Thursday, April 19, 2007

The High Road Is Closed Due To Flooding

My aloo gobi passed! I hit up my vegetarian friend last night wondering what she could possibly be busy with on a Wednesday night, in hopes of scoring a date so she could try my dish out. (I bring dinner - I make it to second base? haha jk... "The Lesbians Are Coming.." I know, I know. That post will haunt me forever. But she did walk me to my car!!!) She invited me over and I took the opportunity to make the most of the meal and take over other leftovers like my chicken (that I would otherwise never eat at home), haath ki roti, the remaining pieces of cake from this weekend, and a couple of sweet potatoes. Perfect!

I don't usually eat leftovers, not because of some high pride or whatnot, but simply because I forget what's in my refrigerator. Dinner was really cute, just me, my friend, and her sister. We should do it more often; atleast once a week. It's a great way to relax and de-stress.

Now, you cant throw a bunch of educated girls together and expect them not to have some sort of intellectual throwdown. Our topics are most always related to Islam or race in some way and so we're limited to topics of marriage, the Last Day, dos/donts, and Jinn -- the latter making for GREAT ghost story fun!

Our topic: Muslim brothers over the age of 23 have most probably had pre-marital sex. You could take either the "I agree" or "I disagree" approach and then add your personal thoughts. Last I checked the statement was 27 instead of 23, but that WAS 2 years ago.

Now, perhaps its ignorance (which WALAHI is bliss), but I have always given everyone the benefit of the doubt, sometimes even after I found out -- which by the way will never happen again because I realized it was more my reluctance to accept what I had been told rather than to rise above it and move on-- but to some extent when you find out, and how you find out is important. Even more important is what you do once you do find out.

Is this why I'm still single? Is it impossible for young Muslim brothers to keep it in their pants until marriage and I'm being too picky? Do I just accept that there is no one else left and decide to look beyond this immoral act? Am I the only one who finds it immoral still? Do girls from my generation have a tough time finding someone because all the guys we would be considering fall under that stereotypical category of "Single Muslim man over the age of 23 ergo read between the sheets"? Should we just look for someone younger? Someone we can perhaps condition to remain celibate until the absolute person comes along and a contract is drawn binding two together under the eyes of God and a bunch of nosy ass relatives you didnt even know you had?

When it comes to guys, I dont do leftovers. I have not yet nor ever will do refurbished goods, or irregular "buy one, get one STD free" types.

(a conversation with my Mom last year -- which not much has changed a year later)

Ma: You cannot in this life or any other make believe world you live in ever enforce your morals on others. You are who you are. You can control your own actions. Marriage is a sacred union that two people enter. Everything before that is irrelevant.
Me: Everything before that is irrelevant? Hold up. You enforced yours on me! If you were going to tell me that absolutely everything I ever learned or was taught by Islam and enforced by you and Pa was irrelevant then why the horror stories of grave sins and snakes coming to eat you in your grave time and time over because of having crossed the line even ONCE.
Ma: We never forced it. That was your choice. Im not with you 24/7.
Me: Oh that is so typical! That is so typical of this culture and religion. Im tired of it! Im tired of all the BS of double standards. Why should I have to suffer knowing what I'm giving will never be reciprocated?
Ma: You asked me and I told you. Sometimes a don't ask dont tell policy is best.
Me: You know what? Fine. Whatever.
Ma: Where are you going?
Me: Sometimes a don't ask don't tell policy is best!

I'll never forget that. I'll never forget how many things change through the years. But how DARE you teach me right from wrong and then pull the ground from under me and excuse someone else's not-so-pious actions? You're taught one thing, only to later in life be told the old song and dance of leading a horse to water but not making him drink. What else were we to think? What are parents, Imams, older brothers, protecting us from if they know many cannot hold themselves to the same accord? How are they protecting us if later in life it will hurt so much when we suddenly realize that the one we thought was perfect... isnt?

I remember when I got chicken pox. My mom told me not to itch because if I did it would scar and I would be "disfigured". It KILLED me to not sail caution down a river and scratch the bitch out of every inch of my body when Mom wasnt looking. But I didnt. I didnt scratch like a maniac, but I squeezed the life out of every single calamine lotion bottle in the house. What's left? Do they not sell calamine lotion in all parts of the world? Is that my problem? Was it discontinued in the middle of the night and I missed the memo?

I thought that itch was the worst, then I grew up. Nothing is easy. Everyone gets tried. Don't look at me and think temptation cant touch this! What am I, a rock? But it's world's best feeling to know you've managed to rise above this evil all your life, not ONCE faltering, not ONCE losing all control, and not ONCE saying you walked away from something leaving your honor behind.

Can someone, again, like before please tell me what to believe, because I'm lost and confused, and my thoughts put me in the bathroom all night, hung over the toilet throwing up my own aloo gobi, crying over a life that never seems fair enough to me.

The high road is perhaps only walked by those secure in themselves to look past just about anything. I've always taken it. I've always taken it, consciously, and its lead me nowhere. It's a dead end road. It's also a one way street. The road is paved with sharp stones and glass and you can only walk barefoot. I can't bear to walk it again. I just don't have it in me.


Unknown said...

"You cannot in this life or any other make believe world you live in ever enforce your morals on others. You are who you are. You can control your own actions. Marriage is a sacred union that two people enter. Everything before that is irrelevant." Very good point made by your mother...but as usual there's two sides to every story.
When becoming intimate with someone, you’re not just being with them, but being with all the people have been with, and all the people those people have been with, and so on, and so forth. So, to have such will power and self-control is not only impressive, it’s smart. Also, other than just the physical aspects and risks involved with having sex, there’s the emotional baggage that accompanies it. Am I as good as his past lovers? Does he still want her? Why did he do that with her, and not stay with her? Is he going to do the same thing to me??? I see your caution and I understand your confusion with all the double standards. The only thing that you can do is to focus on your well being and your progress at becoming an even more amazing person than you are now. When you do that, the good people will come to you. They will not only respect your morals, they will share them too.

The Brown Girl said...

Laur -- you're the best cubby buddy ever! Great comment. I've learned so much from knowing you.

muna said...

(sigh) ok brown girl.. take a deep breath.. you may need some time to feel what you are feeling... it's a bitter pill to swallow to know that reality can really make a mess of the best laid plans...

masha'allah.. it's good that you are upset.. what you have accomplished in your life has been a hard and possibly empty road since many others don't tend to join you. the fact that you are feeling so much angst now proves that it has been an enormous amount of effort.. and that's ok.. that's how you should feel..

you're being told to accept less than what you have been through = totally not fair and not right. and i know how you feel.. i've been there... and i had to make a choice.

as long as i could remember, i've HATED the double standard passionately. if my brother could do something, dammit i was going to do it too. and if i couldn't do something, i'd be damned if he got to do it.. i probably was a pain in the @$$ for him and my parents in that sense because i was always pushing the envelope as far as it could do..

and unfortunately.. this double standard follows us around and pokes us in the eye all of the time.. and as long as people pass it off as accepted.. it will continue to leave a bad taste in our mouth...

so we can all choose to have our own standards.. but recognizing that you can't change everyone else is important... and also realizing that everyone comes from different circumstances is very important.

masha'allah.. i believe you've had strong family surroundings/influences your whole life.. and as per your post, it sounds like your parents were always shepharding you to the high road.. we should all be so lucky...

with that said, i understand your disappointment.. (i know that's not quite the right word to describe how you feel) you've held yourself to this standard for so long, but now you're being told to accept not even slightly less but significantly less from others.

so here's the thing.. you don't have to accept slightly less.. it's your choice... you have that right..

but i want to ask you.. what are you really mad about here? are you mad that other ppl don't have to conform to a higher level of morality.. or are you mad that feel your parents made you and you listened?

really.. who is the loser here? you are better off for having listened and having great parents.. don't be mad now that you have made it to the top of mount everest and there really aren't a lot of other ppl there.. that's why it's mount everest.. the pinnacle of the earth so to speak.. it's an honor to be there though you don't always get a sign that announces it.. and for the others that didn't make it.. well yes.. it's intimidating since they weren't able to do so...

i will say though.. everyone makes mistakes.. and it's more important where someone is now vs where they were yesterday... i know this is going to sound messed up.. but i'd rather you end up with a guy that's going to love you and take care of you that may have some sort of past than one who is pristine and a jerk..

when you get married insha'allah, you're going to have to look at the whole package.. sorry no pun intended.. but i am giggling to myself a bit since i'm trying to inject some humor into this "serious" comment..

but really.. you have to consider the whole person.. and take calculated risks.

i have tons of muslim friends who have all gone to take STD/HIV tests before getting married.. even the ones who were vanilla.. just for the sake of their partner and the ability to say ok.. here's what you are getting involved with... can you handle that?

i'm not sure if all of this is making sense... it may be a better phone conversation to have... but honor what you are feeling now.. you are mad for a reason.. and that's completely ok..

but with flooding.. the storm will pass that caused the flooding and though there may be damage.. usually people rebuild broken structures and institutions.. and the land is left lush with new growth since the flooding does bring water.. and new life will grow with this perspective...

i think you are an amazing person masha'allah.. and you are insha'allah going to find someone that appreciates everything about you... don't get frustrated with these sorts of things..

be the example of the change you wish to see.. don't hold these doublestandards in your own life.. and hopefully you can go back to your parents/friends and help them understand your point of view...

sometimes things are just what they are... doesn't make it ok for guys to be running around doing immoral things.. but it happens.. and on the flip side.. girls are also running around doing what they want.. doesn't make it ok.. just makes it what it is...

and if nothing else helps, just remember that it's in your nature to take the high road and don't lose that about yourself.. it seems to be a part of what makes you who you are ... don't let anyone take that away from you..

and when im really down in the dumps.. i always try to take perspective on things.. what if i broke my leg? what is worse? and give yourself time... and then reevaluate when you are less upset..

what does this mean.. and what action, if any, are you going to take...

i hope i helped... insha'allah i can give you a call later...

Stargazer said...

Comment: I can deal with a guy who is not as pure as fresh fallen snow - depending on his attitude about his "mistakes" and the results of his STD tests. :)

If a guy made a mistake once or twice - well, shit happens. If a guy was not from a religious family and it took him a while to find islam - well, I can understand that too.

But blatant disregard for the commandments of Allah is not what I am looking for in a partner.

Advice or 2 cents: Don't take it personal, let it go! It used to bother me when my childhood (15 year old friends) would leave our weekend halaqa to smoke pot in the woods near our homes. I found myself deeply troubled, confused and sad because of their behavior - but I had to learn to let it go. Not my problem. People will be people, don't lose sleep over the sins of others.

Anonymous said...

Masha'Allah Farah, you have amazing friends who truly care about you and want what's best for you. To sincerely care for someone requires honesty: the first step is to be honest with yourself, because to respect someone else requires you be honest with them, and if you can't be honest with yourself, how can you be honest with others? You've been fortunate enough to find so many friends who fit this mold(more than most people), this will be a non-issue for you when Allah (swt) decides the time is right for you to get married. (Remember Plan B!)

Without reiterating what has been said, I'd just like to point out something I read recently. I'm sure we've all heard it before, but it's important to be conscious of it.

"The time to analyze what has just happened is never when you are in a negative state. Most people falsely assume that rational analysis is the same whether you are in a good or bad mood. Logic is logic, right? This error in judgement is why most people have so much trouble escaping that negative cycle of thoughts. Rational judgement gets corrupted by emotion very easily...Emotion and rational thought are too intertwined to be completely separated."

source: (actually has quite a few good articles)

The Brown Girl said...

I agree. I am blessed to have come back to Philly at a point in my life where I needed sincere, thoughtful, caring, and righteous role models who make an effort to reach out and give me their very best. I wouldnt trade my friendships or the lessons learned for all the money in the world.

Friends are by far Allah (swt)'s greatest invention!