Tuesday, April 03, 2007

What a Man, What a Man, What a man, What a Mighty Good Man!

Which of the following 5 is most important (Intelligence, Confidence, Sense of Humor, Money, Looks)?: Intelligence
2nd most important?: Sense of Humour
3rd most important: Confidence
4th most important?: Looks
5th most important?: $$$$
What type of relationship are you looking for?: A serious real-ationship ending in marriage, iA.
What do you notice first?: Eyes
What color of eyes do you prefer?: The kind that hold my gaze
Do you prefer an aggressive or submissive personality?: I dont want to date the HULK, and I dont need a wuss. Im just asking for a blend of both.
How good of a cook should they be?: Good enough to make me offer to do the dishes afterwards.
How handy should they be?: He's GOT to be able to find his way through a toolbox.
How "experienced" should they be?: Virginal in nature, bold in profession
What age should they be?: 1-3 years older than me
What color should their hair be?: Bedhead brown
How long should their hair be?: Doesn't matter
Whats your biggest turn on?: The way a man's lips turn up at the corners at the beginning of a smile followed closely by cologne. Both are lethal to my control.
Whats your biggest turn off?: Arrogance
Where's the best place to go on a first date?: Museum and a coffeeshop afterwards, and if he suggests Starbucks: date over!
Would you date someone who still lived with their parents?: Haha, only if he's doing it to save money for a downpayment
Who drove a rusted out 30 year old car?: Only a real MAN can get a 30 year old car to run!
Who had a tattoo?: Im trying so hard to stay away from badboys, but if I said yes, itd only be if the tattoo was his late mother's name.
Who was bald?: Bald is Beautiful
Who was overweight?: Yes, because these guys have the BEST personalities
Who was a lot shorter than you?: I was never fond of Napoleon, or those with Napoleon complexes
Who had bad BO?: If it makes me pass out, then probably not. Febreeze yourself, please!

Its funny I came across this questionnaire because I was just thinking of this earlier today. Oh, and its not up there, but if he is afraid of creepy crawly bugs then forget it!


Anonymous said...

Which of the following 5 is most important (Intelligence, Confidence, Sense of Humor, Money, Looks)?: Intelligence
2nd most important?: Sense of Humor
3rd most important: Confidence
4th most important?: Looks
5th most important?: Cash
What type of relationship are you looking for?: Insha'Allah my first relationship will be my last.
What do you notice first?: Everything. We only get one look, right? Make it count! ;)
What color of eyes do you prefer?: Ones that aren't repulsed by me
Do you prefer an aggressive or submissive personality?: Definitely a middle ground. I want to be able to have discussions that don't simply involve her nodding her head in agreement. But I'd also like to avoid conflict when possible...do you have anyone that comes with a shock collar?
How good of a cook should they be?: Depends....the better the cook, the less weight I put on other qualities :}
How handy should they be?: If they know the difference between a flat head and a phillips, good enough for me.
How "experienced" should they be?: The more the better. It's a good indicator of how much money they make. (we're talking about work experience right?)
What age should they be?: Few years older, couple years younger....don't think it matters too much. Girls mature faster than guys do anyways.
What color should their hair be?: Natural
How long should their hair be?: Long hair is classy. Not too long though.
Whats your biggest turn on?: When they can correct me if I misquote a line from The Simpsons...hmm....that gives me an idea - Note to self: When looking for a wife, intentionally misquote Homer to see if she catches it.
What's your biggest turn off?: A lack of passion for anything.
Where's the best place to go on a first date?: The zoo! Museum works too, so long as we aren't looking at Byzantine art. Those noses are just repulsive.
Would you date someone who still lived with their parents?: Sure...I think it's different for girls though, they don't have to justify it like we do :p
Who drove a rusted out 30 year old car?: If it didn't die last summer, I'd still be driving a car that's older than me. If a girl wants to do the same, more power to her. I'm not into cars anyways...they could drive whatever they want, save a Hummer...I hate those things.
Who had a tattoo?: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo no no no no no no no no no no!
Who was bald?: If it was by choice, not a chance.
Who was overweight?: Were they an amazing cook?
Who was a lot shorter than you?: No problem
Who had bad BO?: Probably not...

Stargazer0786 said...

Which of the following 5 is most important (Intelligence, Confidence, Sense of Humor, Money, Looks)?: Intelligence
2nd most important?: Confidence
3rd most important: Sense of humor
4th most important?: Looks
5th most important?: Cash
What type of relationship are you looking for?: Marriage - no drama, no games.
What do you notice first?: Eyes, hands, smile, style.
What color of eyes do you prefer? Eyes that maintain good eye contact, color is unimportant.
Do you prefer an aggressive or submissive personality? I want a lover, not a fighter.
How good of a cook should they be?: I accept applications from all levels.
How handy should they be?: Very, I like a guy who can fix stuff.
How "experienced" should they be? NO experience necessary.
What age should they be?: My age or older, I want a man, not a boy.
What color should their hair be? Natural - men with dyed hair are gay.
How long should their hair be? Not long, this isnt the sixties and he isnt in a rock band.
Whats your biggest turn on? Chilvary, pure and simple. Open the door, offer to pay.
What's your biggest turn off? An arrogant know it all.
Where's the best place to go on a first date? The masjid to get the nikkah done. :)
Would you date someone who still lived with their parents? Sure.
Who drove a rusted out 30 year old car? Sure.
Who had a tattoo? Only if he got it before embracing islam - otherwise, why does a muslim guy have a tattoo?
Who was bald? Bald is sexy on certain people, so why not.
Who was overweight? Sure - just not obese. No one wants to smack bellies with a fatty.
Who was a lot shorter than you? No! A guy who is shorter than me is a midget! Can't do midgets.
Who had bad BO? HELLLLLLZ NO! Take a shower and buy some deodorant! being clean is apart of islam.