Tuesday, April 03, 2007

When Your Bag of Nuts Explodes...

...you want to drop to your knees and cry.

I bought a little bag of almonds yesterday afternoon, for my train ride home. The bag wasnt that big so I didnt take care in opening it, because I didnt think I'd have to seal it up again to save for later. I ended up not eating the whole thing and tried to twist the top to keep the bag together but this was futile because there was a small slit at the side. I put the bag in my coat pocket and it was fine, until I reached the hospital.I reached in my pocket for what I thought was my cell phone and came out with a handful of nuts. I have no place to put them, so they're still in my pocket. And they were lightly salted, so now my pocket is grainy.

I hate grainy pockets. Have you ever had grainy pockets?? You try and avoid putting your hand in your pocket and somehow you always end up having to do so, and if you've got gloves on its the WORST. Gloves are a magnet to crumbs and junk from pockets. Then you go to shake someone's hand and your glove-crumbs give them sores.

Anyhow, I did not get to post yesterday because for one I was extremely tired yesterday, not having gotten enough sleep the night before, and two Ive joined an online forum with all these amazing people on it so I was chatting it up on that instead of posting here. My apologies.

I went to visit my sister in DE over the weekend. It was a really nice visit. I got to see the two most near and dear people in the world, my niece and nephew. (Oh yeah, and my sister... <3) Time to focus: I have 4 weeks left til my April 29th 6 mile March of Dimes. 6 miles is nothing, but you still cant just up and walk 6 miles, you have to prepare, especially when the longest you ever jog in a day is 3 1/2 miles. :) (and I watch my distance like a HAWK, it is like home free after 3 1/2..I knoww, I knoww.. thats not good but so far I've only been half serious and iA will start to slowly increase my distance. 60 miles in October will be hella challenging if I dont.) Shout outs: LOVE to all those who have supported me and donated. Check out the page: http://www.walkamerica.org/personal_page.asp?w=745942

LOVE the shout outs that were left too, for those who wrote me a note.

Ok so the agenda for today: Slides, finishing my juzes from Quran, leafy greens, and breaking my 3 1/2 mile slump iA. Oh, and cleaning out my pockets.



Anonymous said...

Salaam Farah,

Hope all is well with you.

First, I hate grainy pockets too, when surprisingly, the mess is made by no other than my young hubbies...

Second, respectfully stating, "You better not be thinking of quitting the March of Dimes race. Please finish your slides and start practicing for couple of miles"....was that too harsh of a statement!!!....we will support you fully behind the lines while enjoying chicken shawarma's and freshly squeezed orange juice....YOU GO GIRL!!!


Safa said...

Interesting about the pocket peanuts. Just had this amazing thought....LOL...of you with ur hands in ur pockets and saying...OMG...I'm playing with my almonds...lol..no really...I'm PLAYING with my almonds...and u pull out a handful of them.

I think I'd rather have a grainy pocket than a pocket full of snot. I saw that once on Mr. Bean...EWWWW!

The Brown Girl said...

HAHAHA. i got almonds of my own. they say ovaries are almond shaped. :)

The Brown Girl said...

and my eyes are almond shaped

Anonymous said...

I don't know where you conjured up the strength to refrain from eating the entire bag of almonds, but bravo for that.

Grainy pockets are definitely a painful experience. I'm sure if you dug deep enough, (if your pockets weren't so filthy!) you could have found a way to communicate this story in such a way to make it as memorable and traumatizing as your time in the war. (er...the time you ate cauliflower) :}

And best of luck in both events! - The March of Dimes and the marathon.

Good luck in the rest of your goals as well. I know you already have the strength and heart for it, but a little cheering from the sidelines never hurt anyone!

The Brown Girl said...

You are forgiven. :P