chapters in 30 days insha'Allah. Right now I have 59 members and two groups reading. The purpose is to promote reading Qur'an on a daily basis. Did you know you get sin for Qur'ans in your house that are not read? My mom told me that its considered lanat (disgrace) because 1.) you're not reading it, and 2.) you're possibly keeping someone else from reading it. Essentially, you get gunaa (punishment) for the possible sawab someone else could be reaping. Think about it. I'd read it on the train, but Im afraid I'd end up the only passenger. Hey, maybe that would get me a seat to myself... ;)

4.) I killed my Toyota Tercel. It was not a passion crime, though she was beautiful, mint green coat that reminded me of pista kulfi on a summer day, sleek round physique that made getting around a breeze. I kept telling my dad she needed an oil change. He claims I never told him. It kept getting delayed til at one point there was no oil in the car at all. I drove it causing the engine parts to grind together due to lack of lubrication. I'd like to say I've redeemed myself, but I'm not any better now than I was ten years ago. My Sentra isn't put on a pedastool, but she does get regular oil change papmerings.

5.) When I was young, I had this favorite doll. I named her Sarah because my best friend's name was Sara. The doll went everywhere with me, countless family vacations including Canada, Texas, and Pakistan trips. I left her at a Taco Bell one time in Chesapeake, VA. and cried forever. Papa drove us to 6 different Taco Bells before we found her. June 20, 1988 my mom gave birth to a 10 lb baby girl. We named her Sarah. She became my new doll and I've never tired of her to this day.


Anonymous said...

Salaam Farah,

The pertinent comments are as follows:

1. Hijab: Once you are determined to wear hijab, I assura you that you won't back out.
2. Actions dictates the perceptions and not otherwise.
3. Jazak Allah. I hope we all get the courage to read Koran regularly. Inshallah, I hope your blog will spread the word as a reminder for all of us.
4. Ok...Lolol!! Pls. make sure that the perfect man you select is into cars as well & reminds you for oil change, at a minimum, on a timely basis.
5. Sarah!!...agreed, as you know better I rest my case!!!


Anonymous said...

1. May Allah (swt) give you the courage and strength to endure this significant change in your life. It's important to remember that when you walk to Allah, He runs to you. Every tiny effort on our parts is noticed, and He does not ignore anyone. Insha'Allah He will make it as easy for you as possible - to get beyond the stares, the self-consciousness we all have embedded within us, give you the strength to resist backing down from fear, and most importantly, strengthen your Iman by further solidifying your faith in Allah (swt) . When we believe so strongly in something, no person in the world can take that away from us.

2. That's great. Being true to your word is a very rare quality. As trivial as this subject is (sucking your thumb), you should be proud of yourself :}

3. Based on our discussion today and your little reminder about the severeity of neglecting Qur'an, something hit me and made me realize just how much I'm ignoring it myself. Trying to travel through life without being well versed in our road map is a shame. Insha'Allah I will make this a more routine part of my life, and Insha'Allah the more people you share this information with, and the more that listen, you will be rewarded for their efforts as well.

4. Neglecting a car is terrible. :{ I'd probably still be driving my '82 Datsun if I had just changed that fan belt! Live and learn I suppose (sounds like you have, whether you want to admit it or not)

5. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! Where is 'doll Sarah' now?

The Brown Girl said...

I dont exactly know what happened to doll-sarah. I'll have to post a picture of her next time I go home. I'm going to have to ask Ma what happened.

It's funny parents still remember our toys' fates. Probably because they had something to do with it coming to an early end, haha.

Huda said...

1. Insha'Allah! I don't wear jilbab regularly, but I have to admit it's very... freeing when I do. There is something undeniably elegant it. Plus, matching your hijab becomes SO much easier! ;-)

2. I sucked my thumb until I was five. My parents took me to a doctor who gave me a sharp metal retainer-type thing that I had to wear before bed. A few nights of scratched-up thumb, and I quit too.

3. One of my imams would say this was a support group (and he's big on support groups)! It's a wonderful idea, masha'Allah. What's the name of the group?

4. Hah, that reminds me of an old Miss Doxie post. She did exactly the same thing, and her poor car died too!

5. Aww, that's such a sweet story.